Nanook.QueenBee.Parser.PakFormat.Decompress C# (CSharp) Method

Decompress() public method

public Decompress ( ) : void
return void
        public void Decompress()
                CompressionType ct = CompressionType.None;

                if (this.PakFormatType == PakFormatType.XBox)
                    if ((ct = this.xBoxUncompress(this.FullCompressedPakFilename, this.FullPakFilename)) != CompressionType.None)
                        this.CompressionType = ct;
                        if (File.Exists(FullPakFilename))
                            File.Delete(FullPakFilename); //delete the .decompressed file
                        //none compressed pak
                        this.FullPakFilename = this.FullCompressedPakFilename;
                        this.PakFilename = this.CompressedPakFilename;
                    if (this.CompressedPabFileExists)
                        if ((ct = this.xBoxUncompress(this.FullCompressedPabFilename, this.FullPabFilename)) != CompressionType.None)
                            this.CompressionType = ct;
                    if (this.CompressedDebugFileExists)
                        if ((ct = this.xBoxUncompress(this.FullCompressedDebugFilename, this.FullDebugFilename)) != CompressionType.None)
                            this.CompressionType = ct;

                    this.UnCompressedPakFilesize = ((new FileInfo(this.FullPakFilename)).Length);
                    if (this.FullPabFilename.Length != 0 && File.Exists(this.FullPabFilename))
                        this.UnCompressedPabFilesize = ((new FileInfo(this.FullPabFilename)).Length);
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    throw n
            //    showException("Decompress Error", ex);
            //    clearInterface();
            //    return;

Usage Example

Example #1
        private void parsePak(PakFormat pakFormat, bool debugFile)
            _debugFile   = debugFile;
            _pakFormat   = pakFormat;
            _pakFilename = (!_debugFile ? _pakFormat.FullPakFilename : _pakFormat.FullDebugFilename);

            Dictionary <uint, PakDbgQbKey> qbKeyFilenames = new Dictionary <uint, PakDbgQbKey>();

            //if PC or xbox then we need to look up the filename from the debug file
            //create a PakEditor and load the debug pak, then load all internal debug files, add the first line to our filenames dictionary
            if (!debugFile) // && (_pakFormat.PakFormatType == PakFormatType.PC || _pakFormat.PakFormatType == PakFormatType.XBox))
                    _pakFilename = _pakFormat.FullPakFilename;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Decompression Error", ex);

                if (_pakFormat.DebugFileExists && _debugFile) // cancer
                    string    debugFileContents;
                    string    filename;
                    uint      crc;
                    PakEditor pakDebug = new PakEditor(new PakFormat(_pakFormat.FullDebugFilename, "", _pakFormat.FullDebugFilename, _pakFormat.PakFormatType), true);
                    foreach (PakHeaderItem dphi in pakDebug.Headers.Values)
                        debugFileContents = string.Empty;
                        filename          = string.Empty;
                        crc = 0;
                        if (dphi.FullFilenameQbKey != 0)
                            crc = dphi.FullFilenameQbKey;
                        else if (dphi.PakFullFileNameQbKey != 0)
                            crc = dphi.PakFullFileNameQbKey;
                        else if (dphi.NameOnlyCrc != 0)
                            crc = dphi.NameOnlyCrc;

                        if (crc != 0)
                            filename = crc.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0');
                            if (pakDebug.Headers.ContainsKey(filename.ToLower()))
                                debugFileContents = pakDebug.ExtractFileToString(filename);

                                if (debugFileContents.Length != 0)
                                    addDebugFilename(debugFileContents, qbKeyFilenames, crc);

            long minOffset = uint.MaxValue;
            long maxOffset = 0;

            _pakHeaders = new Dictionary <string, PakHeaderItem>();

            using (Stream st = File.Open(_pakFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                _pakFileLength = st.Length;

                using (BinaryEndianReader br = new BinaryEndianReader(st))
                    PakHeaderItem phi = null;

                    QbKey lastQbKey    = QbKey.Create("last");
                    QbKey dotLastQbKey = QbKey.Create(".last");

