fCraft.SimpleParser.SimpleParser C# (CSharp) Method

SimpleParser() static private method

static private SimpleParser ( ) : System
return System
        static SimpleParser()
            _functions = new Dictionary<string, FuncData>
                    {"sqrt", new FuncData() {Func = new Sqrt(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"abs", new FuncData() {Func = new Abs(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"sign", new FuncData() {Func = new Sign(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"sq", new FuncData() {Func = new Sq(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"exp", new FuncData() {Func = new Exp(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"lg", new FuncData() {Func = new Lg(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"ln", new FuncData() {Func = new Ln(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"log", new FuncData() {Func = new Log(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"sin", new FuncData() {Func = new Sin(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"cos", new FuncData() {Func = new Cos(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"tan", new FuncData() {Func = new Tan(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"sinh", new FuncData() {Func = new Sinh(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"cosh", new FuncData() {Func = new Cosh(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {"tanh", new FuncData() {Func = new Tanh(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}}

            //special operators
            _soperators = new Dictionary<char, FuncData>
                    {'(', new FuncData() {SpecialKind = SpecialOperandKind.LeftParenthesis}},
                    {')', new FuncData() {SpecialKind = SpecialOperandKind.RightParenthesis}},
                    {',', new FuncData() {SpecialKind = SpecialOperandKind.Comma}}

            //'normal' ops
            _operators = new Dictionary<char, FuncData>
                    {'+', new FuncData() {Func = new Sum(), Precedence = 2}},
                    {'*', new FuncData() {Func = new Mul(), Precedence = 3}},
                    {'-', new FuncData() {Func = new Sub(), Precedence = 2}},
                    {'/', new FuncData() {Func = new Div(), Precedence = 3}},
                    {'%', new FuncData() {Func = new Mod(), Precedence = 3}},
                    {'^', new FuncData() {Func = new Pow(), Precedence = 4}},
                    //comparison ops can be used in both ways: as switches in expressions and as "main" ops of equalities and inequalities
                    {'>', new FuncData() {Func = new Greater(), Precedence = 1}},
                    {'<', new FuncData() {Func = new Less(), Precedence = 1}},
                    {'=', new FuncData() {Func = new Equal(), Precedence = 1}},
                    {'&', new FuncData() {Func = new And(), Precedence = 0}},
                    {'|', new FuncData() {Func = new And(), Precedence = 0}},

            //unary ops
            //negate, since it must be distinct from binary minus
            _uoperators = new Dictionary<char, FuncData>
                    {'-', new FuncData() {Func = new Negate(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}},
                    {'!', new FuncData() {Func = new Not(), IsFunctionOrUnary = true}}

            //constants: e, pi
            _consts = new Dictionary<string, IExpressionElement> { { "e", new E() }, { "pi", new Pi() } };