MBEditor.Select C# (CSharp) Метод

Select() публичный статический Метод

public static Select ( Object obj ) : void
obj Object
Результат void
    public static void Select(Object obj)
        // I'm sure this function can be written with fewer lines of code, but we want to keep this clearly layouted
        GameObject newGO = obj as GameObject;
        MBObject newObj = (newGO) ? newGO.GetComponent<MBObject>() : obj != null ? (MBObject)obj : null;
        // Null Prefabs
        if (newObj && PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(newObj) == PrefabType.Prefab)
            newObj = null;

        if (newObj == SelectedObject) return; // nothing changed, exit!

        MBParticleSystem newSys = (newObj) ? newObj.ParticleSystem : null;

        bool InitAll = true;
        bool InitEM = false;

        // Case I: Leaving a system to a non MB object
        if (SelectedParticleSystem && !newSys) {
            if (!Application.isPlaying)
            // detach hook
            EditorApplication.update -= EditorUpdate;
            //EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= OnPlaymodeChange;
        } else
        // Case II: Entering a system from a non MB object
        if (!SelectedParticleSystem && newSys) {
            if (!Application.isPlaying){
                // attach hook

                EditorApplication.update -= EditorUpdate;
                EditorApplication.update += EditorUpdate;
                EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= OnPlaymodeChange;
                EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += OnPlaymodeChange;
                // Load System
                // Initialize Timing
                mRealTime = (float)EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                LastEditorFrameTime = mRealTime;
                newSys.GlobalTime = mRealTime;

        } else
        // Case III: Switching to another system
        if (SelectedParticleSystem && newSys && SelectedParticleSystem != newSys) {
            if (!Application.isPlaying)

            // Load System
            // Initialize Timing
            newSys.GlobalTime = mRealTime;
        else {
            // CASE IV: Selecting within system
            InitAll = false;
            InitEM = (newObj is MBEmitter || (newObj is MBParameter && newObj.Parent != SelectedEmitter));

        SelectedObject = newObj;

        if (_instance) {
            if (InitAll)
            if (InitEM)
            if (_instance.mAutoSelect && SelectedObject)
                Selection.activeGameObject = SelectedObject.gameObject;

            if (SelectedObject is MBParameter)
