Castle.MonoRail.Framework.WizardActionProvider.IncludeActions C# (CSharp) Method

IncludeActions() public method

Implementation of IDynamicActionProvider.

Grab all steps related to the wizard and register them as dynamic actions.

public IncludeActions ( Controller controller ) : void
controller Controller Wizard controller (must implement
return void
		public void IncludeActions(Controller controller)
			IRailsEngineContext context = controller.Context;
			// Primordial assert

			IWizardController wizardController = controller as IWizardController;

			if (wizardController == null)
				throw new RailsException("The controller {0} must implement the interface " + 
					"IWizardController to be used as a wizard", controller.Name);
			// Grab all Wizard Steps

			steps = wizardController.GetSteps(controller.Context);

			if (steps == null || steps.Length == 0)
				throw new RailsException("The controller {0} returned no WizardStepPage", controller.Name);

			IList stepList = new ArrayList();
			// Include the "start" dynamic action, which resets the wizard state

			controller.DynamicActions["start"] = this;

			// Find out the action request (and possible inner action)
			//   Each action will be a step name, or maybe the step name + action (ie Page1-Save)
			urlInfo = controller.Context.UrlInfo;

			rawAction = urlInfo.Action;

			requestedAction = ObtainRequestedAction(rawAction, out innerAction);

			// If no inner action was found, fallback to 'RenderWizardView'
			if (innerAction == null || innerAction == String.Empty)
				innerAction = "RenderWizardView";
			IControllerLifecycleExecutorFactory execFactory = 
				(IControllerLifecycleExecutorFactory) context.GetService(typeof(IControllerLifecycleExecutorFactory));

			// Initialize all steps and while we are at it, 
			// discover the current step
			foreach(WizardStepPage step in steps)
				String actionName = step.ActionName;
				if (String.Compare(requestedAction, actionName, true) == 0)
					currentStepInstance = step;

					if (innerAction != null)
						// If there's an inner action, we invoke it as a step too
						controller.DynamicActions[rawAction] = 
							new DelegateDynamicAction(new ActionDelegate(OnStepActionRequested));
					context.CurrentController = step;
				controller.DynamicActions[actionName] = 
					new DelegateDynamicAction(new ActionDelegate(OnStepActionRequested));


				IControllerLifecycleExecutor stepExec = execFactory.CreateExecutor(step, context);
				stepExec.InitializeController(controller.AreaName, controller.Name, innerAction);
				if (currentStepInstance == step)
					currentStepExecutor = stepExec;

					if (!stepExec.SelectAction(innerAction, controller.Name))
					if (!stepExec.RunStartRequestFilters())

			context.Items["wizard.step.list"] = stepList;
