Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_WDVMODUU.S03_PropFindExtension.MSWDVMODUU_S03_TC04_PropFindExtension_Resource_Descendant C# (CSharp) Method

MSWDVMODUU_S03_TC04_PropFindExtension_Resource_Descendant() private method

        public void MSWDVMODUU_S03_TC04_PropFindExtension_Resource_Descendant()
            // In the server, the following resource structure is existed before running this test case.
            //   [Root-Folder]
            //    --- [Sub-Folder]
            //          --- New_File003.txt
            bool isSuccessful = false;
            bool doesCaptureRequirement_105 = false;
            string destinationUri_File004 = string.Empty;
            string newFilePath_File004 = string.Empty;

            // Step1. 
            // Call HTTP PUT request with following settings:
            //  - Set the "Request-URI" to "[Sub-Folder]\New_File004.txt".
            destinationUri_File004 = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Server_NewFile004Uri", this.Site);
            newFilePath_File004 = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Client_NewFile004Name", this.Site);
            isSuccessful = this.PutNewFileIntoServer(destinationUri_File004, newFilePath_File004);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSuccessful, "Upload file New_File004 should be successful.");

            // Step2.
            // Call HTTP PROPFIND request with following settings:
            //  - Set "Depth" header to "1";
            //  - Set the time stamp to the default time stamp "1969-01-01T12:00:00Z";
            //  - Set the "Request-URI" to "[Sub-Folder]".
            string requestUri = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Server_SubFolderUri", this.Site);
            NameValueCollection headersCollection = S03_PropFindExtension.ConstructHttpHeaders("1");
            string body = S03_PropFindExtension.ConstructHttpBody(DefaultTimeStamp);
            WDVMODUUResponse response = Adapter.PropFind(requestUri, body, headersCollection);

            // Get XML data from the response
            this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(response.BodyXmlData, "The response object 'response.BodyXmlData' should not be null!");
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = response.BodyXmlData;

            // Get valid resource list from the response of Step 2.
            ArrayList resourceList_1 = this.GetValidResourceUnderMultistatusElement(xmlDoc);
            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue((resourceList_1 != null) && (resourceList_1.Count > 0), "There should be some valid resource in the response!");
            this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "resourceList_1.Count = {0}", resourceList_1.Count);

            // Step3.
            // Based on the response of step 2, calculate the critical time stamp for resource "[Sub-Folder]" and resource "New_File003.txt". 
            // The critical time stamp is the last modified date time of the resource plus 5 minutes and 1 second.
            DateTime criticalTimeStamp_SubFolder = DateTime.MinValue;
            DateTime criticalTimeStamp_New_File003 = DateTime.MinValue;
            string expectedHref_SubFolder = requestUri;
            string expectedHref_New_File003 = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Server_NewFile003Uri", this.Site);
            IEnumerator enumratorResInfo = resourceList_1.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumratorResInfo.MoveNext())
                ResourceInfo resInfo = (ResourceInfo)enumratorResInfo.Current;

                // Try to find the resource "New_File003.txt",and calculate the critical time stamp.
                if (string.Compare(resInfo.Href, expectedHref_New_File003, true) == 0)
                    this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "The last modified data time for 'NewFile003' is {0}.", resInfo.LastModifiedDateTime);
                    criticalTimeStamp_New_File003 = resInfo.LastModifiedDateTime.AddSeconds((5 * 60) + 1);

                // Try to find the resource "[Sub-Folder]", and calculate the critical time stamp.
                // In some protocol server, the return URI for collection resource end with "/"; 
                // In some protocol server, the return URI for collection resource end without "/";
                //  The example for such URI can be: 
                //              http://SUT01/sites/WDVMODUU/shared20%documents/SubFolder/
                //  or          http://SUT01/sites/WDVMODUU/shared20%documents/SubFolder
                //  The two URI identify the same collection resource.
                // So following codes use two compare results to check if the resource "[Sub-Folder]" is existed in the resource list.
                if ((string.Compare(resInfo.Href, expectedHref_SubFolder, true) == 0)
                    || (string.Compare(resInfo.Href + "/", expectedHref_SubFolder, true) == 0))
                    this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "The last modified data time for '[Sub-Folder]' is {0}.", resInfo.LastModifiedDateTime);
                    criticalTimeStamp_SubFolder = resInfo.LastModifiedDateTime.AddSeconds((5 * 60) + 1);

            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(criticalTimeStamp_SubFolder != DateTime.MinValue, "The resource \"[Sub-Folder]\" should be  existed in the resource list.");
            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(criticalTimeStamp_New_File003 != DateTime.MinValue, "The resource \"New_File003.txt\" should be  existed in the resource list");

            // Step4.
            //  Call HTTP PROPFIND request with following settings:
            //    - Set "Depth" header to "1";
            //    - Set the time stamp to the critical time stamp for resource "New_File003.txt";
            //    - Set the "Request-URI" to "[Sub-Folder]".
            requestUri = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Server_SubFolderUri", this.Site);
            headersCollection = S03_PropFindExtension.ConstructHttpHeaders("1");
            body = S03_PropFindExtension.ConstructHttpBody(S03_PropFindExtension.GetUtcFormatString(criticalTimeStamp_New_File003));
            response = this.Adapter.PropFind(requestUri, body, headersCollection);

