Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel.GetForces C# (CSharp) Method

GetForces() public method

Returns the total aerodynamic forces that would be applied on the vessel if it was at bodySpacePosition with bodySpaceVelocity relatively to the specified celestial body This method makes use of the cache if available, otherwise it will call ComputeForces.
public GetForces ( CelestialBody body, UnityEngine.Vector3d bodySpacePosition, UnityEngine.Vector3d airVelocity, double angleOfAttack ) : UnityEngine.Vector3d
body CelestialBody
bodySpacePosition UnityEngine.Vector3d
airVelocity UnityEngine.Vector3d
angleOfAttack double
return UnityEngine.Vector3d
        public Vector3d GetForces(CelestialBody body, Vector3d bodySpacePosition, Vector3d airVelocity, double angleOfAttack)
            if (body != vessel_.mainBody)
                throw new Exception("Can't predict aerodynamic forces on another body in current implementation");

            double altitudeAboveSea = bodySpacePosition.magnitude - body.Radius;
            if (altitudeAboveSea > body.atmosphereDepth)

            if (!UseCache)
                return ComputeForces(altitudeAboveSea, airVelocity, bodySpacePosition, angleOfAttack);
            Vector3d force = cachedForces.GetForce(airVelocity.magnitude, angleOfAttack, altitudeAboveSea);

            // adjust force using the more accurate air density that we can compute knowing where the vessel is relatively to the sun and body
            //Vector3d position = body.position + bodySpacePosition;
            //double preciseRho = StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(position, body);
            //double approximateRho = StockAeroUtil.GetDensity(altitude, body);
            //if (approximateRho > 0)
            //    force = force * (float)(preciseRho / approximateRho);

            Vector3d forward = airVelocity.normalized;
            Vector3d right = Vector3d.Cross(forward, bodySpacePosition).normalized;
            Vector3d up = Vector3d.Cross(right, forward).normalized;

            return forward * force.x + up * force.y;

Usage Example

Example #1
        private IEnumerable <bool> AddPatch(VesselState startingState, DescentProfile profile)
            if (null == vessel_.patchedConicSolver)
                UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Trajectories: AddPatch() attempted when patchedConicsSolver is null; Skipping.");
                yield break;

            CelestialBody body = startingState.referenceBody;

            var patch = new Patch();

            patch.startingState = startingState;
            patch.isAtmospheric = false;
            patch.spaceOrbit    = startingState.stockPatch ?? createOrbitFromState(startingState);
            patch.endTime       = patch.startingState.time + patch.spaceOrbit.period;

            // the flight plan does not always contain the first patches (before the first maneuver node), so we populate it with the current orbit and associated encounters etc.
            var flightPlan = new List <Orbit>();

            for (var orbit = vessel_.orbit; orbit != null && orbit.activePatch; orbit = orbit.nextPatch)
                if (vessel_.patchedConicSolver.flightPlan.Contains(orbit))

            foreach (var orbit in vessel_.patchedConicSolver.flightPlan)

            Orbit nextStockPatch = null;

            if (startingState.stockPatch != null)
                int planIdx = flightPlan.IndexOf(startingState.stockPatch);
                if (planIdx >= 0 && planIdx < flightPlan.Count - 1)
                    nextStockPatch = flightPlan[planIdx + 1];

            if (nextStockPatch != null)
                patch.endTime = nextStockPatch.StartUT;

            double maxAtmosphereAltitude = RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude(body);

            double minAltitude = patch.spaceOrbit.PeA;

            if (patch.endTime < startingState.time + patch.spaceOrbit.timeToPe)
                minAltitude = patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.endTime).magnitude;
            if (minAltitude < maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                double entryTime;
                if (startingState.position.magnitude <= body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                    // whole orbit is inside the atmosphere
                    entryTime = startingState.time;
                    // binary search of entry time in atmosphere
                    // I guess an analytic solution could be found, but I'm too lazy to search it
                    double from = startingState.time;
                    double to   = from + patch.spaceOrbit.timeToPe;

