Rock.Model.EntitySetItemService.GetByEntitySetId C# (CSharp) Method

GetByEntitySetId() public method

Gets the by entity set identifier.
public GetByEntitySetId ( int entitySetId, bool overrideExpiration = false ) : IQueryable
entitySetId int The entity set identifier.
overrideExpiration bool if set to true [override expiration].
return IQueryable
        public IQueryable<EntitySetItem> GetByEntitySetId( int entitySetId, bool overrideExpiration = false )
            var qry = Queryable().Where( s => s.EntitySetId == entitySetId);
            if (!overrideExpiration)
                var currentDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                qry = qry.Where( s => !s.EntitySet.ExpireDateTime.HasValue || s.EntitySet.ExpireDateTime.Value > currentDateTime);

            qry = qry.OrderBy( s => s.Order ).ThenBy( s => s.Id );

            return qry;

Usage Example

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the merge object list for the current EntitySet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="fetchCount">The fetch count.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List<object> GetMergeObjectList( RockContext rockContext, int? fetchCount = null )
            int entitySetId = hfEntitySetId.Value.AsInteger();
            var entitySetService = new EntitySetService( rockContext );
            var entitySet = entitySetService.Get( entitySetId );
            Dictionary<int, object> mergeObjectsDictionary = new Dictionary<int, object>();

            // If this EntitySet contains IEntity Items, add those first
            if ( entitySet.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                var qryEntity = entitySetService.GetEntityQuery( entitySetId );

                if ( fetchCount.HasValue )
                    qryEntity = qryEntity.Take( fetchCount.Value );

                var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Read( entitySet.EntityTypeId.Value );
                bool isPersonEntityType = entityTypeCache != null && entityTypeCache.Guid == Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.PERSON.AsGuid();
                bool isGroupMemberEntityType = entityTypeCache != null && entityTypeCache.Guid == Rock.SystemGuid.EntityType.GROUP_MEMBER.AsGuid();
                bool combineFamilyMembers = cbCombineFamilyMembers.Visible && cbCombineFamilyMembers.Checked;

                if ( ( isGroupMemberEntityType || isPersonEntityType ) && combineFamilyMembers )
                    IQueryable<IEntity> qryPersons;
                    if ( isGroupMemberEntityType )
                        qryPersons = qryEntity.OfType<GroupMember>().Select( a => a.Person ).Distinct();
                        qryPersons = qryEntity;

                    Guid familyGroupType = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                    var qryFamilyGroupMembers = new GroupMemberService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                        .Where( a => a.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGroupType )
                        .Where( a => qryPersons.Any( aa => aa.Id == a.PersonId ) );

                    var qryCombined = qryFamilyGroupMembers.Join(
                        m => m.PersonId,
                        p => p.Id,
                        ( m, p ) => new { GroupMember = m, Person = p } )
                        .GroupBy( a => a.GroupMember.GroupId )
                        .Select( x => new
                            GroupId = x.Key,
                            Persons = x.Select( xx => xx.Person ).Distinct()
                        } );

                    foreach ( var combinedFamilyItem in qryCombined )
                        object mergeObject;

                        string commaPersonIds = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Select( a => a.Id ).Distinct().ToList().AsDelimited( "," );

                        var primaryGroupPerson = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.FirstOrDefault() as Person;

                        if ( mergeObjectsDictionary.ContainsKey( primaryGroupPerson.Id ) )
                            foreach ( var person in combinedFamilyItem.Persons )
                                if ( !mergeObjectsDictionary.ContainsKey( person.Id ) )
                                    primaryGroupPerson = person as Person;

                        // if we are combining from a GroupMemberEntityType list add the GroupMember attributes of the primary person in the combined list
                        if ( isGroupMemberEntityType )
                            var groupMember = qryEntity.OfType<GroupMember>().Where( a => a.PersonId == primaryGroupPerson.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                            primaryGroupPerson.AdditionalLavaFields = primaryGroupPerson.AdditionalLavaFields ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            if ( groupMember != null )
                                primaryGroupPerson.AdditionalLavaFields.Add( "GroupMember", groupMember );

                        if ( combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Count() > 1 )
                            var combinedPerson = primaryGroupPerson.ToJson().FromJsonOrNull<MergeTemplateCombinedPerson>();

