public string FormatEntityFull(DocEntity docEntity, Dictionary<string, DocObject> map, Dictionary<DocObject, bool> included, bool fullListing)
// entity
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// object properties
StringBuilder sbProps = new StringBuilder();
// lists
StringBuilder sbLists = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("ifc:" + docEntity.Name);
// superclass
if (docEntity.BaseDefinition != null)
DocEntity super = map[docEntity.BaseDefinition] as DocEntity;
if (super != null)
sb.AppendLine("\trdfs:subClassOf \tifc:" + super.Name + " ;");
// disjoint
if (subTypesOfEntity.ContainsKey(super.Name))
string tmp = "";
foreach (string subtype in subTypesOfEntity[super.Name])
if (subtype != docEntity.Name)
if (tmp.Length > 0)
tmp += ", ";
tmp += ToOwlClass(subtype) + " ";
if (tmp.Length > 0)
sb.AppendLine("\towl:disjointWith " + tmp + ";");
// abstract class
if (docEntity.IsAbstract())
sb.AppendLine("\trdfs:subClassOf ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t[ ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\trdf:type owl:Class ;");
sb.Append("\t\t\towl:unionOf ( ");
if (subTypesOfEntity.ContainsKey(docEntity.Name))
foreach (string subtype in subTypesOfEntity[docEntity.Name])
sb.Append(ToOwlClass(subtype) + " ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t] ;");
// attributes -> create properties and restrictions
foreach (DocAttribute docAttr in docEntity.Attributes)
// check if Attr must be skipped (1) - not included attribute
if (included != null)
if (!included.ContainsKey(docAttr))
string propname = "";
string propfullname = "";
string invpropname = "";
string invpropfullname = "";
string targetString = docAttr.DefinedType;
DocEntity targetEntity = null;
if (map.ContainsKey(targetString))
targetEntity = map[targetString] as DocEntity;
// check if Attr must be skipped (2) - DERIVE attribute
if (docAttr.Derived != null)
// check if Attr must be skipped (3) - not manageable INVERSE attribute
invpropname = docAttr.Inverse;
if (invpropname != null)
// check if there are problems with inverse and in this case skip the attribute!
// 1) the inverse is an inverse of two or more properties
// 2) a list/array is involved as range in the property or its inverse
// 1)
var key = new Tuple<string, string>(docAttr.Inverse, targetString);
if (attribInverses.ContainsKey(key))
if (attribInverses[key] > 1)
// 2.a)
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.LIST || docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY)
// 2.b)
if (targetEntity != null)
bool toBeSkipped = false;
foreach (DocAttribute docAttrInv in targetEntity.Attributes)
if (docAttrInv.Name == invpropname)
if (docAttrInv.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.LIST || docAttrInv.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY)
toBeSkipped = true;
if (toBeSkipped)
// set actual target
string actualTargetString = ToOwlClass(targetString);
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.LIST || docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY)
string newlistdef = createListClass(actualTargetString);
actualTargetString = actualTargetString + "_List";
if (newlistdef.Length > 0)
DocAttribute docAggregate = docAttr.AggregationAttribute;
while (docAggregate != null)
newlistdef = createListClass(actualTargetString);
actualTargetString = actualTargetString + "_List";
if (newlistdef.Length > 0) sbLists.Append(newlistdef);
docAggregate = docAggregate.AggregationAttribute;
// create property
propname = docAttr.Name;
propfullname = propname + "_" + docEntity.Name;
if (propfullname.Length > 0) propfullname = char.ToLower(propfullname[0]) + propfullname.Substring(1);
propfullname = "ifc:" + propfullname;
sbProps.Append("\trdf:type \towl:ObjectProperty ");
// functional
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.NONE ||
docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.LIST ||
docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY ||
(docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.SET && docAttr.GetAggregationNestingUpper() == 1))
sbProps.Append(", owl:FunctionalProperty ");
// inverse
if (invpropname != null && targetEntity != null)
invpropfullname = invpropname + "_" + targetEntity.Name;
if (invpropfullname.Length > 0) invpropfullname = char.ToLower(invpropfullname[0]) + invpropfullname.Substring(1);
invpropfullname = "ifc:" + invpropfullname;
sbProps.AppendLine("\towl:inverseOf \t" + invpropfullname + " ;");
// domain
sbProps.AppendLine("\trdfs:domain " + ToOwlClass(docEntity.Name) + " ;");
// range
sbProps.AppendLine("\trdfs:range " + actualTargetString + " ;");
// label
sbProps.AppendLine("\trdfs:label \"" + propname + "\" .");
// create restrictions
// only
sb.AppendLine("\trdfs:subClassOf ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t[ ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\trdf:type owl:Restriction ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\towl:allValuesFrom " + actualTargetString + " ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\towl:onProperty " + propfullname);
sb.AppendLine("\t\t] ;");
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.NONE ||
docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.LIST ||
docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY)
sb.AppendLine("\t" + "rdfs:subClassOf ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + "[");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "rdf:type owl:Restriction ;");
if (docAttr.IsOptional)
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:maxQualifiedCardinality \"" + 1 + "\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:qualifiedCardinality \"" + 1 + "\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\towl:onProperty " + propfullname + " ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:onClass " + actualTargetString);
sb.AppendLine("\t\t] ;");
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.SET)
int mincard = 0;
if (docAttr.AggregationLower != null) mincard = Int32.Parse(docAttr.AggregationLower);
int maxcard = 0;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(docAttr.AggregationUpper) || !Int32.TryParse(docAttr.AggregationUpper, out maxcard))
maxcard = 0;
if (docAttr.IsOptional)
mincard = 0;
if (mincard == maxcard && mincard > 0)
sb.AppendLine("\t" + "rdfs:subClassOf ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + "[");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "rdf:type owl:Restriction ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:qualifiedCardinality \"" + mincard + "\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\towl:onProperty " + propfullname + " ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:onClass " + actualTargetString);
sb.AppendLine("\t\t] ;");
if (mincard > 0)
sb.AppendLine("\t" + "rdfs:subClassOf ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + "[");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "rdf:type owl:Restriction ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:minQualifiedCardinality \"" + mincard + "\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\towl:onProperty " + propfullname + " ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:onClass " + actualTargetString);
sb.AppendLine("\t\t] ;");
if (maxcard > 0)
sb.AppendLine("\t" + "rdfs:subClassOf ");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t" + "[");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "rdf:type owl:Restriction ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:maxQualifiedCardinality \"" + maxcard + "\"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\towl:onProperty " + propfullname + " ;");
sb.AppendLine("\t\t\t" + "owl:onClass " + actualTargetString);
sb.AppendLine("\t\t] ;");
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.LIST ||
docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY)
int mincard = 0;
if (docAttr.AggregationLower != null) mincard = Int32.Parse(docAttr.AggregationLower);
int maxcard = 0;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(docAttr.AggregationUpper) || !Int32.TryParse(docAttr.AggregationUpper, out maxcard))
maxcard = 0;
if (docAttr.GetAggregation() == DocAggregationEnum.ARRAY)
mincard = maxcard - mincard + 1;
maxcard = mincard;
if (mincard >= 1)
string cards = "";
cards += WriteMinCardRestr(actualTargetString, propfullname, mincard, true);
cards += " ;";
if (maxcard > 1)
string cards = "";
string emptyListTgt = actualTargetString.Substring(0, actualTargetString.Length - 4) + "EmptyList";
cards += WriteMaxCardRestr(emptyListTgt, propfullname, maxcard, true);
cards += " ;";
sb.AppendLine("\trdf:type \towl:Class .");
if (fullListing)
return sb.ToString();