Algorithms.HighResolutionTime.Start C# (CSharp) Method

Start() public static method

public static Start ( ) : void
return void
        public static void Start()
            QueryPerformanceCounter(out mStartCounter);

Usage Example

Exemplo n.º 1
        public List <PathFinderNode> FindPath(Point start, Point end)
            lock (this)

                // Is faster if we don't clear the matrix, just assign different values for open and close and ignore the rest
                // I could have user Array.Clear() but using unsafe code is faster, no much but it is.
                //fixed (PathFinderNodeFast* pGrid = tmpGrid)
                //    ZeroMemory((byte*) pGrid, sizeof(PathFinderNodeFast) * 1000000);

                mFound            = false;
                mStop             = false;
                mStopped          = false;
                mCloseNodeCounter = 0;
                mOpenNodeValue   += 2;
                mCloseNodeValue  += 2;

                #if DEBUGON
                if (mDebugProgress && PathFinderDebug != null)
                    PathFinderDebug(0, 0, start.X, start.Y, PathFinderNodeType.Start, -1, -1);
                if (mDebugProgress && PathFinderDebug != null)
                    PathFinderDebug(0, 0, end.X, end.Y, PathFinderNodeType.End, -1, -1);

                mLocation                   = (start.Y << mGridYLog2) + start.X;
                mEndLocation                = (end.Y << mGridYLog2) + end.X;
                mCalcGrid[mLocation].G      = 0;
                mCalcGrid[mLocation].F      = mHEstimate;
                mCalcGrid[mLocation].PX     = (ushort)start.X;
                mCalcGrid[mLocation].PY     = (ushort)start.Y;
                mCalcGrid[mLocation].Status = mOpenNodeValue;

                while (mOpen.Count > 0 && !mStop)
                    mLocation = mOpen.Pop();

                    //Is it in closed list? means this node was already processed
                    if (mCalcGrid[mLocation].Status == mCloseNodeValue)

                    mLocationX = (ushort)(mLocation & mGridXMinus1);
                    mLocationY = (ushort)(mLocation >> mGridYLog2);

                    #if DEBUGON
                    if (mDebugProgress && PathFinderDebug != null)
                        PathFinderDebug(0, 0, mLocation & mGridXMinus1, mLocation >> mGridYLog2, PathFinderNodeType.Current, -1, -1);

                    if (mLocation == mEndLocation)
                        mCalcGrid[mLocation].Status = mCloseNodeValue;
                        mFound = true;

                    if (mCloseNodeCounter > mSearchLimit)
                        mStopped       = true;
                        mCompletedTime = HighResolutionTime.GetTime();

                    if (mPunishChangeDirection)
                        mHoriz = (mLocationX - mCalcGrid[mLocation].PX);

                    //Lets calculate each successors
                    for (int i = 0; i < (mDiagonals ? 8 : 4); i++)
                        mNewLocationX = (ushort)(mLocationX + mDirection[i, 0]);
                        mNewLocationY = (ushort)(mLocationY + mDirection[i, 1]);
                        mNewLocation  = (mNewLocationY << mGridYLog2) + mNewLocationX;

                        if (mNewLocationX >= mGridX || mNewLocationY >= mGridY)

                        // Unbreakeable?
                        if (mGrid[mNewLocationX, mNewLocationY] == 0)

                        if (mHeavyDiagonals && i > 3)
                            mNewG = mCalcGrid[mLocation].G + (int)(mGrid[mNewLocationX, mNewLocationY] * 2.41);
                            mNewG = mCalcGrid[mLocation].G + mGrid[mNewLocationX, mNewLocationY];

                        if (mPunishChangeDirection)
                            if ((mNewLocationX - mLocationX) != 0)
                                if (mHoriz == 0)
                                    mNewG += Math.Abs(mNewLocationX - end.X) + Math.Abs(mNewLocationY - end.Y);
                            if ((mNewLocationY - mLocationY) != 0)
                                if (mHoriz != 0)
                                    mNewG += Math.Abs(mNewLocationX - end.X) + Math.Abs(mNewLocationY - end.Y);

                        //Is it open or closed?
                        if (mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].Status == mOpenNodeValue || mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].Status == mCloseNodeValue)
                            // The current node has less code than the previous? then skip this node
                            if (mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].G <= mNewG)

                        mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].PX = mLocationX;
                        mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].PY = mLocationY;
                        mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].G  = mNewG;

                        switch (mFormula)
                        case HeuristicFormula.Manhattan:
                            mH = mHEstimate * (Math.Abs(mNewLocationX - end.X) + Math.Abs(mNewLocationY - end.Y));

