Microsoft.Cci.MetadataHostEnvironment.GetCoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity C# (CSharp) Method

GetCoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity() protected method

Returns the identity of the assembly containing the core system types such as System.Object, by asking each of the loaded units for its opinion on the matter and returning the opinion with the highest version number. If none of the loaded units have an opinion, the identity of the runtime executing the compiler itself is returned.
protected GetCoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity ( ) : Microsoft.Cci.AssemblyIdentity
return Microsoft.Cci.AssemblyIdentity
    protected virtual AssemblyIdentity GetCoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity() {
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<AssemblyIdentity>() != null);
      AssemblyIdentity/*?*/ result = null;
      IUnit referringUnit = Dummy.Unit;
      if (this.unitCache.Count > 0) {
        var dummyVersion = new Version(255, 255, 255, 255);
        lock (GlobalLock.LockingObject) {
          foreach (IUnit unit in this.unitCache.Values) {
            Contract.Assume(unit != null);
            AssemblyIdentity coreId = unit.CoreAssemblySymbolicIdentity;
            if (coreId.Name.Value.Length == 0) continue;
            if (result == null || result.Version == dummyVersion ||
               (result.Version < coreId.Version && coreId.Version != dummyVersion) ||
                result.Version == coreId.Version && unit.UnitIdentity.Equals(coreId)) {
              result = coreId;
              referringUnit = unit;
      if (result == null) {
        //If we get here, none of the assemblies in the unit cache has an opinion on the identity of the core assembly.
        //Usually this will be because this method was called before any assemblies have been loaded.
        //In this case, we have little option but to choose the identity of the core assembly of the platform we are running on.
        var coreAssemblyName = typeof(object).Assembly.GetName();
        var version = coreAssemblyName.Version;
        Contract.Assume(version != null);
        var publicKeyToken = coreAssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken();
        Contract.Assume(publicKeyToken != null);
        result = new AssemblyIdentity(this.NameTable.GetNameFor(coreAssemblyName.Name), "", version, publicKeyToken, "");
      if (result.Location.Length == 0) {
        //We either found a plausible identity by polling the assemblies in the unit cache, or we used the identity of our own core assembly.
        //However, we defer to ProbeAssemblyReference to find an actual location for the assembly.
        //(Note that if result.Location.Length > 0, then the core assembly has already been loaded and we thus know the location and don't have to probe.)
        this.coreAssemblySymbolicIdentity = result; //in case ProbeAssemblyReference wants to know the core identity
        result = this.ProbeAssemblyReference(referringUnit, result);
      return this.coreAssemblySymbolicIdentity = result;