BoilerPlate.Program.JoinPatternClass C# (CSharp) Method

JoinPatternClass() static private method

static private JoinPatternClass ( int i, int max ) : string
i int
max int
return string
        static string JoinPatternClass(int i, int max)
            if (!(i<max)) return "";
              string mPatternType = mkmPatternType(i);
              string mPatternDotGetType = Tuple(i);
              string TuplePred = Tuple(i - 1);
              string Projections = mkProjections("", i, "p");
              string Params = mkParams(i);
              string ParamsSucc = mkParams(i + 1);
              string PredParams = (i <= 1) ? "" : "<P"+(i-1)+">";
              string PSucc = "P" + i;
              string pSucc = "p" + i;
              string Pi = "P" + (i - 1);

              object[] args =
            new object[] {
             mPatternType, //1
             Projections,// 3
             i,// 4
             Pi, //5
             PSucc, //6
             TuplePred, //7

              string PairMethod = (i < 1) ? "" :
            (i == 1) ?
            @"   public OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}>> AndPair<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}> channel) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}>>(mRegistrar, new And<{5}, {6}>(mPattern, new Atom<{6}>(channel)), null);
            ", args) :
            @"   public OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}>> AndPair<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}> channel) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}>>(mRegistrar, new And<{7}, Pair<{5}, {6}>>(mPattern.mFst,
                                             new And<{5}, {6}>(mPattern.mSnd, new Atom<{6}>(channel))), null);
            ", args);

              string AndMethod = (i + 1 == max) ? "" :
              /// <summary>
              /// Extends this pattern to wait for one message on <paramref name=""channel""/>.
              /// </summary>
              /// <typeparam name=""" + PSucc + @"""> the type of the channel and additional continuation argument.</typeparam>
              /// <param name=""channel""> the channel to wait on.</param>
              /// <exception cref=""JoinException""> thrown when <paramref name=""channel""/> is null.</exception>
              /// <returns>A new pattern taking a continuation with one additional parameter of type <c>" + PSucc + @"</c> arguments.</returns>
            " +
              (i < 1) ? String.Format(
            @"   public OpenPattern{8}<{6}> And<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}> channel) {{
              return new OpenPattern{8}<{6}>(mRegistrar, new And<{6}>(new Atom<{6}>(channel),mPattern), null);
            , args) :
            @"   public OpenPattern{8}<{6}> And<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}> channel) {{
              return new OpenPattern8<{6}>(mRegistrar, new And<{2},{6}>(mPattern, new Atom<{6}>(channel)), null);
            , args));

              string AndNullaryMethod =
            /// <summary>
            /// Extends this pattern to wait for one message on <paramref name=""channel""/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name=""channel""> the channel to wait on.</param>
            /// <exception cref=""JoinException""> thrown when <paramref name=""channel""/> is null.</exception>
            /// <returns>A new pattern taking a continuation with " + i + @" arguments.</returns>
            " +
            (i <= 1) ?  String.Format(
            @"   public OpenPattern{4}{0} And(Asynchronous.Channel channel) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}{0}(mRegistrar, new And<{2}>(mPattern, new Atom(channel)), null);
            ", args)
              : String.Format(
            @"   public OpenPattern{4}{0} And(Asynchronous.Channel channel) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}{0}(mRegistrar, new And<{7},{5}>(mPattern.mFst, new And<{5}>(mPattern.mSnd,new Atom(channel))), null);
            ", args));

            string AndVecNullaryMethod =
              /// <summary>
              /// Extends this pattern to wait for one message on each channel in the array <paramref name=""channels""/>.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name=""channels""> the array of channels to wait on.</param>
              /// <exception cref=""JoinException""> thrown when <paramref name=""channels""/> is null or contains a null channel.</exception>
              /// <returns>A new pattern taking a continuation with "+ i + @" arguments.</returns>
            " +
               (i <= 1) ? String.Format(
            @"  public OpenPattern{4}{0} And(Asynchronous.Channel[] channels) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}{0}(mRegistrar, new And<{2}>(mPattern, new Vector(channels)), null);
            ", args)
              : String.Format(
            @"  public OpenPattern{4}{0} And(Asynchronous.Channel[] channels) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}{0}(mRegistrar, new And<{7},{5}>(mPattern.mFst, new And<{5}>(mPattern.mSnd,new Vector(channels))), null);
            ", args));

