Bloom.Publish.PdfMaker.MakePdf C# (CSharp) Method

MakePdf() public method

public MakePdf ( string inputHtmlPath, string outputPdfPath, string paperSizeName, bool landscape, bool saveMemoryMode, bool layoutPagesForRightToLeft, PublishModel booketLayoutMethod, PublishModel bookletPortion, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs, Control owner ) : void
inputHtmlPath string
outputPdfPath string
paperSizeName string A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,B0,B1,B10,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7,B8,B9,C5E,Comm10E,DLE,Executive,Folio,Ledger,Legal,Letter,Tabloid
landscape bool true if landscape orientation, false if portrait orientation
saveMemoryMode bool true if PDF file is to be produced using less memory (but more time)
layoutPagesForRightToLeft bool true if RTL, false if LTR layout
booketLayoutMethod PublishModel NoBooklet,SideFold,CutAndStack,Calendar
bookletPortion PublishModel None,AllPagesNoBooklet,BookletCover,BookletPages,InnerContent
worker System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker If not null, the Background worker which is running this task, and may be queried to determine whether a cancel is being attempted
doWorkEventArgs System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs The event passed to the worker when it was started. If a cancel is successful, it's Cancel property should be set true.
owner System.Windows.Forms.Control A control which can be used to invoke parts of the work which must be done on the ui thread.
return void
        public void MakePdf(string inputHtmlPath, string outputPdfPath, string paperSizeName, bool landscape, bool saveMemoryMode, bool layoutPagesForRightToLeft,
			PublishModel.BookletLayoutMethod booketLayoutMethod, PublishModel.BookletPortions bookletPortion, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs, Control owner)
            // Try up to 4 times. This is a last-resort attempt to handle BL-361.
            // Most likely that was caused by a race condition in MakePdfUsingGeckofxHtmlToPdfComponent.MakePdf,
            // but as it was an intermittent problem and we're not sure that was the cause, this might help.
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                new MakePdfUsingGeckofxHtmlToPdfProgram().MakePdf(inputHtmlPath, outputPdfPath, paperSizeName, landscape, saveMemoryMode,
                    owner, worker, doWorkEventArgs);

                if (doWorkEventArgs.Cancel || (doWorkEventArgs.Result != null && doWorkEventArgs.Result is Exception))
                if (RobustFile.Exists(outputPdfPath))
                    break; // normally the first time
            if (!RobustFile.Exists(outputPdfPath) && owner != null)
                // Should never happen, but...
                owner.Invoke((Action) (() =>
                    // Review: should we localize this? Hopefully the user never sees it...don't want to increase burden on localizers...
                        "Bloom unexpectedly failed to create the PDF. If this happens repeatedy please report it to the developers. Probably it will work if you just try again.",
                        "Pdf creation failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                if (bookletPortion != PublishModel.BookletPortions.AllPagesNoBooklet)
                    //remake the pdf by reording the pages (and sometimes rotating, shrinking, etc)
                    MakeBooklet(outputPdfPath, paperSizeName, booketLayoutMethod, layoutPagesForRightToLeft);
                     // Just check that we got a valid, readable PDF. (MakeBooklet has to read the PDF itself,
                    // so we don't need to do this check if we're calling that.)
                    // If we get a reliable fix to BL-932 we can take this 'else' out altogether.
            catch (KeyNotFoundException e)
                // This is characteristic of BL-932, where Gecko29 fails to make a valid PDF, typically
                // because the user has embedded a really huge image, something like 4000 pixels wide.
                // We think it could also happen with a very long book or if the user is short of memory.
                // The resulting corruption of the PDF file takes the form of a syntax error in an embedded
                // object so that the parser finds an empty string where it expected a 'generationNumber'
                // (currently line 106 of Parser.cs). This exception is swallowed but leads to an empty
                // externalIDs dictionary in PdfImportedObjectTable, and eventually a new exception trying
                // to look up an object ID at line 121 of that class. We catch that exception here and
                // suggest possible actions the user can take until we find a better solution.
                    LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.PdfMaker.BadPdf", "Bloom had a problem making a PDF of this book. You may need technical help or to contact the developers. But here are some things you can try:")
                        + Environment.NewLine + "- "
                        + LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.PdfMaker.TryRestart", "Restart your computer and try this again right away")
                        + Environment.NewLine + "- "
                            "Replace large, high-resolution images in your document with lower-resolution ones")
                        + Environment.NewLine + "- "
                        + LocalizationManager.GetString("PublishTab.PdfMaker.TryMoreMemory", "Try doing this on a computer with more memory"));


Usage Example

Example #1
 public void MakePdf_BookStyleIsNone_OutputsPdf()
     var maker = new PdfMaker();
     using (var input = TempFile.WithExtension("htm"))
     using (var output = new TempFile())
         maker.MakePdf(input.Path, output.Path, "a5", false, PublishModel.BookletLayoutMethod.SideFold, PublishModel.BookletPortions.AllPagesNoBooklet, new DoWorkEventArgs(null));
         //we don't actually have a way of knowing it did a booklet
All Usage Examples Of Bloom.Publish.PdfMaker::MakePdf