invertika_game.Game.StatusManager.reload C# (CSharp) Method

reload() static private method

static private reload ( ) : void
return void
        static void reload()
            //    XML::Document doc(statusReferenceFile);
            //    xmlNodePtr rootNode = doc.rootNode();

            //    if (!rootNode || !xmlStrEqual(, BAD_CAST "status-effects"))
            //    {
            //        LOG_ERROR("Status Manager: Error while parsing status database ("
            //                  << statusReferenceFile << ")!");
            //        return;
            //    }

            //    LOG_INFO("Loading status reference: " << statusReferenceFile);
            //    for_each_xml_child_node(node, rootNode)
            //    {
            //        if (!xmlStrEqual(, BAD_CAST "status-effect"))
            //            continue;

            //        int id = XML::getProperty(node, "id", 0);
            //        if (id < 1)
            //        {
            //            LOG_WARN("Status Manager: The status ID: " << id << " in "
            //                     << statusReferenceFile
            //                     << " is invalid and will be ignored.");
            //            continue;
            //        }

            //        std::string scriptFile = XML::getProperty(node, "script", std::string());
            //        //TODO: Get these modifiers
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(BASE_ATTR_PHY_ATK_MIN,      XML::getProperty(node, "attack-min",      0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(BASE_ATTR_PHY_ATK_DELTA,      XML::getProperty(node, "attack-delta",      0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(BASE_ATTR_HP,      XML::getProperty(node, "hp",      0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(BASE_ATTR_PHY_RES, XML::getProperty(node, "defense", 0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(CHAR_ATTR_STRENGTH,     XML::getProperty(node, "strength",     0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(CHAR_ATTR_AGILITY,      XML::getProperty(node, "agility",      0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(CHAR_ATTR_DEXTERITY,    XML::getProperty(node, "dexterity",    0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(CHAR_ATTR_VITALITY,     XML::getProperty(node, "vitality",     0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(CHAR_ATTR_INTELLIGENCE, XML::getProperty(node, "intelligence", 0));
            //        modifiers.setAttributeValue(CHAR_ATTR_WILLPOWER,    XML::getProperty(node, "willpower",    0));
            //        StatusEffect *statusEffect = new StatusEffect(id);
            //        if (!scriptFile.empty())
            //        {
            //            std::stringstream filename;
            //            filename << "scripts/status/" << scriptFile;
            //            if (ResourceManager::exists(filename.str()))       // file exists!
            //            {
            //                LOG_INFO("Loading status script: " << filename.str());
            //                std::string engineName =
            //                        Script::determineEngineByFilename(filename.str());
            //                Script *s = Script::create(engineName);
            //                s.loadFile(filename.str());
            //                statusEffect.setScript(s);
            //            } else {
            //                LOG_WARN("Could not find script file \"" << filename.str()
            //                         << "\" for status #"<<id);
            //            }
            //        }
            //        statusEffects[id] = statusEffect;
            //    }