WFA_psychometric_chart.Form1_main.PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone C# (CSharp) Method

PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone() public method

it plots outer border lines for editing comfort zone normaly 2 lines vertical and 2 spline horizontal are drawn vertical line represent temperature and horizontal line runs through in humidity line
public PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone ( double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c ) : void
Tmin double minimum temperature in deg Cel
Tmax double maximum temperature in Deg Cel
Hmin double minimum humidity in % like 30%
Hmax double maximum humidity in % like 40%
c Color color value
return void
        public void PlotOuterBorderForComfortZone(double Tmin, double Tmax, double Hmin, double Hmax, Color c)

            //Check out-of-bound condition 
            if ((Tmin < 0 || Tmin > 50)|| (Tmax < 0 || Tmax > 50))
            if ((Hmin < 0 || Hmin > 100) || (Hmax < 0 || Hmax > 100))

            //This function will help to plot the values in the chart.

            //First reset the series if present and the re add them


            Series leftSideSeries = new Series("Vertical_Temp_Left_Side");

            if (chart1.Series.IndexOf(leftSideSeries.Name) != -1)

                //Now adding it
            leftSideSeries.Color = c;
            leftSideSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line ;
            leftSideSeries.BorderWidth = 3;
            //This series is for down side 
            Series rightSideSeries = new Series("Vertical_Temp_Right_Side");

            if (chart1.Series.IndexOf(rightSideSeries.Name) != -1)
                //--This  means the series is present....

            //Now adding it
            rightSideSeries.Color = c;
            rightSideSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
            rightSideSeries.BorderWidth = 3;

            Series downSideSeries = new Series("Horizontal_Hum_Down_Side" );

                if (chart1.Series.IndexOf(downSideSeries.Name) != -1)
                    //--This  means the series is present....

            //Now adding it
            downSideSeries.Color = c;
            downSideSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
            downSideSeries.BorderWidth = 3;

            Series upperSideSeries = new Series("Horizontal_Hum_Upper_Side");

            if (chart1.Series.IndexOf(upperSideSeries.Name) != -1)
                //--This  means the series is present....

            //Now adding it
            upperSideSeries.Color = c;
            upperSideSeries.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
            upperSideSeries.BorderWidth = 3;

            //Now lets do the actual plotting part.

            double phi_min = Hmin / 100;//need to change to decimal
            double phi_max = Hmax / 100;

            //This one is for adding horizontal lines 
            double phi = phi_min; //0.1;            
            double x2 = 0;
          //  double indexValue = Hmin;
            double patm1 = AirPressureFromDB * 0.001;//101.325; ;//thsi need tochange

            for (int temp = (int)Tmin; temp <= (int)Tmax; temp++)              

                    double pg_valueX = Double.Parse(pg[temp].ToString());
                    double wg_calcX = (622 * phi_min * pg_valueX / (patm1 - phi_min * pg_valueX));
                    double y =wg_calcX;
                    x2 = temp;//double.Parse(t[i].ToString());
                    chart1.Series["Horizontal_Hum_Down_Side"].Points.AddXY(x2, y);   //Lower Humidity line
                //if (temp == (int)Tmin)
                //    lb_test1.Text += "horizontal humdown x2-" + x2 + ",y -" + y;
                }//close of for

            //--Now adding the upper side humidity lines 
           // phi = phi_max;
            for (int temp = (int)Tmin; temp <= (int)Tmax; temp++)
            //for (double temp = Tmin; temp <Tmax;temp+=0.25)

                double pg_value = Double.Parse(pg[temp].ToString());
                double wg_calc = (622 * phi_max * pg_value / (patm1 - phi_max * pg_value));
                double y =wg_calc;
                x2 = temp;//double.Parse(t[i].ToString());
                chart1.Series["Horizontal_Hum_Upper_Side"].Points.AddXY(x2, y);   //Lower Humidity line

