Accord.Tests.Statistics.CodificationFilterSvmTest.ApplyTest2 C# (CSharp) Метод

ApplyTest2() приватный Метод

private ApplyTest2 ( ) : void
Результат void
        public void ApplyTest2()
            // Suppose we have a data table relating the age of
            // a person and its categorical classification, as 
            // in "child", "adult" or "elder".

            // The Codification filter is able to extract those
            // string labels and transform them into discrete
            // symbols, assigning integer labels to each of them
            // such as "child" = 0, "adult" = 1, and "elder" = 3.

            // Create the aforementioned sample table
            DataTable table = new DataTable("Sample data");
            table.Columns.Add("Age", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Label", typeof(string));

            //            age   label
            table.Rows.Add(10, "child");
            table.Rows.Add(07, "child");
            table.Rows.Add(04, "child");
            table.Rows.Add(21, "adult");
            table.Rows.Add(27, "adult");
            table.Rows.Add(12, "child");
            table.Rows.Add(79, "elder");
            table.Rows.Add(40, "adult");
            table.Rows.Add(30, "adult");

            // Now, let's say we need to translate those text labels
            // into integer symbols. Let's use a Codification filter:

            Codification codebook = new Codification(table);

            // After that, we can use the codebook to "translate"
            // the text labels into discrete symbols, such as:

            int a = codebook.Translate("Label", "child"); // returns 0
            int b = codebook.Translate("Label", "adult"); // returns 1
            int c = codebook.Translate("Label", "elder"); // returns 2

            // We can also do the reverse:
            string labela = codebook.Translate("Label", 0); // returns "child"
            string labelb = codebook.Translate("Label", 1); // returns "adult"
            string labelc = codebook.Translate("Label", 2); // returns "elder"

            // We can also process an entire data table at once:
            DataTable result = codebook.Apply(table);

            // The resulting table can be transformed to jagged array:
            double[][] matrix = Matrix.ToArray(result);

            // and the resulting matrix will be given by
            string str = matrix.ToString(CSharpJaggedMatrixFormatProvider.InvariantCulture);

            // str == new double[][] 
            // {
            //     new double[] { 10, 0 },
            //     new double[] {  7, 0 },
            //     new double[] {  4, 0 },
            //     new double[] { 21, 1 },
            //     new double[] { 27, 1 },
            //     new double[] { 12, 0 },
            //     new double[] { 79, 2 },
            //     new double[] { 40, 1 },
            //     new double[] { 30, 1 } 
            // };

            // Now we will be able to feed this matrix to any machine learning
            // algorithm without having to worry about text labels in our data:

            int classes = codebook["Label"].Symbols; // 3 classes (child, adult, elder)

            // Use the first column as input variables,
            // and the second column as outputs classes
            double[][] inputs = matrix.GetColumns(new[] { 0 });
            int[] outputs = matrix.GetColumn(1).ToInt32();

            // Create a multi-class SVM for 1 input (Age) and 3 classes (Label)
            var machine = new MulticlassSupportVectorMachine(inputs: 1, classes: classes);

            // Create a Multi-class learning algorithm for the machine
            var teacher = new MulticlassSupportVectorLearning(machine, inputs, outputs);

            // Configure the learning algorithm to use SMO to train the
            //  underlying SVMs in each of the binary class subproblems.
            teacher.Algorithm = (svm, classInputs, classOutputs, i, j) =>
                return new SequentialMinimalOptimization(svm, classInputs, classOutputs)
                    Complexity = 1

            // Run the learning algorithm
            double error = teacher.Run();

            // After we have learned the machine, we can use it to classify
            // new data points, and use the codebook to translate the machine
            // outputs to the original text labels:

            string result1 = codebook.Translate("Label", machine.Compute(10)); // child
            string result2 = codebook.Translate("Label", machine.Compute(40)); // adult
            string result3 = codebook.Translate("Label", machine.Compute(70)); // elder

            Assert.AreEqual(0, a);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, c);
            Assert.AreEqual("child", labela);
            Assert.AreEqual("adult", labelb);
            Assert.AreEqual("elder", labelc);

            Assert.AreEqual("child", result1);
            Assert.AreEqual("adult", result2);
            Assert.AreEqual("elder", result3);
