System.Data.XmlDataLoader.LoadTopMostTable C# (CSharp) Method

LoadTopMostTable() private method

private LoadTopMostTable ( DataTable table ) : void
table DataTable
return void
        private void LoadTopMostTable(DataTable table)
            //        /------------------------------- This one is in topMostNode (backed up to XML DOM)
            //  <Table> /----------------------------- We are here on entrance
            //      <Column>Value</Column>
            //      <AnotherColumn>Value</AnotherColumn>
            //  </Table> ...
            //            \------------------------------ We are here on exit           

            Debug.Assert(table != null, "Table to be loaded is null on LoadTopMostTable() entry");
            Debug.Assert(_topMostNode != null, "topMostNode is null on LoadTopMostTable() entry");
            Debug.Assert(!_isDiffgram, "Diffgram mode is on while we have topMostNode table. This is bad.");

            bool topNodeIsTable = _isTableLevel || (_dataSet.DataSetName != table.TableName);
            // If table name we have matches dataset
            // name top node could be a DataSet OR a table.
            // It's a table overwise.
            DataRow row = null;                                 // Data row we're going to add to this table

            bool matchFound = false;                            // Assume we found no matching elements

            int entryDepth = _dataReader.Depth - 1;              // Store current reader depth so we know when to stop reading
                                                                 // Adjust depth by one as we've read top most element 
                                                                 // outside this method. 
            string textNodeValue;                               // Value of a text node we might have

            Debug.Assert(entryDepth >= 0, "Wrong entry Depth for top most element.");

            int entryChild = _childRowsStack.Count;              // Memorize child stack level on entry

            DataColumn c;                                       // Hold column here
            DataColumnCollection collection = table.Columns;    // Hold column collectio here

            object[] foundColumns = new object[collection.Count];
            // This is the columns data we might find
            XmlNode n;                                          // Need this to pass by reference

            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in _topMostNode.Attributes)
                // Check all attributes in this node

                c = _nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(attr, FIgnoreNamespace(attr)) as DataColumn;
                // Try to mach attribute to column
                if ((c != null) && (c.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute))
                    // If it's a column with attribute mapping
                    n = attr.FirstChild;

                    foundColumns[c.Ordinal] = c.ConvertXmlToObject(GetInitialTextFromNodes(ref n));
                    // Get value
                    matchFound = true;                          // and note we found a matching element

            // Now handle elements. This could be columns or nested tables
            // We'll skip the rest as we have no idea what to do with it.

            // Note: we do not need to read first as we're already as it has been done by caller.

            while (entryDepth < _dataReader.Depth)
                switch (_dataReader.NodeType)
                {                  // Process nodes based on type
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:                       // It's an element
                        object o = _nodeToSchemaMap.GetColumnSchema(table, _dataReader, FIgnoreNamespace(_dataReader));
                        // Get dataset element for this XML element
                        c = o as DataColumn;                        // Perhaps, it's a column?

                        if (c != null)
                        {                          // Do we have matched column in this table?
                                                   // Let's load column data

                            if (foundColumns[c.Ordinal] == null)
                                // If this column was not found before
                                LoadColumn(c, foundColumns);       // Get column value.
                                matchFound = true;                  // Got matched row.
                                _dataReader.Read();                  // Advance to next element. 
                            DataTable nestedTable = o as DataTable;
                            // Perhaps, it's a nested table ?
                            if (nestedTable != null)
                            {            // Do we have matched table in DataSet ?
                                LoadTable(nestedTable, true /* isNested */);
                                // Yes. Load nested table (recursive)
                                matchFound = true;                  // Got matched nested table 
                            else if (ProcessXsdSchema())
                            {          // Check for schema. Skip or load if found.
                                continue;                           // Schema has been found. Process the next element 
                                                                    // we're already at (done by schema processing).
                            {                                  // Not a table or column in this table ?
                                if (!(matchFound || topNodeIsTable))
                                    // Could top node be a DataSet?

                                    return;                         // Assume top node is DataSet 
                                                                    // and stop top node processing
                                _dataReader.Read();                  // Continue to the next element.
                    // Oops. Not supported
                    case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:               // Oops. No support for Entity Reference
                        throw ExceptionBuilder.FoundEntity();
                    case XmlNodeType.Text:                          // It looks like a text.
                    case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:                    // This actually could be
                    case XmlNodeType.CDATA:                         // if we have XmlText in our table
                    case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                        textNodeValue = _dataReader.ReadString();
                        // Get text node value.
                        c = table._xmlText;                          // Get XML Text column from our table

                        if (c != null && foundColumns[c.Ordinal] == null)
                            // If XmlText Column is set
                            // and we do not have data already                
                            foundColumns[c.Ordinal] = c.ConvertXmlToObject(textNodeValue);
                            // Read and store the data

                        _dataReader.Read();                  // We don't process that, skip to the next element.

            _dataReader.Read();                          // Proceed to the next element.

            // It's the time to populate row with loaded data and add it to the table we'we just read to the table

            for (int i = foundColumns.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                // Check all columns
                if (null == foundColumns[i])
                {              // Got data for this column ?
                    c = collection[i];                      // No. Get column for this index

                    if (c.AllowDBNull && c.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Hidden && !c.AutoIncrement)
                        foundColumns[i] = DBNull.Value;     // Assign DBNull if possible
                                                            // table.Rows.Add() below will deal
                                                            // with default values and autoincrement

            row = table.Rows.AddWithColumnEvents(foundColumns);             // Create, populate and add row

            while (entryChild < _childRowsStack.Count)
            {     // Process child rows we might have
                DataRow childRow = (DataRow)_childRowsStack.Pop();
                // Get row from the stack
                bool unchanged = (childRow.RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged);
                // Is data the same as before?
                childRow.SetNestedParentRow(row, /*setNonNested*/ false);
                // Set parent row
                if (unchanged)                              // Restore record if child row's unchanged
                    childRow._oldRecord = childRow._newRecord;