                        case HeuristicFormula.MaxDXDY:
                            mH = mHEstimate * (Math.Max(Math.Abs(mNewLocationX - end.X), Math.Abs(mNewLocationY - end.Y)));

                        case HeuristicFormula.DiagonalShortCut:
                            int h_diagonal = Math.Min(Math.Abs(mNewLocationX - end.X), Math.Abs(mNewLocationY - end.Y));
                            int h_straight = (Math.Abs(mNewLocationX - end.X) + Math.Abs(mNewLocationY - end.Y));
                            mH = (mHEstimate * 2) * h_diagonal + mHEstimate * (h_straight - 2 * h_diagonal);

                        case HeuristicFormula.Euclidean:
                            mH = (int)(mHEstimate * Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((mNewLocationY - end.X), 2) + Math.Pow((mNewLocationY - end.Y), 2)));

                        case HeuristicFormula.EuclideanNoSQR:
                            mH = (int)(mHEstimate * (Math.Pow((mNewLocationX - end.X), 2) + Math.Pow((mNewLocationY - end.Y), 2)));

                        case HeuristicFormula.Custom1:
                            Point dxy        = new Point(Math.Abs(end.X - mNewLocationX), Math.Abs(end.Y - mNewLocationY));
                            int   Orthogonal = Math.Abs(dxy.X - dxy.Y);
                            int   Diagonal   = Math.Abs(((dxy.X + dxy.Y) - Orthogonal) / 2);
                            mH = mHEstimate * (Diagonal + Orthogonal + dxy.X + dxy.Y);
                        if (mTieBreaker)
                            int dx1   = mLocationX - end.X;
                            int dy1   = mLocationY - end.Y;
                            int dx2   = start.X - end.X;
                            int dy2   = start.Y - end.Y;
                            int cross = Math.Abs(dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1);
                            mH = (int)(mH + cross * 0.001);
                        mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].F = mNewG + mH;

                        #if DEBUGON
                        if (mDebugProgress && PathFinderDebug != null)
                            PathFinderDebug(mLocationX, mLocationY, mNewLocationX, mNewLocationY, PathFinderNodeType.Open, mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].F, mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].G);

                        //It is faster if we leave the open node in the priority queue
                        //When it is removed, it will be already closed, it will be ignored automatically
                        //if (tmpGrid[newLocation].Status == 1)
                        //    //int removeX   = newLocation & gridXMinus1;
                        //    //int removeY   = newLocation >> gridYLog2;
                        //    mOpen.RemoveLocation(newLocation);

                        //if (tmpGrid[newLocation].Status != 1)
                        mCalcGrid[mNewLocation].Status = mOpenNodeValue;

                    mCalcGrid[mLocation].Status = mCloseNodeValue;

                    #if DEBUGON
                    if (mDebugProgress && PathFinderDebug != null)
                        PathFinderDebug(0, 0, mLocationX, mLocationY, PathFinderNodeType.Close, mCalcGrid[mLocation].F, mCalcGrid[mLocation].G);

                mCompletedTime = HighResolutionTime.GetTime();
                if (mFound)
                    int posX = end.X;
                    int posY = end.Y;

                    PathFinderNodeFast fNodeTmp = mCalcGrid[(end.Y << mGridYLog2) + end.X];
                    PathFinderNode     fNode;
                    fNode.F  = fNodeTmp.F;
                    fNode.G  = fNodeTmp.G;
                    fNode.H  = 0;
                    fNode.PX = fNodeTmp.PX;
                    fNode.PY = fNodeTmp.PY;
                    fNode.X  = end.X;
                    fNode.Y  = end.Y;

                    while (fNode.X != fNode.PX || fNode.Y != fNode.PY)
                        #if DEBUGON
                        if (mDebugFoundPath && PathFinderDebug != null)
                            PathFinderDebug(fNode.PX, fNode.PY, fNode.X, fNode.Y, PathFinderNodeType.Path, fNode.F, fNode.G);
                        posX     = fNode.PX;
                        posY     = fNode.PY;
                        fNodeTmp = mCalcGrid[(posY << mGridYLog2) + posX];
                        fNode.F  = fNodeTmp.F;
                        fNode.G  = fNodeTmp.G;
                        fNode.H  = 0;
                        fNode.PX = fNodeTmp.PX;
                        fNode.PY = fNodeTmp.PY;
                        fNode.X  = posX;
                        fNode.Y  = posY;

                    #if DEBUGON
                    if (mDebugFoundPath && PathFinderDebug != null)
                        PathFinderDebug(fNode.PX, fNode.PY, fNode.X, fNode.Y, PathFinderNodeType.Path, fNode.F, fNode.G);

                    mStopped = true;
                mStopped = true;
All Usage Examples Of Algorithms.HighResolutionTime::Start