UnityEditor.Handles.CircleHandleCap C# (CSharp) Method

CircleHandleCap() public static method

Draw a circle handle. Pass this into handle functions.

public static CircleHandleCap ( int controlID, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float size, EventType eventType ) : void
controlID int The control ID for the handle.
position Vector3 The world-space position of the handle's start point.
rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion The rotation of the handle.
size float The size of the handle in world-space units.
eventType EventType Event type for the handle to act upon. By design it handles EventType.Layout and EventType.Repaint events.
return void
        public static void CircleHandleCap(int controlID, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float size, EventType eventType)
            if (eventType != EventType.Layout)
                if (eventType == EventType.Repaint)
                    StartCapDraw(position, rotation, size);
                    Vector3 normal = (Vector3) (rotation * new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f));
                    DrawWireDisc(position, normal, size);
                HandleUtility.AddControl(controlID, HandleUtility.DistanceToRectangle(position, rotation, size));

Usage Example

Exemplo n.º 1
        static Vector3 MoveHandlesGUI(Rect rect, Vector3 pivot, Quaternion rotation)
            int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(s_MoveHandleHash, FocusType.Passive);

            Vector3 newPos      = pivot;
            float   discSize    = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(pivot) * 0.2f;
            float   discOpacity = (1 - GUI.color.a);

            Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];
            corners[0] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y) + pivot;
            corners[1] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.y) + pivot;
            corners[2] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.xMax, rect.yMax) + pivot;
            corners[3] = rotation * new Vector2(rect.x, rect.yMax) + pivot;


            bool supportsRectSnapping = Selection.transforms.Length == 1 &&
                                        UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility.SupportsRectLayout(Selection.activeTransform) &&
                                        Selection.activeTransform.parent.rotation == rotation;

            Event     evt       = Event.current;
            EventType eventType = evt.GetTypeForControl(id);
            Plane     guiPlane  = new Plane(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]);

            switch (eventType)
            case EventType.MouseDown:
                bool acceptClick = false;

                if (Tools.vertexDragging)
                    acceptClick = true;
                    acceptClick =
                        evt.button == 0 &&
                        evt.modifiers == 0 &&
                        RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(evt.mousePosition, guiPlane, out s_StartMouseWorldPos) &&
                            SceneViewDistanceToRectangle(corners, evt.mousePosition) == 0f ||
                            (discOpacity > 0 && SceneViewDistanceToDisc(pivot, rotation * Vector3.forward, discSize, evt.mousePosition) == 0f)

                if (acceptClick)
                    s_StartPosition       = pivot;
                    s_StartMousePos       = s_CurrentMousePos = evt.mousePosition;
                    s_Moving              = false;
                    s_LockAxis            = -1;
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = GUIUtility.keyboardControl = id;
                    HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = null;

                    // Calculate snapping values if applicable
                    if (supportsRectSnapping)
                        Transform     transform           = Selection.activeTransform;
                        RectTransform rectTransform       = transform.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                        Transform     transformParent     = transform.parent;
                        RectTransform rectTransformParent = transformParent.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

                        s_StartRectPosition = rectTransform.anchoredPosition;

                        RectTransformSnapping.CalculatePositionSnapValues(transformParent, transform, rectTransformParent, rectTransform);

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    s_CurrentMousePos += evt.delta;
                    if (!s_Moving && (s_CurrentMousePos - s_StartMousePos).magnitude > 3f)
                        s_Moving = true;
                        // Re-raycast to get start mouse pos when effective dragging starts.
                        // This prevents a sudden unsnap when the dragging is enabled.
                        RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(s_CurrentMousePos, guiPlane, out s_StartMouseWorldPos);
                    if (s_Moving)
                        if (Tools.vertexDragging)
                            if (HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects == null)
                            Vector3 near;
                            if (HandleUtility.FindNearestVertex(s_CurrentMousePos, null, out near))
                                // Snap position based on found near vertex
                                newPos      = near;
                                GUI.changed = true;
                            ManipulationToolUtility.minDragDifference = Vector2.zero;
                            Vector3 pos;
                            if (RectHandles.RaycastGUIPointToWorldHit(s_CurrentMousePos, guiPlane, out pos))
                                Vector3 offset = pos - s_StartMouseWorldPos;

                                // Snap to axis
                                if (evt.shift)
                                    // Get offset in rect handles space
                                    offset = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * offset;
                                    // Determine lock axis if not already set
                                    if (s_LockAxis == -1)
                                        s_LockAxis = Mathf.Abs(offset.x) > Mathf.Abs(offset.y) ? 0 : 1;
                                    // Cancel mocement on other axis
                                    offset[1 - s_LockAxis] = 0;
                                    // Put offset back in world space
                                    offset = rotation * offset;
                                    s_LockAxis = -1;

                                if (supportsRectSnapping)
                                    Transform transformParent = Selection.activeTransform.parent;
                                    Vector3   rectPosition    = s_StartRectPosition + transformParent.InverseTransformVector(offset);
                                    rectPosition.z = 0;

                                    Quaternion inverseRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation);
                                    Vector2    snapSize        = Vector2.one * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(newPos) * RectTransformSnapping.kSnapThreshold;
                                    snapSize.x /= (inverseRotation * transformParent.TransformVector(Vector3.right)).x;
                                    snapSize.y /= (inverseRotation * transformParent.TransformVector(Vector3.up)).y;

                                    Vector3 newRectPosition = RectTransformSnapping.SnapToGuides(rectPosition, snapSize);
                                    ManipulationToolUtility.DisableMinDragDifferenceBasedOnSnapping(rectPosition, newRectPosition);
                                    offset = transformParent.TransformVector(newRectPosition - s_StartRectPosition);

                                newPos = s_StartPosition + offset;

                                GUI.changed = true;

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    if (!s_Moving)
                        Selection.activeGameObject = SceneViewPicking.PickGameObject(evt.mousePosition);
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;
                    HandleUtility.ignoreRaySnapObjects = null;

            case EventType.Repaint:
                if (Tools.vertexDragging)
                    RectHandles.RectScalingHandleCap(id, pivot, rotation, 1, EventType.Repaint);
                    Handles.color = Handles.secondaryColor * new Color(1, 1, 1, 1.5f * discOpacity);
                    Handles.CircleHandleCap(id, pivot, rotation, discSize, EventType.Repaint);
                    Handles.color = Handles.secondaryColor * new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3f * discOpacity);
                    Handles.DrawSolidDisc(pivot, rotation * Vector3.forward, discSize);

            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingPosX, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingLeft, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingRight, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingPosY, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingTop, eventType);
            ManipulationToolUtility.DetectDraggingBasedOnMouseDownUp(kChangingBottom, eventType);

All Usage Examples Of UnityEditor.Handles::CircleHandleCap