Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_FSSHTTP_FSSHTTPB.MS_FSSHTTP_FSSHTTPB_S04_ExclusiveLock.MSFSSHTTP_FSSHTTPB_S04_TC06_ExclusiveLock_FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated C# (CSharp) Method

MSFSSHTTP_FSSHTTPB_S04_TC06_ExclusiveLock_FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated() private method

        public void MSFSSHTTP_FSSHTTPB_S04_TC06_ExclusiveLock_FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated()
            // Initialize the service
            this.InitializeContext(this.DefaultFileUrl, this.UserName01, this.Password01, this.Domain);

            ExclusiveLockSubRequestType subRequest = SharedTestSuiteHelper.CreateExclusiveLockSubRequest(ExclusiveLockRequestTypes.GetLock);

            // Get the exclusive lock with nonexistent file URL and expect the server returns error code "LockRequestFail" or "Unknown".
            CellStorageResponse response = this.Adapter.CellStorageRequest(SharedTestSuiteHelper.GenerateNonExistFileUrl(this.Site), new SubRequestType[] { subRequest });
            ExclusiveLockSubResponseType exclusiveResponse = SharedTestSuiteHelper.ExtractSubResponse<ExclusiveLockSubResponseType>(response, 0, 0, this.Site);

            ErrorCodeType errorType = SharedTestSuiteHelper.ConvertToErrorCodeType(exclusiveResponse.ErrorCode, this.Site);
            bool isR1926Verified = errorType == ErrorCodeType.LockRequestFail || errorType == ErrorCodeType.Unknown || errorType == ErrorCodeType.FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated;

                "For requirement MS-FSSHTTP_R1926, expect the error code LockRequestFail or Unknown or FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated, but actually error code is " + errorType);

            if (SharedContext.Current.IsMsFsshttpRequirementsCaptured)
                // Verify MS-FSSHTTP requirement: MS-FSSHTTP_R1926
                         @"[In ExclusiveLock Subrequest][The protocol returns results based on the following conditions: ] If the protocol server was unable to find the URL for the file specified in the Url attribute, the protocol server reports a failure by returning an error code value set to ""LockRequestFail "" or ""Unknown"" or ""FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated""  in the ErrorCode attribute sent back in the SubResponse element.");
                    @"[In ExclusiveLock Subrequest][The protocol returns results based on the following conditions: ] If the protocol server was unable to find the URL for the file specified in the Url attribute, the protocol server reports a failure by returning an error code value set to ""LockRequestFail "" or ""Unknown"" or ""FileNotExistsOrCannotBeCreated""  in the ErrorCode attribute sent back in the SubResponse element.");