            // Get XML data from the response
            this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(response.BodyXmlData, "The response object 'response.BodyXmlData' should not be null!");
            xmlDoc = response.BodyXmlData;

            // Get valid resource list from the response of Step 4.
            ArrayList resourceList_2 = this.GetValidResourceUnderMultistatusElement(xmlDoc);
            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue((resourceList_2 != null) && (resourceList_2.Count > 0), "There should be some valid resource in the response!");
            this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "resourceList_2.Count = {0}", resourceList_2.Count);

            // Step5.
            // In the response of step 4, make sure the resource "New_File003.txt" is still returned based on Rule 2. 
            // Because its parent resource "[Sub-Folder]" is returned based on Rule 1.
            bool findNewFile003DueToRule2 = false;
            enumratorResInfo = resourceList_2.GetEnumerator();
            while (enumratorResInfo.MoveNext())
                ResourceInfo resInfo = (ResourceInfo)enumratorResInfo.Current;
                if (string.Compare(resInfo.Href, expectedHref_New_File003, true) == 0)
                    findNewFile003DueToRule2 = true;

            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(findNewFile003DueToRule2, "The resource \"New_File003.txt\" should be returned based on Rule 2.");

            // Step6.
            // Call HTTP PROPFIND request with following settings:
            //  - Set "Depth" header to "1";
            //  - Set the time stamp to the critical time stamp for resource "[Sub-Folder]";
            //  - Set the "Request-URI" to "[Sub-Folder]".
            requestUri = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("Server_SubFolderUri", this.Site);
            headersCollection = S03_PropFindExtension.ConstructHttpHeaders("1");
            body = S03_PropFindExtension.ConstructHttpBody(S03_PropFindExtension.GetUtcFormatString(criticalTimeStamp_SubFolder));
            response = this.Adapter.PropFind(requestUri, body, headersCollection);

            // Get XML data from the response
            this.Site.Assert.IsNotNull(response.BodyXmlData, "The response object 'response.BodyXmlData' should not be null!");
            xmlDoc = response.BodyXmlData;

            // Get valid resource list from the response of Step 6.
            ArrayList resourceList_3 = this.GetValidResourceUnderMultistatusElement(xmlDoc);
            this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "resourceList_3.Count = {0}", resourceList_3.Count);

            // Step7.
            // In the response of step 6, make sure resource "[Sub-Folder]", "New_File003.txt" and "New_File004.txt" are all not returned.
            enumratorResInfo = resourceList_3.GetEnumerator();
            bool doesNotReturnSubFolder = true;
            bool doesNotReturnNewFile003 = true;
            bool doesNotReturnNewFile004 = true;
            string expectedHref_New_File004 = destinationUri_File004;
            while (enumratorResInfo.MoveNext())
                ResourceInfo resInfo = (ResourceInfo)enumratorResInfo.Current;

                // Try to find the resource "[Sub-Folder]".
                // In some protocol server, the return URI for collection resource end with "/"; 
                // In some protocol server, the return URI for collection resource end without "/";
                //  The example for such URI can be: 
                //              http://SUT01/sites/WDVMODUU/shared20%documents/SubFolder/
                //  or          http://SUT01/sites/WDVMODUU/shared20%documents/SubFolder
                //  The two URI identify the same collection resource.
                // So following codes use two compare results to check if the resource "[Sub-Folder]" is existed in the resource list.
                if ((string.Compare(resInfo.Href, expectedHref_SubFolder, true) == 0)
                    || (string.Compare(resInfo.Href + "/", expectedHref_SubFolder, true) == 0))
                    doesNotReturnSubFolder = false;

                // Try to find the resource "New_File003.txt".
                if (string.Compare(resInfo.Href, expectedHref_New_File003, true) == 0)
                    doesNotReturnNewFile003 = false;

                // Try to find the resource "New_File004.txt".
                if (string.Compare(resInfo.Href, expectedHref_New_File004, true) == 0)
                    doesNotReturnNewFile004 = false;

            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(doesNotReturnSubFolder, "The resource \"[Sub-Folder]\" should not be return.");
            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(doesNotReturnNewFile003, "The resource \"New_File003.txt\" should not be return.");
            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(doesNotReturnNewFile004, "The resource \"New_File004.txt\" should not be return.");

            // Step8.
            // Call HTTP DELETE method to delete the test file "New_File004.txt" that uploaded in the step 1.
            isSuccessful = this.DeleteTheFileInTheServer(destinationUri_File004);
            this.Site.Assert.IsTrue(isSuccessful, "Delete the test file \"New_File004.txt\" should be successful. ");

            // Step9.
            // If the response "New_File003.txt" is return in the response of step 4, 
            // and resource "[Sub-Folder]", "New_File003.txt" and "New_File004.txt" are all not return in the response of step 6 ,
            // then capture MS-WDVMODUU_R105.
            if (findNewFile003DueToRule2 && doesNotReturnSubFolder && doesNotReturnNewFile003 && doesNotReturnNewFile004)
                doesCaptureRequirement_105 = true;

                @"[In Repl:collblob and Repl:repl] [When the server receives a PROPFIND request with the Repl:collblob element set to a timestamp, it includes a response element for each resource in the multistatus element that is a descendant of the Request-URI (limited by the Depth header specified in [RFC2518]) and that has changed according to the rule:] The resource is a descendant of a resource that has changed later than or equal to 5 minutes before the timestamp.");