Mono.CSharp.CSharpParser.parse C# (CSharp) Method

parse() public method

public parse ( ) : void
return void
public void parse ()
	eof_token = Token.EOF;
	Tokenizer.LocatedToken.Initialize ();
	try {
		if (yacc_verbose_flag > 1)
			yyparse (lexer, new yydebug.yyDebugSimple ());
			yyparse (lexer);
		Tokenizer tokenizer = lexer as Tokenizer;
		tokenizer.cleanup ();		
	} catch (Exception e){
	  	if (e is yyParser.yyUnexpectedEof) {
			UnexpectedEOF = true;
		if (e is yyParser.yyException) {
			report.Error (-25, lexer.Location, "Parsing error");
		} else {
			// Used by compiler-tester to test internal errors
			//if (yacc_verbose_flag > 0)
			//report.Error (589, lexer.Location, "Internal compiler error during parsing");

Usage Example

Example #1
		// Parses the string @input and returns a CSharpParser if succeeful.
		// if @silent is set to true then no errors are
		// reported to the user.  This is used to do various calls to the
		// parser and check if the expression is parsable.
		// @partial_input: if @silent is true, then it returns whether the
		// parsed expression was partial, and more data is needed
		static CSharpParser ParseString (bool silent, string input, out bool partial_input)
			partial_input = false;
			Reset ();
			queued_fields.Clear ();

			Stream s = new MemoryStream (Encoding.Default.GetBytes (input));
			SeekableStreamReader seekable = new SeekableStreamReader (s, Encoding.Default);

			InputKind kind = ToplevelOrStatement (seekable);
			if (kind == InputKind.Error){
				if (!silent)
					Report.Error (-25, "Detection Parsing Error");
				partial_input = false;
				return null;

			if (kind == InputKind.EOF){
				if (silent == false)
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Internal error: EOF condition should have been detected in a previous call with silent=true");
				partial_input = true;
				return null;
			seekable.Position = 0;

			CSharpParser parser = new CSharpParser (seekable, (CompilationUnit) Location.SourceFiles [0]);
			parser.ErrorOutput = Report.Stderr;

			if (kind == InputKind.StatementOrExpression){
				parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.EvalStatementParserCharacter;
				RootContext.StatementMode = true;
			} else {
				// Do not activate EvalCompilationUnitParserCharacter until
				// I have figured out all the limitations to invoke methods
				// in the generated classes.  See repl.txt
				parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.EvalUsingDeclarationsParserCharacter;
				//parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.EvalCompilationUnitParserCharacter;
				RootContext.StatementMode = false;

			if (silent)
				Report.DisableReporting ();
			try {
				parser.parse ();
			} finally {
				if (Report.Errors != 0){
					if (silent && parser.UnexpectedEOF)
						partial_input = true;

					parser.undo.ExecuteUndo ();
					parser = null;

				if (silent)
					Report.EnableReporting ();
			return parser;
All Usage Examples Of Mono.CSharp.CSharpParser::parse