                            var familyTitle = RockUdfHelper.ufnCrm_GetFamilyTitle( rockContext, null, combinedFamilyItem.GroupId, commaPersonIds, true );
                            combinedPerson.FullName = familyTitle;

                            var firstNameList = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Select( a => ( a as Person ).FirstName ).ToList();
                            var nickNameList = combinedFamilyItem.Persons.Select( a => ( a as Person ).NickName ).ToList();

                            combinedPerson.FirstName = firstNameList.AsDelimited( ", ", " & " );
                            combinedPerson.NickName = nickNameList.AsDelimited( ", ", " & " );
                            combinedPerson.LastName = primaryGroupPerson.LastName;
                            combinedPerson.SuffixValueId = null;
                            combinedPerson.SuffixValue = null;
                            mergeObject = combinedPerson;
                            mergeObject = primaryGroupPerson;

                        mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( primaryGroupPerson.Id, mergeObject );
                else if ( isGroupMemberEntityType )
                    foreach ( var groupMember in qryEntity.AsNoTracking().OfType<GroupMember>() )
                        var person = groupMember.Person;
                        person.AdditionalLavaFields = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        person.AdditionalLavaFields.Add( "GroupMember", groupMember );
                        mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( groupMember.PersonId, person );
                    foreach ( var item in qryEntity.AsNoTracking() )
                        mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( item.Id, item );

            var entitySetItemService = new EntitySetItemService( rockContext );
            string[] emptyJson = new string[] { string.Empty, "{}" };
            var entitySetItemMergeValuesQry = entitySetItemService.GetByEntitySetId( entitySetId, true ).Where( a => !emptyJson.Contains( a.AdditionalMergeValuesJson ) );

            if ( fetchCount.HasValue )
                entitySetItemMergeValuesQry = entitySetItemMergeValuesQry.Take( fetchCount.Value );

            // the entityId to use for NonEntity objects
            int nonEntityId = 1;

            // now, add the additional MergeValues regardless of if the EntitySet contains IEntity items or just Non-IEntity items
            foreach ( var additionalMergeValuesItem in entitySetItemMergeValuesQry.AsNoTracking() )
                object mergeObject;
                int entityId;
                if ( additionalMergeValuesItem.EntityId > 0 )
                    entityId = additionalMergeValuesItem.EntityId;
                    // not pointing to an actual EntityId, so use the nonEntityId for ti
                    entityId = nonEntityId++;

                if ( mergeObjectsDictionary.ContainsKey( entityId ) )
                    mergeObject = mergeObjectsDictionary[entityId];
                    if ( entitySet.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                        // if already have real entities in our list, don't add additional items to the mergeObjectsDictionary

                    // non-Entity merge object, so just use Dictionary
                    mergeObject = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    mergeObjectsDictionary.AddOrIgnore( entityId, mergeObject );

                foreach ( var additionalMergeValue in additionalMergeValuesItem.AdditionalMergeValues )
                    if ( mergeObject is IEntity )
                        // add the additional fields to AdditionalLavaFields
                        IEntity mergeEntity = ( mergeObject as IEntity );
                        mergeEntity.AdditionalLavaFields = mergeEntity.AdditionalLavaFields ?? new Dictionary<string, object>();
                        object mergeValueObject = additionalMergeValue.Value;
                        mergeEntity.AdditionalLavaFields.AddOrIgnore( additionalMergeValue.Key, mergeValueObject );
                    else if ( mergeObject is IDictionary<string, object> )
                        // anonymous object with no fields yet
                        IDictionary<string, object> nonEntityObject = mergeObject as IDictionary<string, object>;
                        nonEntityObject.AddOrIgnore( additionalMergeValue.Key, additionalMergeValue.Value );
                        throw new Exception( string.Format( "Unexpected MergeObject Type: {0}", mergeObject ) );

            var result = mergeObjectsDictionary.Select( a => a.Value );
            if ( fetchCount.HasValue )
                // make sure the result is limited to fetchCount (even though the above queries are also limited to fetch count)
                result = result.Take( fetchCount.Value );

            return result.ToList();
All Usage Examples Of Rock.Model.EntitySetItemService::GetByEntitySetId