ABB.Swum.SamuraiIdSplitter.Initialize C# (CSharp) Метод

Initialize() приватный Метод

Reads the necessary data files and initializes the member variables.
private Initialize ( int>.Dictionary programWordCount ) : void
programWordCount int>.Dictionary A dictionary containing the word counts from the local program.
Результат void
        private void Initialize(Dictionary<string, int> programWordCount)
            this.CamelSplitter = new ConservativeIdSplitter();

            //set ProgramWordCount and calculate log of total
            this.ProgramWordCount = programWordCount;
            ulong ProgramTotalWordCount = 0;
            foreach (int value in this.ProgramWordCount.Values)
                ProgramTotalWordCount = ProgramTotalWordCount + (ulong)value;
            this.LogProgramTotalWordCount = Math.Log10(ProgramTotalWordCount);
            //load globalWordCount from default location
            var rawGlobalWordCount = LibFileLoader.ReadWordCount(SwumConfiguration.GetFileSetting("SamuraiIdSplitter.GlobalWordCountFile"), false, IncludeIdentifier);
            this.GlobalWordCount = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            //add weighting to word counts
            foreach (var kvp in rawGlobalWordCount)
                this.GlobalWordCount[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value * Math.Pow((double)kvp.Key.Length - 1, 1.5);

            //read prefix and suffix lists from default locations
            //TODO: the words must be in lowercase. Should we lowercase them on loading, or just assume/require that they're in lowercase in the file?
            this.Prefixes = LibFileLoader.ReadWordList(SwumConfiguration.GetFileSetting("SamuraiIdSplitter.Prefixesfile"));
            this.Suffixes = LibFileLoader.ReadWordList(SwumConfiguration.GetFileSetting("SamuraiIdSplitter.Suffixesfile"));