Box.V2.Managers.BoxEventsManager.LongPollUserEvents C# (CSharp) Method

LongPollUserEvents() public method

Used to get real-time notification of activity in a Box account.
public LongPollUserEvents ( string streamPosition, Action newEventsCallback, CancellationToken cancellationToken, UserEventsStreamType streamType = UserEventsStreamType.all, bool dedupeEvents = true, int retryTimeoutOverride = null ) : Task
streamPosition string The location in the event stream from which you want to start receiving events.
newEventsCallback Action Method to invoke when new events are received.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken Used to request that the long polling process terminate.
streamType UserEventsStreamType Restricts the types of events returned: all returns all events; changes returns events that may cause file tree changes such as file updates or collaborations; sync returns events that may cause file tree changes only for synced folders.
dedupeEvents bool Whether or not to automatically de-duplicate events as they are received. Defaults to true.
retryTimeoutOverride int Used to override the retry timeout value returned from the long polling OPTIONS request.
return Task
        public async Task LongPollUserEvents(string streamPosition,
                                             Action<BoxEventCollection<BoxEnterpriseEvent>> newEventsCallback,
                                             CancellationToken cancellationToken,
                                             UserEventsStreamType streamType = UserEventsStreamType.all, 
                                             bool dedupeEvents = true,
                                             int? retryTimeoutOverride = null)
            const string NEW_CHANGE_MESSAGE = "new_change";

            string nextStreamPosition = streamPosition;

            while (true)
                BoxRequest optionsRequest = new BoxRequest(_config.EventsUri)
               .Param("stream_type", streamType.ToString())

                IBoxResponse<BoxLongPollInfoCollection<BoxLongPollInfo>> optionsResponse = await ToResponseAsync<BoxLongPollInfoCollection<BoxLongPollInfo>>(optionsRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var longPollInfo = optionsResponse.ResponseObject.Entries[0];
                var numRetries = Int32.Parse(longPollInfo.MaxRetries);

                bool pollAgain = true;
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        var timeout = retryTimeoutOverride.HasValue ? retryTimeoutOverride.Value : longPollInfo.RetryTimeout;
                        BoxRequest pollRequest = new BoxRequest(longPollInfo.Url) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout) };
                        IBoxResponse<BoxLongPollMessage> pollResponse = await ToResponseAsync<BoxLongPollMessage>(pollRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        var message = pollResponse.ResponseObject.Message;
                        if (message == NEW_CHANGE_MESSAGE)
                            BoxEventCollection<BoxEnterpriseEvent> newEvents = null;
                                newEvents = await UserEventsAsync(streamType: streamType, streamPosition: nextStreamPosition, dedupeEvents: dedupeEvents).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                nextStreamPosition = newEvents.NextStreamPosition;
                                if (newEvents.Entries.Count > 0)
                            } while (newEvents.Entries.Count > 0);
                        //Most likely request timed out.
                        //If we've reached maximum number of retries then bounce all the way back to the OPTIONS request.
                        pollAgain = numRetries-- > 0;
                } while (pollAgain);                         