AdvancedLauncher.Tools.Imaging.TargaImage.LoadTGAFooterInfo C# (CSharp) Метод

LoadTGAFooterInfo() приватный Метод

Loads the Targa Footer information from the file.
private LoadTGAFooterInfo ( BinaryReader binReader ) : void
binReader System.IO.BinaryReader A BinaryReader that points the loaded file byte stream.
Результат void
        private void LoadTGAFooterInfo(BinaryReader binReader)
            if (binReader != null && binReader.BaseStream != null && binReader.BaseStream.Length > 0 && binReader.BaseStream.CanSeek == true) {
                try {
                    // set the cursor at the beginning of the signature string.
                    binReader.BaseStream.Seek((TargaConstants.FooterSignatureOffsetFromEnd * -1), SeekOrigin.End);

                    // read the signature bytes and convert to ascii string
                    string Signature = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(binReader.ReadBytes(TargaConstants.FooterSignatureByteLength)).TrimEnd('\0');

                    // do we have a proper signature
                    if (string.Compare(Signature, TargaConstants.TargaFooterASCIISignature) == 0) {
                        // this is a NEW targa file.
                        // create the footer
                        this.eTGAFormat = TGAFormat.NEW_TGA;

                        // set cursor to beginning of footer info
                        binReader.BaseStream.Seek((TargaConstants.FooterByteLength * -1), SeekOrigin.End);

                        // read the Extension Area Offset value
                        int ExtOffset = binReader.ReadInt32();

                        // read the Developer Directory Offset value
                        int DevDirOff = binReader.ReadInt32();

                        // skip the signature we have already read it.

                        // read the reserved character
                        string ResChar = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(binReader.ReadBytes(TargaConstants.FooterReservedCharByteLength)).TrimEnd('\0');

                        // set all values to our TargaFooter class
                    } else {
                        // this is not an ORIGINAL targa file.
                        this.eTGAFormat = TGAFormat.ORIGINAL_TGA;
                } catch {
                    // clear all
            } else {
                throw new Exception(@"Error loading file, could not read file from disk.");