Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_OXNSPI.S05_NegativeBehavior.MSOXNSPI_S05_TC12_ModLinkAttFailedWithInvalidParameter C# (CSharp) Method

MSOXNSPI_S05_TC12_ModLinkAttFailedWithInvalidParameter() private method

        public void MSOXNSPI_S05_TC12_ModLinkAttFailedWithInvalidParameter()

            #region Call NspiBind to initiate a session between the client and the server.
            uint flags = 0;
            STAT stat = new STAT();
            FlatUID_r guid = new FlatUID_r
                Ab = new byte[16]
            FlatUID_r? serverGuid = guid;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiBind(flags, stat, ref serverGuid);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiBind should return Success!");

            #region Call NspiGetMatches to get an Explicit Table.
            uint reserved1 = 0;
            uint reserver2 = 0;
            PropertyTagArray_r? proReserved = null;
            uint requested = Constants.GetMatchesRequestedRowNumber;

            // Create Restriction_r structure to use the display name of specific user as the filter parameter of NspiGetMatches method.
            Restriction_r propertyRestriction = new Restriction_r
                Rt = 0x04,
                Res = new RestrictionUnion_r
                    ResProperty = new Propertyrestriction_r
                        Relop = 0x04
            PropertyValue_r target = new PropertyValue_r
                PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName,
                Reserved = 0
            string userName = Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("User2Name", this.Site);
            if (this.Transport == "ncacn_http" || this.Transport == "ncacn_ip_tcp")
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName);
                target.Value.LpszA = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName + "\0");

            propertyRestriction.Res.ResProperty.Prop = new PropertyValue_r[] { target };
            propertyRestriction.Res.ResProperty.PropTag = (uint)AulProp.PidTagDisplayName;

            Restriction_r? filter = propertyRestriction;

            PropertyName_r? propNameOfGetMatches = null;
            PropertyTagArray_r propTags = new PropertyTagArray_r
                CValues = 3,
                AulPropTag = new uint[3]
            PropertyTagArray_r? propTagsOfGetMatches = propTags;

            // Output parameters.
            PropertyTagArray_r? outMIds;
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfGetMatches;

            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Call NspiModLinkAtt with an invalid input parameter dwMId, so that the server cannot locate the object specified by the invalid dwMId.
            uint flagsOfModLinkAtt = 0; // A value which does not contain fDelete flag (0x1).
            BinaryArray_r entryId = new BinaryArray_r
                CValues = 1,
                Lpbin = new Binary_r[1]

            // Get user name.
            for (int i = 0; i < rowsOfGetMatches.Value.CRows; i++)
                string name = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[1].Value.LpszA);

                // Server will ignore cases when comparing string according to section 2.2.6 in Open Specification MS-OXNSPI.
                if (name.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture).Equals(userName.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)))
                    entryId.Lpbin[0] = rowsOfGetMatches.Value.ARow[i].LpProps[0].Value.Bin;

            // Modify PidTagAddressBookMember.
            uint propTagOfModLinkAtt = (uint)AulProp.PidTagAddressBookMember;

            // Set MID to an invalid value.
            uint midOfModLinkAtt = uint.Parse(Constants.UnrecognizedMID);
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiModLinkAtt(flagsOfModLinkAtt, propTagOfModLinkAtt, midOfModLinkAtt, entryId);

            #region Capture code
            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R1328");

            // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R1328
                @"[In NspiModLinkAtt] [Server Processing Rules: Upon receiving message NspiModLinkAtt, the server MUST process the data from the message subject to the following constraints:] [Constraint 4] If the server is unable to locate the object specified by the input parameter dwMId, the server MUST return the value ""InvalidParameter"" (0x80070057).");


            #region Call NspiGetMatches again to see if any property is modified.
            PropertyRowSet_r? rowsOfGetMatches1;
            this.Result = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiGetMatches(reserved1, ref stat, proReserved, reserver2, filter, propNameOfGetMatches, requested, out outMIds, propTagsOfGetMatches, out rowsOfGetMatches1);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<ErrorCodeValue>(ErrorCodeValue.Success, this.Result, "NspiGetMatches should return Success!");

            #region Capture code
            if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(2003010, this.Site))
                // Add the debug information
                Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-OXNSPI_R2003010");

                // Verify MS-OXNSPI requirement: MS-OXNSPI_R2003010
                    AdapterHelper.AreTwoPropertyRowSetEqual(rowsOfGetMatches, rowsOfGetMatches1),
                    @"[In Appendix A: Product Behavior] Implementation does not modify any properties of any objects in the address book. (Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (SP3) follows this behavior).");

            #region Call NspiUnbind to destroy the session between the client and the server.
            uint returnValue = this.ProtocolAdatper.NspiUnbind(0);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual<uint>(1, returnValue, "NspiUnbind method should return 1 (Success).");