Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.JSch.getHostKeyRepository C# (CSharp) Method

getHostKeyRepository() public method

public getHostKeyRepository ( ) : Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.HostKeyRepository
return Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.HostKeyRepository
		public HostKeyRepository getHostKeyRepository()
			if(known_hosts==null) known_hosts=new KnownHosts(this);
			return known_hosts; 

Usage Example

        public virtual void FtpDropOff(string fileDirectory, string fileName, Dictionary<string, string> config)
            ChannelSftp channelSftp;

            var url = config["sftpUrl"];
            var username = config["sftpUsername"];
            var password = config["sftpPassword"];
            var knownHostsFile = config["knownHostsFile"];
            var filePath = fileDirectory + fileName;

            var printxml = config["printxml"] == "true";
            if (printxml)
                Console.WriteLine("Sftp Url: " + url);
                Console.WriteLine("Username: "******"Password: "******"Known hosts file path: " + knownHostsFile);

            var jsch = new JSch();

            if (printxml)
                // grab the contents fo the knownhosts file and print
                var hostFile = File.ReadAllText(knownHostsFile);
                Console.WriteLine("known host contents: " + hostFile);


            // setup for diagnostic
            // Get the KnownHosts repository from JSchs
            var hkr = jsch.getHostKeyRepository();
            var hks = hkr.getHostKey();
            HostKey hk;
            if (printxml)
                // Print all knownhosts and keys
                if (hks != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Host keys in " + hkr.getKnownHostsRepositoryID() + ":");
                    foreach (var t in hks)
                        hk = t;
                        Console.WriteLine("local HostKey host: <" + hk.getHost() + "> type: <" + hk.getType() + "> fingerprint: <" + hk.getFingerPrint(jsch) + ">");

            var session = jsch.getSession(username, url);


                // more diagnostic code for troubleshooting sFTP connection errors
                if (printxml)
                    // Print the host key info of the connected server:
                    hk = session.getHostKey();
                    Console.WriteLine("remote HostKey host: <" + hk.getHost() + "> type: <" + hk.getType() + "> fingerprint: <" + hk.getFingerPrint(jsch) + ">");

                var channel = session.openChannel("sftp");
                channelSftp = (ChannelSftp)channel;
            catch (SftpException e)
                throw new LitleOnlineException("Error occured while attempting to establish an SFTP connection", e);
            catch (JSchException e)
                throw new LitleOnlineException("Error occured while attempting to establish an SFTP connection", e);

                if (printxml)
                    Console.WriteLine("Dropping off local file " + filePath + " to inbound/" + fileName + ".prg");
                channelSftp.put(filePath, "inbound/" + fileName + ".prg", ChannelSftp.OVERWRITE);
                if (printxml)
                    Console.WriteLine("File copied - renaming from inbound/" + fileName + ".prg to inbound/" + fileName + ".asc");
                channelSftp.rename("inbound/" + fileName + ".prg", "inbound/" + fileName + ".asc");
            catch (SftpException e)
                throw new LitleOnlineException("Error occured while attempting to upload and save the file to SFTP", e);


All Usage Examples Of Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.JSch::getHostKeyRepository