                        phi = new PakHeaderItem();

                        phi.HeaderStart   = (uint)st.Position;
                        phi.IsStoredInPak = true;

                        phi.FileType = QbKey.Create(br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType));

                        //if the entry has the file type of last then we're done
                        if (phi.FileType == lastQbKey || phi.FileType == dotLastQbKey)

                        phi.FileOffset           = br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);
                        phi.FileLength           = br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);
                        phi.PakFullFileNameQbKey = br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);
                        phi.FullFilenameQbKey    = br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);
                        phi.NameOnlyCrc          = br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);
                        phi.Unknown = br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);
                        phi.Flags   = (PakHeaderFlags)br.ReadUInt32(_pakFormat.EndianType);

                        if ((phi.Flags & PakHeaderFlags.Filename) != PakHeaderFlags.Filename)
                            uint crc = 0;

                            //get any Crc
                            if (phi.FullFilenameQbKey != 0)
                                crc = phi.FullFilenameQbKey;
                            else if (phi.PakFullFileNameQbKey != 0)
                                crc = phi.PakFullFileNameQbKey;
                            else if (phi.NameOnlyCrc != 0)
                                crc = phi.NameOnlyCrc;

                            if (!debugFile)
                                uint crc2 = 0;
                                //get a crc that exists in the debug names
                                if (qbKeyFilenames.ContainsKey(phi.FullFilenameQbKey))
                                    crc2 = phi.FullFilenameQbKey;
                                else if (qbKeyFilenames.ContainsKey(phi.PakFullFileNameQbKey))
                                    crc2 = phi.PakFullFileNameQbKey;
                                else if (qbKeyFilenames.ContainsKey(phi.NameOnlyCrc))
                                    crc2 = phi.NameOnlyCrc;

                                //if 0 then get any crc
                                if (crc2 != 0)
                                    phi.Filename   = qbKeyFilenames[crc2].Filename;
                                    phi.DebugQbKey = qbKeyFilenames[crc2].DebugQbKey;
                                    crc            = crc2;

                            if (phi.Filename == null)
                                if (crc != 0)
                                    phi.Filename = crc.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0');
                                    phi.Filename = string.Format("Unknown={0}", phi.HeaderStart.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0'));
                            phi.Filename = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(br.ReadBytes(PakHeaderItem.FileNameMaxLength)).TrimEnd(new char[] { '\0' });

                            _pakHeaders.Add(phi.Filename.ToLower(), phi);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Error adding '{0}' to headers: {1}", phi.Filename, ex.Message));

                        if (phi.HeaderStart + phi.FileOffset < minOffset)
                            minOffset = phi.HeaderStart + phi.FileOffset;

                        if (phi.HeaderStart + phi.FileOffset > maxOffset)
                            maxOffset = phi.HeaderStart + phi.FileOffset;
                    }while (1 == 1); //minOffset > fs.Position + 0x100); //drop out if we reach the data

                    //this is a simple hack/fix to cater for padding on PAK files,
                    //it relies on the data starting at the top of the PAB file (which it always does, currently)
                    _requiresPab = maxOffset >= st.Length;

                    if (!debugFile)                                 //only when loading pak
                        _pakFormat.PakPabMinDataOffset = minOffset; //remember this value
                    //detect GH5 PAB files
                    if (_requiresPab)
                        foreach (PakHeaderItem ph in _pakHeaders.Values)
                            ph.FileOffset += (uint)(_pakFileLength - _pakFormat.PakPabMinDataOffset) - (_pakFormat.PakPabMinDataOffset == 0 ? ph.HeaderStart : 0); //gh5 doesn't hold the offset in relation to the data.
                        minOffset = _pakFileLength;

            _qbFilenames = new string[_pakHeaders.Count];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (PakHeaderItem hi in _pakHeaders.Values)
                _qbFilenames[i++] = hi.Filename;

            StructItemChildrenType s;

            if (!debugFile)
                s = this.StructItemChildrenType;  //auto detect the structitemchildren type
All Usage Examples Of Nanook.QueenBee.Parser.PakFormat::Decompress