Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_LISTSWS.S05_OperationOnFiles.MSLISTSWS_S05_TC06_CheckOutFile_InvalidParameter C# (CSharp) Method

MSLISTSWS_S05_TC06_CheckOutFile_InvalidParameter() private method

private MSLISTSWS_S05_TC06_CheckOutFile_InvalidParameter ( ) : void
return void
        public void MSLISTSWS_S05_TC06_CheckOutFile_InvalidParameter()
            // create a normal document Library and upload a file to SUT
            string listTitle = TestSuiteHelper.GetUniqueListName();
            int docLibraryTemplateId = (int)TemplateType.Document_Library;
            TestSuiteHelper.CreateList(listTitle, docLibraryTemplateId);

            // Upload the file to the document library
            string absoluteFileUrl = this.sutControlAdapter.UploadFile(listTitle);
                        "Upload file to the list {0} should be successful, the file path is [{1}]",

            #region Check out the added file with null pageUrl parameter, try to capture R406; R2305;

            bool isSoapFaultExist = false;
            string errorCode = string.Empty;
                string nullPageUrl = null;
                this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(nullPageUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty);
            catch (SoapException soapEx)
                isSoapFaultExist = true;
                errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx);

            // if there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R406
                                isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                                @"[In CheckOutFile operation]If the pageUrl is null  the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001.");


            #region Check out the added file with pageUrl is empty string, and try to capture R407; R1663

            isSoapFaultExist = false;
            errorCode = string.Empty;
                string emptyPageUrl = string.Empty;
                this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(emptyPageUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty);
            catch (SoapException soapEx)
                isSoapFaultExist = true;
                errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx);

            // If there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R407
                                 isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                                 @"[In CheckOutFile operation] If the pageUrl is empty string, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001.");

            // If there are a soap fault and the error code equal to the "0x82000001", capture R1663
                                isSoapFaultExist && errorCode.Equals("0x82000001", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase),
                                @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is empty string, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000001.] This indicates that the pageUrl is an empty string.");

            #region Check out the added file with pageUrl setting to an invalid URL, try to capture MS-LISTSWS_R4081 MS-LISTSWS_R1664 and MS-LISTSWS_R4082

            isSoapFaultExist = false;
            string errorString = string.Empty;
            errorCode = string.Empty;
                string invalidPageUrl = "/";
                this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(invalidPageUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty);
            catch (SoapException soapEx)
                isSoapFaultExist = true;
                errorString = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorString(soapEx);
                errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx);

            if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(4081, this.Site))
                // Add the debug information
                this.Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-LISTSWS_R4081. SOAP fault {0}.", isSoapFaultExist ? "is returned with error string '" + errorString + "'" : "is not returned");

                // Verify MS-LISTSWS requirement: MS-LISTSWS_R4081
                bool isVerifiedR4081 = isSoapFaultExist && string.Equals(errorString, "Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.");

                    @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL] Implementation does return a SOAP fault with error string ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."".(SharePoint Foundation 2010 and above follow this behavior.)");

                // If there is no any error code in soap fault, capture MS-LISTSWS_R1664
                                         @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL, the protocol server SHOULD<34> return a SOAP fault with error string ""Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined."". ]There is no error code for this fault.");

            if (Common.IsRequirementEnabled(4082, this.Site))
                    @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the pageUrl is an invalid URL] Implementation does not return a SOAP fault.(<34> Section  wss3 does not return a SOAP fault.)");


            #region Check out the added file with the checkoutToLocal parameter does not resolve to a valid Boolean string.Try to capture R410;R1666;

            isSoapFaultExist = false;
            errorCode = string.Empty;
                // Get an invalid path
                string invalidBoolValue = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, invalidBoolValue, string.Empty);
            catch (SoapException soapEx)
                isSoapFaultExist = true;
                errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx);

            // If there are a Soap fault, capture R410
                               @"[In CheckOutFile operation] If the checkoutToLocal parameter does not resolve to a valid Boolean string (case-insensitive equality to ""True"" or ""False"", ignoring leading and trailing white space), the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault.");

            // If there are a soap fault and no error code return in SoapFault, capture R1666
                                isSoapFaultExist && string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorCode),
                                @"[In CheckOutFile operation] [If the checkoutToLocal parameter does not resolve to a valid Boolean string (case-insensitive equality to ""True"" or ""False"", ignoring leading and trailing white space), the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault.]There is no error code for this fault.");


            isSoapFaultExist = false;
            errorCode = string.Empty;
                // Get an invalid path
                string invalidBoolValue = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
                this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, invalidBoolValue, string.Empty);
            catch (SoapException soapEx)
                isSoapFaultExist = true;
                errorCode = TestSuiteHelper.GetErrorCode(soapEx);

            #region Check out a file that have been checked out, if the CheckOutFile should return false, capture R2305;

            bool ischeckOutSuccess = false;
            ischeckOutSuccess = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty);
            Site.Assert.IsTrue(ischeckOutSuccess, "The CheckOutFile operation must be successful in the first time.");

            // Check out a file that have been checked out
            ischeckOutSuccess = this.listwsInstance.CheckOutFile(absoluteFileUrl, bool.TrueString, string.Empty);

            // if the second CheckOutFile operation return false, capture R2305
               @"[CheckOutFileResponse][The value is True if the operation is successful; ]otherwise, False is returned");
