Dynamic_Games.NonCoopForm.DelPlayerButton_Click C# (CSharp) Method

DelPlayerButton_Click() private method

private DelPlayerButton_Click ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e EventArgs
return void
        private async void DelPlayerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // You can not delete a player if there are only two of them left
            if (N < 3)
                MessageBox.Show("Nah, come on, there are only two players and you want to delete one of 'em? Shame...");

            graphBox.Image = null;

            await PutTaskDelayShort();

            Random rand = new Random();

            int playerId = rand.Next(N);
            int edgeNrTmp = edgeNr;
            int neighborNr = ncManager.NeighborCounter(N, playerId, checkMatrix);

            edgeNrTmp -= neighborNr;

            Tuple<int[,], int[,]> t = ncManager.DelPlayerGenGraph(edgeNrTmp, N, edgeNr, playerId, graph, checkMatrix);
            int[,] tmpGraph = t.Item1;
            int[,] tmpCheckMatrix = t.Item2;

            int minusi = 0, minusj = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                minusj = 0;
                if (i != playerId)
                    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                        if (j != playerId)
                            tmpCheckMatrix[i - minusi, j - minusj] = checkMatrix[i, j];
                            minusj = 1;
                    minusi = 1;

            NoPTB.Text = N + "";

            checkMatrix = new int[N, N];
            checkMatrix = tmpCheckMatrix;

            graph = new int[edgeNrTmp, 2];
            graph = tmpGraph;
            edgeNr = edgeNrTmp;

            if (colors[playerId] == 1)
                nrDefTB.Text = (int.Parse(nrDefTB.Text) - 1) + "";
                NrCoopTB.Text = (int.Parse(nrDefTB.Text) - 1) + "";

            colors = ncManager.DelGenColors(N, playerId, colors);

            selflesness = ncManager.DelGenSelflessness(N, playerId, selflesness);
