ABB.Swum.EventHandlerRule.ConstructSwum C# (CSharp) Метод

ConstructSwum() публичный Метод

Constructs the SWUM for the given node, using this rule.
public ConstructSwum ( ProgramElementNode node ) : void
node ABB.Swum.Nodes.ProgramElementNode The node to construct SWUM for.
Результат void
        public override void ConstructSwum(ProgramElementNode node)
            if (node is MethodDeclarationNode)
                var mdn = (MethodDeclarationNode)node;
                mdn.Action = mdn.ParsedName[0].GetNewWord("handle", PartOfSpeechTag.Verb);
                mdn.CreateThemeFromPhrases(mdn.Preamble, mdn.ParsedName);

                mdn.IsReactive = true;

                mdn.SwumRuleUsed = this;