Akka.Remote.EndpointManager.Receiving C# (CSharp) Метод

Receiving() приватный Метод

private Receiving ( ) : void
Результат void
        private void Receiving()
            * the first command the EndpointManager receives.
            * instructs the EndpointManager to fire off its "Listens" command, which starts
            * up all inbound transports and binds them to specific addresses via configuration.
            * those results will then be piped back to Remoting, who waits for the results of
            * listen.AddressPromise.
            * */
            Receive<Listen>(listen =>
                Listens.ContinueWith<INoSerializationVerificationNeeded>(listens =>
                    if (listens.IsFaulted)
                        return new ListensFailure(listen.AddressesPromise, listens.Exception);
                        return new ListensResult(listen.AddressesPromise, listens.Result);
                }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default)

            Receive<ListensResult>(listens =>
                _transportMapping = (from mapping in listens.Results
                                     group mapping by mapping.Item1.Address
                                           into g
                                     select new { address = g.Key, transports = g.ToList() }).Select(x =>
                                         if (x.transports.Count > 1)
                                             throw new RemoteTransportException(
                                                 string.Format("There are more than one transports listening on local address {0}",
                                         return new KeyValuePair<Address, AkkaProtocolTransport>(x.address,
                                     }).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, v => v.Value);

                //Register a listener to each transport and collect mapping to addresses
                var transportsAndAddresses = listens.Results.Select(x =>
                    x.Item2.SetResult(new ActorAssociationEventListener(Self));
                    return x.Item1;

            Receive<ListensFailure>(failure => failure.AddressesPromise.SetException(failure.Cause));

            // defer the inbound association until we can enter "Accepting" behavior

                ia => Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellOnce(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), Self, ia, Self));
            Receive<ManagementCommand>(mc => Sender.Tell(new ManagementCommandAck(status: false)));
            Receive<StartupFinished>(sf => Become(Accepting));
            Receive<ShutdownAndFlush>(sf =>