fCraft.PlayerInfo.UnbanAll C# (CSharp) Method

UnbanAll() public method

Unbans given player, their IP address, and all other accounts on IP. Throws PlayerOpException on problems.
public UnbanAll ( [ player, [ reason, bool announce, bool raiseEvents ) : void
player [ Player who is unbanning.
reason [ Reason for unban. May be empty, if permitted by server configuration.
announce bool Whether unban should be publicly announced on the server.
raiseEvents bool Whether RemovingIPBan, RemovedIPBan, /// BanChanging, and BanChanged events should be raised.
return void
        public void UnbanAll( [NotNull] Player player, [CanBeNull] string reason, bool announce, bool raiseEvents )
            if ( player == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "player" );
            if ( reason != null && reason.Trim().Length == 0 )
                reason = null;
            lock ( actionLock ) {
                if ( !player.Can( Permission.Ban, Permission.BanIP, Permission.BanAll ) ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowPermissionMissing( player, this, "unban-all",
                                                         Permission.Ban, Permission.BanIP, Permission.BanAll );

                IPAddress address = LastIP;

                // Check if player is trying to unban self
                if ( player.Info == this || address.Equals( player.IP ) && !player.IsSuper ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowCannotTargetSelf( player, this, "unban-all" );

                // Check if a non-bannable address was given ( or
                if ( address.Equals( IPAddress.None ) || address.Equals( IPAddress.Any ) ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowInvalidIP( player, this, address );

                PlayerOpException.CheckBanReason( reason, player, this, true );
                bool somethingGotUnbanned = false;

                // Unban the IP
                if ( IPBanList.Contains( address ) ) {
                    if ( IPBanList.Remove( address, raiseEvents ) ) {
                        Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity,
                                    "{0} unbanned {1} (UnbanAll {2}). Reason: {3}",
                                    player.Name, address, Name, reason ?? "" );

                        // Announce unban on the server
                        if ( announce ) {
                            var can = Server.Players.Can( Permission.ViewPlayerIPs );
                            can.Message( "&WPlayer {0}&W was IP-unbanned ({1}) by {2}",
                                         ClassyName, address, player.ClassyName );
                            var cant = Server.Players.Cant( Permission.ViewPlayerIPs );
                            cant.Message( "&WPlayer {0}&W was IP-unbanned by {1}",
                                          ClassyName, player.ClassyName );

                        somethingGotUnbanned = true;

                // Unban individual players
                PlayerInfo[] allPlayersOnIP = PlayerDB.FindPlayers( address );
                foreach ( PlayerInfo targetAlt in allPlayersOnIP ) {
                    if ( targetAlt.BanStatus != BanStatus.Banned )

                    // Raise PlayerInfo.BanChanging event
                    PlayerInfoBanChangingEventArgs e = new PlayerInfoBanChangingEventArgs( targetAlt, player, true, reason, announce );
                    if ( raiseEvents ) {
                        RaiseBanChangingEvent( e );
                        if ( e.Cancel )
                        reason = e.Reason;

                    // Do the ban
                    if ( targetAlt.ProcessUnban( player.Name, reason ) ) {
                        if ( raiseEvents ) {
                            RaiseBanChangedEvent( e );

                        // Log and announce ban
                        Logger.Log( LogType.UserActivity,
                                    "{0} unbanned {1} (UnbanAll {2}). Reason: {3}",
                                    player.Name, targetAlt.Name, Name, reason ?? "" );
                        if ( announce ) {
                            if ( targetAlt == this ) {
                                Server.Message( "&WPlayer {0}&W was unbanned by {1}&W (UnbanAll)",
                                                targetAlt.ClassyName, player.ClassyName );
                            } else {
                                Server.Message( "&WPlayer {0}&W was unbanned by {1}&W by association with {2}",
                                                targetAlt.ClassyName, player.ClassyName, ClassyName );
                        somethingGotUnbanned = true;

                // If no one ended up getting unbanned, quit here
                if ( !somethingGotUnbanned ) {
                    PlayerOpException.ThrowNoOneToUnban( player, this, address );

                // Announce UnbanAll reason towards the end of all unbans
                if ( announce && ConfigKey.AnnounceKickAndBanReasons.Enabled() && reason != null ) {
                    Server.Message( "&WUnbanAll reason: {0}", reason );