            }//close of for

            int dataPointNumber =(int)(Tmax - Tmin) / 2;//Middle value    
                                                        //Now lets add the text to these
            string upperHumText = "H= "+(int)Hmax;
            string lowerHumText = "H= "+(int)Hmin;
            chart1.Series["Horizontal_Hum_Upper_Side"].Points[dataPointNumber].Label = upperHumText;
            chart1.Series["Horizontal_Hum_Down_Side"].Points[dataPointNumber].Label = lowerHumText;

            //--Now lets add the two lines min temp and max temp lines
            //Yvalue of lower left part line
            int min_temperature = (int)Tmin;
            double min_humidity_yvalue_y1 = 0;
           // phi = phi_min;
            double pg_value11 = Double.Parse(pg[min_temperature].ToString());
            double wg_calc11 = (622 * phi_min * pg_value11 / (patm1 - phi_min * pg_value11));
            double y1 = wg_calc11;
            min_humidity_yvalue_y1 = y1;  // Math.Round(y1,2);//This contains the min humidity  lower section value

            //Yvalue of upper left part  line          
            double min_humidity_yvalue_y2 = 0;
           // phi = phi_min;
            double pg_value1122 = Double.Parse(pg[min_temperature].ToString());
            double wg_calc1122 = (622 * phi_max * pg_value1122 / (patm1 - phi_max * pg_value1122));
            double y122 = wg_calc1122;
            min_humidity_yvalue_y2 = y122;  //Math.Round(y122, 2);//This contains the min humidity upper section value

            //Yvalue of the lower right part line 
            int max_temperature = (int)Tmax;
           double  max_humidity_yvalue_y1 = 0;
           // phi = phi_max;
            double pg_value12 = Double.Parse(pg[max_temperature].ToString());
            double wg_calc1223 = (622 * phi_min * pg_value12 / (patm1 - phi_min * pg_value12));
            double y21 = wg_calc1223;
            max_humidity_yvalue_y1 = y21;//  Math.Round(y21, 2);

            //Yvalue of the upper right part line
            double max_humidity_yvalue_y2 = 0;
           // phi = phi_max;
            double pg_value123 = Double.Parse(pg[max_temperature].ToString());
            double wg_calc123 = (622 * phi_max * pg_value123 / (patm1 - phi_max * pg_value12));
            double y23 = wg_calc123;
            max_humidity_yvalue_y2 = y23;//  Math.Round(y23, 2);

            //lets find the value between min_hum_yvalue and max_hum_yvalue so we can label at that position
            int midHumYvalueByDifference =(int) (min_humidity_yvalue_y1 + min_humidity_yvalue_y2) / 2;

            int midHumDiffYvalueForRightSideLine =(int) (max_humidity_yvalue_y1 + max_humidity_yvalue_y2) / 2;

            //Now lets actually add to the series 
            //First to the left side
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Left_Side"].Points.AddXY((int)Tmin, min_humidity_yvalue_y1); // same as  (x1,y1) for left side
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Left_Side"].Points.AddXY((int)Tmin, midHumYvalueByDifference);//This is middle point (x_mid,y_mid)
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Left_Side"].Points.AddXY((int)Tmin, min_humidity_yvalue_y2);  // same as  (x2,y2) for left side

            //Now testing
           // if (temp == (int)Tmin)
           // {
              //  lb_test1.Text += "\n Vertical left side minT-" + Tmin + ",minHumY lower -" + min_humidity_yvalue_y1;

            //Now to the right side
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Right_Side"].Points.AddXY((int)Tmax, max_humidity_yvalue_y1);   // same as  (x1,y1) for right side
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Right_Side"].Points.AddXY((int)Tmax, midHumDiffYvalueForRightSideLine);  //This is middle
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Right_Side"].Points.AddXY((int)Tmax, max_humidity_yvalue_y2);   // same as  (x2,y2) for right side

            //--Now adding text to left and right side of line
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Left_Side"].Points[1].Label = "T= "+(int)Tmin;
            chart1.Series["Vertical_Temp_Right_Side"].Points[1].Label = "T= "+ (int)Tmax;
            //Refresh  the chart now
            chart1.Refresh();//This is for refresh

        } //Close of our function