            string AndVecMethod = (i + 1 == max) ? "" :
              /// <summary>
              /// Extends this pattern to wait for one message on each channel in the array <paramref name=""channels""/>.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name=""channels""> the array of channels to wait on.</param>
              /// <exception cref=""JoinException""> thrown when <paramref name=""channels""/> is null or contains a null channel.</exception>
              /// <returns>A new pattern taking a continuation with one additional argument <c>" + pSucc + @"</c> of type <c>" + PSucc+ @"[]</c>, with <c>" + pSucc + @"[i]</c>
              /// containing the value consumed from channel <c>channels[i]</c>.</returns>
            " +

              (i < 1) ? String.Format(
               public OpenPattern{8}<{6}[]> And<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}>[] channels) {{
              return new OpenPattern{8}<{6}[]>(mRegistrar, new And<{6}[]>(new Vector<{6}>(channels),mPattern), null);
            , args) :
               public OpenPattern{8}<{6}[]> And<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}>[] channels) {{
              return new OpenPattern{8}<{6}[]>(mRegistrar, new And<{2},{6}[]>(mPattern, new Vector<{6}>(channels)), null);
            , args));

            string PairVecMethod =
              (i == 0) ? "" :
              (i == 1) ?
               public OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}[]>> AndPair<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}>[] channels) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}[]>>(mRegistrar, new And<{5}, {6}[]>(mPattern, new Vector<{6}>(channels)), null);
            ", args) :
               public OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}[]>> AndPair<{6}>(Asynchronous.Channel<{6}>[] channels) {{
              return new OpenPattern{4}<Pair<{5}, {6}[]>>(mRegistrar, new And<{7}, Pair<{5}, {6}[]>>(mPattern.mFst,
                                             new And<{5}, {6}[]>(mPattern.mSnd, new Vector<{6}>(channels))), null);
            ", args);

              // TODO <typeparamref name=""R""></typeparamref>
              return String.Format(
            /// <summary>
            /// The type of an incomplete join pattern.
            /// <para>
            /// The open  pattern may be refined by an invoking instance method <c>And(ai)</c>, where
            /// <c>ai</c> is an asynchronous channel or array of asynchronous channels,
            /// or completed by invoking <c>Do(d)</c>, where <c>d</c> is the body of the pattern.
            /// The body <c>d</c> is a delegate of type <c>continuation&lt;R{0}&gt;</c> that
            /// returns a value of type <c>R</c>,
            /// and receives the values of the currently joined channels
            /// as delegate parameters.
            /// </para>
            /// </summary>
            ///  <typeparam name=""R""> The return type of this pattern's synchronous channel and continuation.</typeparam>
            public class OpenPattern{4}{0} : JoinPattern<R> {{

               internal {1} mPattern;

               public delegate R continuation(" + mkArgs(i) + @");

               internal continuation mContinuation;

               internal override Pattern GetPattern() {{
              return mPattern;

               internal override R Fire(Join join) {{
              {2} p = mPattern.Get();
              return mContinuation({3});

               internal OpenPattern{4}(Registrar<R> registrar, {1} Pattern, continuation continuation)
              : base(registrar) {{
              mPattern = Pattern;
              mContinuation = continuation;






               /// <summary>
               /// Completes this join pattern with body <paramref name=""continuation""/> and registers it with the current <c>Join</c> instance.
               /// </summary>
               /// <param name=""continuation""> the code to execute when the join pattern is enabled.</param>
               /// <exception cref=""JoinException""> thrown if <paramref name=""continuation""/> is null, the pattern repeats an
               /// asynchronous channel,
               /// an (a)synchronous channel is foreign to this pattern's join instance, the join pattern is redundant,
               /// or the join pattern is empty.
               /// </exception>
               public void Do(continuation continuation) {{
              if (continuation == null) JoinException.NullContinuationException();
              mRegistrar(new OpenPattern{4}{0}(null, mPattern, continuation));
              args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8], AndNullaryMethod, AndMethod, PairMethod, AndVecNullaryMethod, AndVecMethod, PairVecMethod, JoinPatternClass(i + 1, max));