Emgu.CV.Capture.Start C# (CSharp) Method

Start() public method

Start the grab process in a sperate thread. Once started, use the ImageGrabbed event handler and RetrieveGrayFrame/RetrieveBgrFrame to obtain the images.
public Start ( ) : void
return void
      public void Start()
         _pauseGrabProcess = false;

         if (_captureThread == null || !_captureThread.IsAlive)
            //create a new thread
            ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(Run);
            _captureThread = new Thread(ts);
         else if (_captureThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin)
         else if (_captureThread.ThreadState != ThreadState.Running)

Usage Example

Exemplo n.º 1
      public void TestCodeBookBGModel()
         using (Capture capture = new Capture())
         using (BGCodeBookModel<Bgr> model = new BGCodeBookModel<Bgr>())
            ImageViewer viewer = new ImageViewer();
            Image<Gray, byte> fgMask = capture.QueryFrame().Convert<Gray, Byte>();

            Application.Idle += delegate(Object sender, EventArgs args)
               Mat frame = capture.QueryFrame();
               viewer.Image = model.ForegroundMask; 

      public void TestBlobTracking()
         MCvFGDStatModelParams fgparam = new MCvFGDStatModelParams();
         fgparam.alpha1 = 0.1f;
         fgparam.alpha2 = 0.005f;
         fgparam.alpha3 = 0.1f;
         fgparam.delta = 2;
         fgparam.is_obj_without_holes = 1;
         fgparam.Lc = 32;
         fgparam.Lcc = 16;
         fgparam.minArea = 15;
         fgparam.N1c = 15;
         fgparam.N1cc = 25;
         fgparam.N2c = 25;
         fgparam.N2cc = 35;
         fgparam.perform_morphing = 0;
         fgparam.T = 0.9f;

         BlobTrackerAutoParam<Bgr> param = new BlobTrackerAutoParam<Bgr>();
         param.BlobDetector = new BlobDetector(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BlobDetectorType.CC);
         param.FGDetector = new FGDetector<Bgr>(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ForgroundDetectorType.Fgd, fgparam);
         param.BlobTracker = new BlobTracker(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BLOBTRACKER_TYPE.MSFG);
         param.FGTrainFrames = 10;
         BlobTrackerAuto<Bgr> tracker = new BlobTrackerAuto<Bgr>(param);

         //MCvFont font = new MCvFont(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FontFace.HersheySimplex, 1.0, 1.0);

         using(ImageViewer viewer = new ImageViewer())
         using (Capture capture = new Capture())
            capture.ImageGrabbed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
               //Image<Bgr, Byte> img = capture.RetrieveBgrFrame();

               Image<Bgr, Byte> img = tracker.ForegroundMask.Convert<Bgr, Byte>();
               foreach (MCvBlob blob in tracker)
                  img.Draw((Rectangle)blob, new Bgr(255.0, 255.0, 255.0), 2);
                  img.Draw(blob.ID.ToString(), Point.Round(blob.Center), CvEnum.FontFace.HersheySimplex, 1.0, new Bgr(255.0, 255.0, 255.0));
               viewer.Image = img;
      public void TestCvBlob()
         //MCvFont font = new MCvFont(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FontFace.HersheySimplex, 0.5, 0.5);
         using (CvTracks tracks = new CvTracks())
         using (ImageViewer viewer = new ImageViewer())
         using (Capture capture = new Capture())
         using (Mat fgMask = new Mat())
            //BGStatModel<Bgr> bgModel = new BGStatModel<Bgr>(capture.QueryFrame(), Emgu.CV.CvEnum.BG_STAT_TYPE.GAUSSIAN_BG_MODEL);
            BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 bgModel = new BackgroundSubtractorMOG2(0, 0, true);
            //BackgroundSubstractorMOG bgModel = new BackgroundSubstractorMOG(0, 0, 0, 0);

            capture.ImageGrabbed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
               Mat frame = new Mat();
               bgModel.Apply(frame, fgMask);

               using (CvBlobDetector detector = new CvBlobDetector())
               using (CvBlobs blobs = new CvBlobs())
                  detector.Detect(fgMask.ToImage<Gray, Byte>(), blobs);
                  blobs.FilterByArea(100, int.MaxValue);

                  tracks.Update(blobs, 20.0, 10, 0);

                  Image<Bgr, Byte> result = new Image<Bgr, byte>(frame.Size);

                  using (Image<Gray, Byte> blobMask = detector.DrawBlobsMask(blobs))
                     frame.CopyTo(result, blobMask);
                  //CvInvoke.cvCopy(frame, result, blobMask);

                  foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, CvTrack> pair in tracks)
                     if (pair.Value.Inactive == 0) //only draw the active tracks.
                        CvBlob b = blobs[pair.Value.BlobLabel];
                        Bgr color = detector.MeanColor(b, frame.ToImage<Bgr, Byte>());
                        result.Draw(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.BoundingBox.Location, CvEnum.FontFace.HersheySimplex, 0.5, color);
                        result.Draw(pair.Value.BoundingBox, color, 2);
                        Point[] contour = b.GetContour();
                        result.Draw(contour, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 1);

                  viewer.Image = frame.ToImage<Bgr, Byte>().ConcateVertical(fgMask.ToImage<Bgr, Byte>().ConcateHorizontal(result));
All Usage Examples Of Emgu.CV.Capture::Start