APITester.Program.NewTest C# (CSharp) Method

NewTest() static private method

static private NewTest ( ) : void
return void
        static void NewTest()
                SalesAPI api = new SalesAPI();

                pcAmerica.DesktopPOS.API.Client.SalesService.Context salesContext = new pcAmerica.DesktopPOS.API.Client.SalesService.Context();
                salesContext.CashierID = "100101";
                salesContext.StoreID = "1001";
                salesContext.StationID = "07";

                pcAmerica.DesktopPOS.API.Client.SalesService.Context context =
                    new pcAmerica.DesktopPOS.API.Client.SalesService.Context();
                context.CashierID = "100101";
                context.StoreID = "1001";
                context.StationID = "07";

                InventoryAPI InvApi = new InventoryAPI();

                pcAmerica.DesktopPOS.API.Client.InventoryService.Context InvContext = new pcAmerica.DesktopPOS.API.Client.InventoryService.Context();
                InvContext.CashierID = "100101";
                InvContext.StationID = "07";
                InvContext.StoreID = "1001";

                // StartNewInvoice - this also automatically locks an invoice so it can't be opened by a terminal
                Invoice inv = api.StartNewInvoice(context, "Luigi" + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString(), "XXOPEN TABS");
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Started new invoice with #: {0}", inv.InvoiceNumber));

                // getting invoice to show locked status should be locked by this station(7)
                inv = api.GetInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber);
                if (inv.Locked == true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invoice #{0} is locked by Station: {1}", inv.InvoiceNumber.ToString(), inv.LockedByStation);
                    Console.WriteLine("Invoice #{0} is unlocked", inv.InvoiceNumber.ToString());
                //setting party size
                api.SetPartySizeForInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber, 3);

                InventoryItem itemToAdd = InvApi.GetItem(InvContext, "SALAD1");
                Guid itemToAddID = Guid.NewGuid();
                LineItem LineItemToAdd = new LineItem() { Id = itemToAddID, ItemName = itemToAdd.ItemName, ItemNumber = itemToAdd.ItemNumber, Price = itemToAdd.Price, Quantity = 1, State = EntityState.Added, Guest = "42" };

                itemToAdd.ModifierGroups = InvApi.GetModiferGroupsForItem(InvContext, itemToAdd.ItemNumber);
                foreach (ModifierGroup ModGroup in itemToAdd.ModifierGroups)
                    Console.WriteLine("ModifierGroup:{0}", ModGroup.ItemName);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}", ModGroup.Prompt);
                    int i = 1;
                    if (ModGroup.Forced == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - NONE", i);
                    //NOTE THIS HAS CHANGED Modifier Items for Groups now are retrieved by calling GetModiferItemsForModiferGroups
                    ModGroup.ModifierItems = InvApi.GetModifierItemsForModifierGroup(InvContext, ModGroup.ItemNumber);
                    foreach (ModifierItem ModItem in ModGroup.ModifierItems)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} : {2}", i, ModItem.ItemNumber, ModItem.ItemName);
                    string answer = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (answer.Length > 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid answer i Choose option 1 is chosen by default");
                        answer = "1";
                    else if (char.IsDigit(answer[0]) == false)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid answer i Choose option 1 chosen by defualt");
                        answer = "1";
                    InventoryItem dressing = InvApi.GetItem(InvContext, ModGroup.ModifierItems[Convert.ToInt32(answer) - 1].ItemNumber);
                    decimal Price = 0;
                    if (ModGroup.Charged == true) { Price = dressing.Price; }
                    inv.LineItems.Add(new LineItem() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ItemName = itemToAdd.ItemName, ItemNumber = dressing.ItemNumber, Price = dressing.Price, Quantity = 1, State = EntityState.Added, Guest = "42" });

                // I created this item with the prompt description status set.
                itemToAdd = InvApi.GetItem(InvContext, "MiscItem");
                itemToAddID = Guid.NewGuid();
                LineItemToAdd = new LineItem() { Id = itemToAddID, ItemName = "Keychain", ItemNumber = itemToAdd.ItemNumber, Price = itemToAdd.Price, Quantity = 1, State = EntityState.Added, Guest = "11" };

                api.ModifyItems(context, inv.InvoiceNumber, inv.LineItems);
                api.UnLockInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber);
                inv = api.GetInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber);
                Console.WriteLine("The invoice has {0} guests", inv.PartySize);
                foreach (LineItem individualItem in inv.LineItems)
                    Console.WriteLine("Guest {0} has ordered: {1}-{2}", individualItem.Guest, individualItem.ItemNumber, individualItem.ItemName);

                //should show this invoice as locked by this station
                api.LockInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber);
                List<OnHoldInfo> onHoldInfos = api.GetAllOnHoldInvoices(context);
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Retrieved {0} OnHoldInfo from GetAllOnHoldInvoices",
                foreach (OnHoldInfo onHoldInfo in onHoldInfos)

                    foreach (OnHoldInfo OHI in onHoldInfos)
                        if (OHI.Locked == true)
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Invoice {0} is locked by Station {1}",
                                                            OHI.InvoiceNumber, OHI.LockedByStation));

                //checking locked status should be locked by this station
                inv = api.GetInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber);
                if (inv.Locked == true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invoice #{0} is locked by Station: {1}", inv.InvoiceNumber.ToString(), inv.LockedByStation);
                    Console.WriteLine("Invoice #{0} is unlocked", inv.InvoiceNumber.ToString());

                api.UnLockInvoice(context, inv.InvoiceNumber);
                onHoldInfos = api.GetAllOnHoldInvoices(context);
                //should show this invoice as unlocked.
                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Retrieved {0} OnHoldInfo from GetAllOnHoldInvoices",
                foreach (OnHoldInfo onHoldInfo in onHoldInfos)

                    foreach (OnHoldInfo OHI in onHoldInfos)
                        if (OHI.Locked == true)
                            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Invoice {0} is locked by Station {1}",
                                                            OHI.InvoiceNumber, OHI.LockedByStation));
                Console.WriteLine("PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE...");