System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter.ReadAttributeMembers C# (CSharp) Method

ReadAttributeMembers() private method

private ReadAttributeMembers ( ClassMap map, object ob, bool isValueList ) : void
map ClassMap
ob object
isValueList bool
return void
		void ReadAttributeMembers (ClassMap map, object ob, bool isValueList)
			XmlTypeMapMember anyAttrMember = map.DefaultAnyAttributeMember;
			int anyAttributeIndex = 0;
			object anyAttributeArray = null;

			while (Reader.MoveToNextAttribute())
				XmlTypeMapMemberAttribute member = map.GetAttribute (Reader.LocalName, Reader.NamespaceURI);

				if (member != null) 
					SetMemberValue (member, ob, GetValueFromXmlString (Reader.Value, member.TypeData, member.MappedType), isValueList);
				else if (IsXmlnsAttribute(Reader.Name)) 
					// If the map has NamespaceDeclarations,
					// then store this xmlns to the given member.
					// If the instance doesn't exist, then create.
					if (map.NamespaceDeclarations != null) {
						XmlSerializerNamespaces nss = this.GetMemberValue (map.NamespaceDeclarations, ob, isValueList) as XmlSerializerNamespaces;
						if (nss == null) {
							nss = new XmlSerializerNamespaces ();
							SetMemberValue (map.NamespaceDeclarations, ob, nss, isValueList);
						if (Reader.Prefix == "xmlns")
							nss.Add (Reader.LocalName, Reader.Value);
							nss.Add ("", Reader.Value);
				else if (anyAttrMember != null) 
					XmlAttribute attr = (XmlAttribute) Document.ReadNode(Reader);
					ParseWsdlArrayType (attr);
					AddListValue (anyAttrMember.TypeData, ref anyAttributeArray, anyAttributeIndex++, attr, true);

			if (anyAttrMember != null)
				anyAttributeArray = ShrinkArray ((Array)anyAttributeArray, anyAttributeIndex, anyAttrMember.TypeData.Type.GetElementType(), true);
				SetMemberValue (anyAttrMember, ob, anyAttributeArray, isValueList);
			Reader.MoveToElement ();