Calyptus.Mvc.ControllerBaseAttribute.Initialize C# (CSharp) Method

Initialize() public method

public Initialize ( Type controllerType ) : void
controllerType System.Type
return void
		public virtual void Initialize(Type controllerType)
			ConstructorInfo constructor = controllerType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);

			if (constructor != null)
				DynamicMethod inv = new DynamicMethod("CreateController", typeof(object), Type.EmptyTypes);
				ILGenerator invIL = inv.GetILGenerator();
				invIL.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, constructor);

				_controllerCreator = (Func<object>)inv.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<object>));
			//throw new BindingException("Controller " + controllerType.Name + " doesn't contain a public no-arguments constructor.");
			_controllerCreator = () =>
					return System.Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType);
				catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
					throw ex.InnerException;

			PropertyHandler[] properties;
			List<PropertyHandler> props = new List<PropertyHandler>();
			foreach (PropertyInfo p in controllerType.GetProperties())
				object[] propAttributes = p.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IPropertyBinding), false);
				for (int i = 0; i < propAttributes.Length; i++)
					IPropertyBinding b = (IPropertyBinding)propAttributes[i];
					props.Add(new PropertyHandler { Binding = b, Property = p });
			if (props.Count > 0) properties = props.ToArray();
			else properties = null;

			IExtension[] controllerExtensions;
			object[] exts = controllerType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IExtension), true);
			if (exts.Length > 0)
				controllerExtensions = new IExtension[exts.Length];
				for (int i = 0; i < exts.Length; i++)
					IExtension ext = (IExtension)exts[i];
					controllerExtensions[i] = ext;
				controllerExtensions = null;

			List<ActionHandler> handlers = new List<ActionHandler>();
			foreach (MethodInfo m in controllerType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance))
				object[] actionAttributes = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IActionBinding), false);
				if (actionAttributes.Length > 0)
					IExtension[] actionExtensions;
					exts = m.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IExtension), true);
					if (exts.Length > 0)
						actionExtensions = new IExtension[exts.Length];
						for (int i = 0; i < exts.Length; i++)
							IExtension ext = (IExtension)exts[i];
							actionExtensions[i] = ext;
						actionExtensions = null;

					IActionBinding[] bs = new IActionBinding[actionAttributes.Length];
					for (int i = 0; i < actionAttributes.Length; i++)
						IActionBinding a = bs[i] = (IActionBinding)actionAttributes[i];

						ParameterInfo[] ps = m.GetParameters();
						ParameterInfo sl = ps.Length > 1 ? ps[ps.Length - 2] : null;
						ParameterInfo l = ps.Length > 1 ? ps[ps.Length - 1] : null;
						bool isAsync = m.ReturnType == typeof(IAsyncResult) && sl != null &&
									   !sl.ParameterType.IsByRef && sl.ParameterType == typeof(AsyncCallback) &&
									   !l.ParameterType.IsByRef && l.ParameterType == typeof(object);

						bool isParentAction = !isAsync && typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(m.ReturnType) || m.ReturnType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IControllerBinding), false).Length > 0;

						ActionHandler handler = isAsync ? new AsyncActionHandler() : (isParentAction ? new ParentActionHandler() : new ActionHandler());
						handler.Action = m;
						handler.Binding = a;
						handler.ControllerExtensions = controllerExtensions;
						handler.ActionExtensions = actionExtensions;
						handler.Properties = properties;

						if (isAsync)
							string name = m.Name.StartsWith("Begin", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? m.Name.Substring(5) : m.Name;
							MethodInfo em = controllerType.GetMethod("End" + name, new Type[] { typeof(IAsyncResult) });
							if (em == null) controllerType.GetMethod(name, new Type[] { typeof(IAsyncResult) });
							if (em == null) throw new BindingException(String.Format("Beginning of asynchronous method '{0}' is missing the expected '{1}' end method.", m.Name, "End" + name));
							((AsyncActionHandler)handler).EndAction = em;

			if (handlers.Count > 0)
				_handlers = handlers.ToArray();