                    int loopCount = 0;
                    while (to - from > 0.1)
                        if (loopCount > 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("WARNING: infinite loop? (Trajectories.Trajectory.AddPatch, atmosphere limit search)");
                        double middle = (from + to) * 0.5;
                        if (patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(middle).magnitude < body.Radius + maxAtmosphereAltitude)
                            to = middle;
                            from = middle;

                    entryTime = to;

                if (entryTime > startingState.time + 0.1)
                    // add the space patch before atmospheric entry
                    patch.endTime = entryTime;

                    if (body.atmosphere)
                        AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                            position      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime)),
                            referenceBody = body,
                            time          = entryTime,
                            velocity      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime))
                        yield break;
                        // the body has no atmosphere, so what we actually computed is the impact on the body surface
                        // now, go back in time until the impact point is above the ground to take ground height in account
                        // we assume the ground is horizontal around the impact position
                        double groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, calculateRotatedPosition(body, Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime)), entryTime)) + body.Radius;

                        double iterationSize = 1.0;
                        while (entryTime > startingState.time + iterationSize && patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime).magnitude < groundAltitude)
                            entryTime -= iterationSize;

                        patch.endTime           = entryTime;
                        patch.rawImpactPosition = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime));
                        patch.impactPosition    = calculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.rawImpactPosition.Value, entryTime);
                        patch.impactVelocity    = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime));
                        AddPatch_outState = null;
                        yield break;
                    if (patch.startingState.referenceBody != vessel_.mainBody)
                        // in current aerodynamic prediction code, we can't handle predictions for another body, so we stop here
                        AddPatch_outState = null;
                        yield break;

                    // simulate atmospheric flight (drag and lift), until landing (more likely to be a crash as we don't predict user piloting) or atmosphere exit (typically for an aerobraking maneuver)
                    // the simulation assumes a constant angle of attack

                    patch.isAtmospheric            = true;
                    patch.startingState.stockPatch = null;

                    double dt = 0.1;                             // lower dt would be more accurate, but a tradeoff has to be found between performances and accuracy

                    int maxIterations = (int)(30.0 * 60.0 / dt); // some shallow entries can result in very long flight, for performances reasons, we limit the prediction duration

                    int    chunkSize          = 128;
                    double trajectoryInterval = 10.0; // time between two consecutive stored positions (more intermediate positions are computed for better accuracy), also used for ground collision checks
                    var    buffer             = new List <Point[]>();
                    buffer.Add(new Point[chunkSize]);
                    int nextPosIdx = 0;

                    Vector3d pos     = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(entryTime));
                    Vector3d vel     = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(entryTime));
                    Vector3d prevPos = pos - vel * dt;
                    //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("initial vel", "initial vel = " + vel);
                    double   currentTime               = entryTime;
                    double   lastPositionStoredUT      = 0;
                    Vector3d lastPositionStored        = new Vector3d();
                    bool     hitGround                 = false;
                    int      iteration                 = 0;
                    int      incrementIterations       = 0;
                    int      minIterationsPerIncrement = maxIterations / Settings.fetch.MaxFramesPerPatch;
                    while (true)

                        if (incrementIterations > minIterationsPerIncrement && incrementTime_.ElapsedMilliseconds > MaxIncrementTime)
                            yield return(false);

                            incrementIterations = 0;

                        double R               = pos.magnitude;
                        double altitude        = R - body.Radius;
                        double atmosphereCoeff = altitude / maxAtmosphereAltitude;
                        if (hitGround || atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || atmosphereCoeff >= 1.0 || iteration == maxIterations || currentTime > patch.endTime)
                            if (hitGround || atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0)
                                patch.rawImpactPosition = pos;
                                patch.impactPosition    = calculateRotatedPosition(body, patch.rawImpactPosition.Value, currentTime);
                                patch.impactVelocity    = vel;

                            patch.endTime = Math.Min(currentTime, patch.endTime);

