VAGSuite.ExcelInterface.ExportToExcel C# (CSharp) Method

ExportToExcel() public method

public ExportToExcel ( string mapname, int address, int length, byte mapdata, int cols, int rows, bool isSixteenbit, int xaxisvalues, int yaxisvalues, bool isupsidedown, string xaxisdescr, string yaxisdescr, string zaxisdescr ) : void
mapname string
address int
length int
mapdata byte
cols int
rows int
isSixteenbit bool
xaxisvalues int
yaxisvalues int
isupsidedown bool
xaxisdescr string
yaxisdescr string
zaxisdescr string
return void
        public void ExportToExcel(string mapname, int address, int length, byte[] mapdata, int cols, int rows, bool isSixteenbit, int[] xaxisvalues, int[] yaxisvalues, bool isupsidedown, string xaxisdescr, string yaxisdescr, string zaxisdescr)
            CultureInfo tci = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = tci;

                    if (xla == null)
                        xla = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
                catch (Exception xlaE)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to create office application interface: " + xlaE.Message);

                // turn mapdata upside down
                if (isupsidedown)
                    mapdata = TurnMapUpsideDown(mapdata, cols, rows, isSixteenbit);

                xla.Visible = true;
                Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook wb = xla.Workbooks.Add(XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet ws = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)xla.ActiveSheet;
                ws.Name = "symboldata";

                // Now create the chart.
                ChartObjects chartObjs = (ChartObjects)ws.ChartObjects(Type.Missing);
                ChartObject chartObj = chartObjs.Add(100, 400, 400, 300);
                Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Chart xlChart = chartObj.Chart;

                int nRows = rows;
                //if (isSixteenbit) nRows /= 2;
                int nColumns = cols;
                string upperLeftCell = "B3";
                int endRowNumber = System.Int32.Parse(upperLeftCell.Substring(1)) + nRows - 1;
                char endColumnLetter = System.Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(upperLeftCell[0]) + nColumns - 1);
                string upperRightCell = System.String.Format("{0}{1}", endColumnLetter, System.Int32.Parse(upperLeftCell.Substring(1)));
                string lowerRightCell = System.String.Format("{0}{1}", endColumnLetter, endRowNumber);
                // Send single dimensional array to Excel:

                Range rg1 = ws.get_Range("B2", "Z2");
                double[] xarray = new double[nColumns];
                double[] yarray = new double[nRows];
                ws.Cells[1, 1] = "Data for " + mapname;
                for (int i = 0; i < xarray.Length; i++)
                    if (xaxisvalues.Length > i)
                        xarray[i] = (int)xaxisvalues.GetValue(i);
                        xarray[i] = i;
                    //ws.Cells[i + 3, 1] = xarray[i];
                    ws.Cells[2, 2 + i] = xarray[i];
                for (int i = 0; i < yarray.Length; i++)
                    if (yaxisvalues.Length > i)
                        if (isupsidedown)
                            yarray[i] = (int)yaxisvalues.GetValue((yarray.Length - 1) - i);
                            yarray[i] = (int)yaxisvalues.GetValue(i);
                        yarray[i] = i;
                    ws.Cells[i + 3, 1] = yarray[i];
                    //ws.Cells[2, 2 + i] = yarray[i];

                Range rg = ws.get_Range(upperLeftCell, lowerRightCell);
                rg.Value2 = AddData(nRows, nColumns, mapdata, isSixteenbit);

                Range chartRange = ws.get_Range("A2", lowerRightCell);

                xlChart.SetSourceData(chartRange, Type.Missing);
                if (yarray.Length > 1)
                    xlChart.ChartType = XlChartType.xlSurface;

                // Customize axes:
                Axis xAxis = (Axis)xlChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlCategory,
                xAxis.HasTitle = true;
                xAxis.AxisTitle.Text = yaxisdescr;
                    Axis yAxis = (Axis)xlChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlSeriesAxis,
                    yAxis.HasTitle = true;
                    yAxis.AxisTitle.Text = xaxisdescr;
                catch (Exception E)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to set y axis: " + E.Message);

                Axis zAxis = (Axis)xlChart.Axes(XlAxisType.xlValue,
                zAxis.HasTitle = true;
                zAxis.AxisTitle.Text = zaxisdescr;

                // Add title:
                xlChart.HasTitle = true;

                xlChart.ChartTitle.Text = mapname;

                // Remove legend:
                xlChart.HasLegend = false;
                // add 3d shade
                xlChart.SurfaceGroup.Has3DShading = true;
                /*if (File.Exists(m_currentfile + "~" + mapname + ".xls"))

                    wb.SaveAs(Tools.Instance.m_currentfile + "~" + mapname + ".xls", Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, null, null, false, false, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, false, null, null, null, null);
                catch (Exception sE)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to save workbook: " + sE.Message);
            catch (Exception E)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to export to excel: " + E.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to export to excel: " + E.Message);
            tci = new CultureInfo("nl-NL");
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = tci;

Usage Example

Example #1
        private void StartExcelExport()
            ExcelInterface excelInterface = new ExcelInterface();
            if (gridViewSymbols.SelectedRowsCount > 0)
                int[] selrows = gridViewSymbols.GetSelectedRows();
                if (selrows.Length > 0)
                    SymbolHelper sh = (SymbolHelper)gridViewSymbols.GetRow((int)selrows.GetValue(0));
                    //DataRowView dr = (DataRowView)gridViewSymbols.GetRow((int)selrows.GetValue(0));
                    //frmTableDetail tabdet = new frmTableDetail();
                    string Map_name = sh.Varname;
                    if ((Map_name.StartsWith("2D") || Map_name.StartsWith("3D")) && sh.Userdescription != "") Map_name = sh.Userdescription;
                    int columns = 8;
                    int rows = 8;
                    int tablewidth = GetTableMatrixWitdhByName(Tools.Instance.m_currentfile, Tools.Instance.m_symbols, Map_name, out columns, out rows);

                    int address = (int)sh.Flash_start_address;
                    if (address != 0)
                        int length = sh.Length;

                        byte[] mapdata = Tools.Instance.readdatafromfile(Tools.Instance.m_currentfile, address, length, Tools.Instance.m_currentFileType);
                        int[] xaxis = GetXaxisValues(Tools.Instance.m_currentfile, Tools.Instance.m_symbols, Map_name);
                        int[] yaxis = GetYaxisValues(Tools.Instance.m_currentfile, Tools.Instance.m_symbols, Map_name);
                        Map_name = Map_name.Replace(",", "");
                        Map_name = Map_name.Replace("[", "");
                        Map_name = Map_name.Replace("]", "");

                        excelInterface.ExportToExcel(Map_name, address, length, mapdata, columns, rows, true, xaxis, yaxis, m_appSettings.ShowTablesUpsideDown, sh.X_axis_descr, sh.Y_axis_descr, sh.Z_axis_descr);
                frmInfoBox info = new frmInfoBox("No symbol selected in the primary symbol list");