GridGenerator.CreateGrids C# (CSharp) Метод

CreateGrids() приватный Метод

private CreateGrids ( ) : void
Результат void
    private void CreateGrids()
        //by default, masks are active
        m_maskActive = true;
        //random seeder for testing
        System.Random testIntGenerator = new System.Random();
        //Game object which is the parent of all the hex tiles
        if(GameObject.Find("HexGrids") == null)
            //parent object to all the grids
            GameObject hexGridGroup = new GameObject("HexGrids");
           		for (int y = 0; y < m_gridNumVer; y++)
                //alternating pattern
                int gridsToDraw = (y%2==0)?m_gridNumHor:m_gridNumHor-1;

                for (int x = 0; x < gridsToDraw; x++)
                    GameObject hex = (GameObject)Instantiate(m_hexPrefab);
           = String.Format("Grid[{0}][{1}]",y,x);
                    //get world coordinates of grid
                    hex.transform.position = CalcWorldCoord(x,y);
                    //assign parent
                    hex.transform.parent = hexGridGroup.transform;
                    Vector2 grid2DPosition = new Vector2(hex.transform.position.x, hex.transform.position.z);
                    //initialise model
                    hex.GetComponent<HexGridModel>().Initialise(grid2DPosition,y,x); //x,y denoting col and row of grid
                    hex.GetComponent<TnGAttribute>().m_height = 1;
                    hex.GetComponent<TnGAttribute>().m_terrainType = TerrainType.normal;
                    hex.tag = "Grid";

                    //add mask to the grid as children
                    GameObject mask = (GameObject)Instantiate(m_hexMaskPrefab);
           = "mask";

                    //set the test bit in terrain component of hexmap to test reference
                    int testInt = testIntGenerator.Next(0,m_gridNumHor);
                    //test case set to 1
                    if(testInt == 1)
                        m_hexGridRefTestNum ++;
                    hex.GetComponent<TestAttribute>().testNum = testInt;