                            int totalCount = (buffer.Count - 1) * chunkSize + nextPosIdx;
                            patch.atmosphericTrajectory = new Point[totalCount];
                            int outIdx = 0;
                            foreach (var chunk in buffer)
                                foreach (var p in chunk)
                                    if (outIdx == totalCount)
                                    patch.atmosphericTrajectory[outIdx++] = p;

                            if (iteration == maxIterations)
                                ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("WARNING: trajectory prediction stopped, too many iterations");
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                            else if (atmosphereCoeff <= 0.0 || hitGround)
                                AddPatch_outState = null;
                                yield break;
                                AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                                    position      = pos,
                                    velocity      = vel,
                                    referenceBody = body,
                                    time          = patch.endTime
                                yield break;

                        Vector3d gravityAccel = pos * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

                        //Util.PostSingleScreenMessage("prediction vel", "prediction vel = " + vel);
                        Vector3d airVelocity      = vel - body.getRFrmVel(body.position + pos);
                        double   angleOfAttack    = profile.GetAngleOfAttack(body, pos, airVelocity);
                        Vector3d aerodynamicForce = aerodynamicModel_.GetForces(body, pos, airVelocity, angleOfAttack);
                        Vector3d acceleration     = gravityAccel + aerodynamicForce / aerodynamicModel_.mass;

                        // acceleration in the vessel reference frame is acceleration - gravityAccel
                        maxAccelBackBuffer_ = Math.Max((float)(aerodynamicForce.magnitude / aerodynamicModel_.mass), maxAccelBackBuffer_);

                        //vel += acceleration * dt;
                        //pos += vel * dt;

                        // Verlet integration (more precise than using the velocity)
                        Vector3d ppos = prevPos;
                        prevPos = pos;
                        pos     = pos + pos - ppos + acceleration * (dt * dt);
                        vel     = (pos - prevPos) / dt;

                        currentTime += dt;

                        double interval = altitude < 10000.0 ? trajectoryInterval * 0.1 : trajectoryInterval;
                        if (currentTime >= lastPositionStoredUT + interval)
                            double groundAltitude = GetGroundAltitude(body, calculateRotatedPosition(body, pos, currentTime));
                            if (lastPositionStoredUT > 0)
                                // check terrain collision, to detect impact on mountains etc.
                                Vector3 rayOrigin         = lastPositionStored;
                                Vector3 rayEnd            = pos;
                                double  absGroundAltitude = groundAltitude + body.Radius;
                                if (absGroundAltitude > rayEnd.magnitude)
                                    hitGround = true;
                                    float coeff = Math.Max(0.01f, (float)((absGroundAltitude - rayOrigin.magnitude) / (rayEnd.magnitude - rayOrigin.magnitude)));
                                    pos         = rayEnd * coeff + rayOrigin * (1.0f - coeff);
                                    currentTime = currentTime * coeff + lastPositionStoredUT * (1.0f - coeff);

                            lastPositionStoredUT = currentTime;
                            if (nextPosIdx == chunkSize)
                                buffer.Add(new Point[chunkSize]);
                                nextPosIdx = 0;
                            Vector3d nextPos = pos;
                            if (Settings.fetch.BodyFixedMode)
                                nextPos = calculateRotatedPosition(body, nextPos, currentTime);
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].aerodynamicForce = aerodynamicForce;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].orbitalVelocity  = vel;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].groundAltitude   = (float)groundAltitude;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx].time             = currentTime;
                            buffer.Last()[nextPosIdx++].pos            = nextPos;
                            lastPositionStored = pos;
                // no atmospheric entry, just add the space orbit
                if (nextStockPatch != null)
                    AddPatch_outState = new VesselState
                        position      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(patch.endTime)),
                        velocity      = Util.SwapYZ(patch.spaceOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(patch.endTime)),
                        referenceBody = nextStockPatch == null ? body : nextStockPatch.referenceBody,
                        time          = patch.endTime,
                        stockPatch    = nextStockPatch
                    yield break;
                    AddPatch_outState = null;
                    yield break;
All Usage Examples Of Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel::GetForces