System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11.WindowUngrabbed C# (CSharp) Method

WindowUngrabbed() private method

private WindowUngrabbed ( IntPtr hwnd ) : void
hwnd IntPtr
return void
		private void WindowUngrabbed (IntPtr hwnd) {
			bool was_grabbed = Grab.Hwnd != IntPtr.Zero;
			Grab.Hwnd = IntPtr.Zero;
			Grab.Confined = false;
			if (was_grabbed) {
				// lparam should be the handle to the window gaining the mouse capture,
				// but X doesn't seem to give us that information.
				// Also only generate WM_CAPTURECHANGED if the window actually was grabbed.
				// X will send a NotifyUngrab, but since it comes late sometimes we're
				// calling WindowUngrabbed directly from UngrabWindow in order to send
				// this WM right away.
				SendMessage (hwnd, Msg.WM_CAPTURECHANGED, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);