SIL.FieldWorks.FdoUi.InflectionClassEditor.DoIt C# (CSharp) Method

DoIt() public method

Execute the change requested by the current selection in the combo. Basically we want the MoInflClass indicated by m_selectedHvo, (even if 0?? not yet possible), to become the InflectionClass of each record that is appropriate to change. We do nothing to records where the check box is turned off, and nothing to ones that currently have an MSA other than an MoStemMsa, and nothing to ones that currently have an MSA with the wrong POS. (a) If the owning entry has an MoStemMsa with the right inflection class (and presumably POS), set the sense to use it. (b) If all senses using the current MoStemMsa are to be changed, just update the inflection class of that MoStemMsa. We could add this...but very probably unused MSAs would have been taken over when setting the POS. --(c) If the entry has an MoStemMsa which is not being used at all, change it to --the required POS and inflection class and use it. (d) Make a new MoStemMsa in the LexEntry with the required POS and inflection class and point the sense at it.
public DoIt ( IEnumerable itemsToChange, SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Controls.ProgressState state ) : void
itemsToChange IEnumerable
state SIL.FieldWorks.Common.Controls.ProgressState
return void
		public void DoIt(IEnumerable<int> itemsToChange, ProgressState state)

			var pos = GetPOS();
			// A Set of eligible parts of speech to use in filtering.
			Set<int> possiblePOS = GetPossiblePartsOfSpeech();
			// Make a Dictionary from HVO of entry to list of modified senses.
			var sensesByEntryAndPos = new Dictionary<Tuple<ILexEntry, IPartOfSpeech>, List<ILexSense>>();
			int i = 0;
			// Report progress 50 times or every 100 items, whichever is more (but no more than once per item!)
			int interval = Math.Min(100, Math.Max(itemsToChange.Count() / 50, 1));
			foreach(int hvoSense in itemsToChange)
				if (i % interval == 0)
					state.PercentDone = i * 20 / itemsToChange.Count();
				if (!IsItemEligible(m_cache.DomainDataByFlid, hvoSense, possiblePOS))
				var ls = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexSenseRepository>().GetObject(hvoSense);
				var msa = (IMoStemMsa)ls.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA;
				var entry1 = ls.Entry;
				var key = new Tuple<ILexEntry, IPartOfSpeech>(entry1, msa.PartOfSpeechRA);
				if (!sensesByEntryAndPos.ContainsKey(key))
					sensesByEntryAndPos[key] = new List<ILexSense>();
			m_cache.DomainDataByFlid.BeginUndoTask(FdoUiStrings.ksUndoBEInflClass, FdoUiStrings.ksRedoBEInflClass);
			i = 0;
			interval = Math.Min(100, Math.Max(sensesByEntryAndPos.Count / 50, 1));
			foreach (var kvp in sensesByEntryAndPos)
				if (i % interval == 0)
					state.PercentDone = i * 80 / sensesByEntryAndPos.Count + 20;
				var entry = kvp.Key.Item1;
				var sensesToChange = kvp.Value;
				IMoStemMsa msmTarget = null;
				foreach (var msa in entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC)
					var msm = msa as IMoStemMsa;
					if (msm != null && msm.InflectionClassRA != null && msm.InflectionClassRA.Hvo == m_selectedHvo)
						// Can reuse this one!
						msmTarget = msm;
				if (msmTarget == null)
					// See if we can reuse an existing MoStemMsa by changing it.
					// This is possible if it is used only by senses in the list, or not used at all.
					var otherSenses = new List<ILexSense>();
					if (entry.SensesOS.Count != sensesToChange.Count)
						foreach (var ls in entry.SensesOS)
							if (!sensesToChange.Contains(ls))
					foreach (var msa in entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC)
						var msm = msa as IMoStemMsa;
						if (msm == null)
						bool fOk = true;
						foreach (var ls in otherSenses)
							if (ls.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA == msm)
								fOk = false;
						if (fOk)
							// Can reuse this one! Nothing we don't want to change uses it.
							// Adjust its POS as well as its inflection class, just to be sure.
							msmTarget = msm;
							msmTarget.PartOfSpeechRA = kvp.Key.Item2;
							msmTarget.InflectionClassRA = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IMoInflClassRepository>().GetObject(m_selectedHvo);
				if (msmTarget == null)
					// Nothing we can reuse...make a new one.
					msmTarget = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IMoStemMsaFactory>().Create();
					msmTarget.PartOfSpeechRA = kvp.Key.Item2;
					msmTarget.InflectionClassRA = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IMoInflClassRepository>().GetObject(m_selectedHvo);
				// Finally! Make the senses we want to change use it.
				foreach (var ls in sensesToChange)
					ls.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA = msmTarget;