Bloom.ImageProcessing.ImageUtils.ProcessAndSaveImageIntoFolder C# (CSharp) Method

ProcessAndSaveImageIntoFolder() public static method

Makes the image a png if it's not a jpg and saves in the book's folder. If the image has a filename, replaces any file with the same name. WARNING: imageInfo.Image could be replaced (causing the original to be disposed)
public static ProcessAndSaveImageIntoFolder ( SIL.Windows.Forms.ImageToolbox.PalasoImage imageInfo, string bookFolderPath, bool isSameFile ) : string
imageInfo SIL.Windows.Forms.ImageToolbox.PalasoImage
bookFolderPath string
isSameFile bool
return string
        public static string ProcessAndSaveImageIntoFolder(PalasoImage imageInfo, string bookFolderPath, bool isSameFile)
            bool isEncodedAsJpeg = false;
                isEncodedAsJpeg = AppearsToBeJpeg(imageInfo);
                if (!isEncodedAsJpeg)
                    // The original imageInfo.Image is disposed of in the setter.
                    // As of now (9/2016) this is safe because there are no other references to it higher in the stack.
                    imageInfo.Image = CreateImageWithoutTransparentBackground(imageInfo.Image);

                var shouldConvertToJpeg = !isEncodedAsJpeg && ShouldChangeFormatToJpeg(imageInfo.Image);
                string imageFileName;
                if (!shouldConvertToJpeg && isSameFile)
                    imageFileName = imageInfo.FileName;
                    imageFileName = GetFileNameToUseForSavingImage(bookFolderPath, imageInfo, isEncodedAsJpeg || shouldConvertToJpeg);

                if (!Directory.Exists(bookFolderPath))
                    throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(bookFolderPath + " does not exist");

                var destinationPath = Path.Combine(bookFolderPath, imageFileName);
                if (shouldConvertToJpeg)
                    SaveAsTopQualityJpeg(imageInfo.Image, destinationPath);
                RobustIO.SavePalasoImage(imageInfo, destinationPath);

                return imageFileName;

                /* I (Hatton) have decided to stop compressing images until we have a suite of
                tests based on a number of image exemplars. Compression can be great, but it
                can also lead to very long waits; this is a "first, do no harm" decision.

                //nb: there are cases (undefined) where we get out of memory if we are not operating on a copy
                using (var image = new Bitmap(imageInfo.Image))
                    using (var tmp = new TempFile())
                        SIL.IO.RobustIO.SaveImage(image, tmp.Path, isJpeg ? ImageFormat.Jpeg : ImageFormat.Png);
                        SIL.IO.FileUtils.ReplaceFileWithUserInteractionIfNeeded(tmp.Path, destinationPath, null);


                using (var dlg = new ProgressDialogBackground())
                    dlg.ShowAndDoWork((progress, args) => ImageUpdater.CompressImage(dest, progress));
            catch (IOException)
                throw; //these are informative on their own
                /* No. OutOfMemory is almost meaningless when it comes to image errors. Better not to confuse people
             * catch (OutOfMemoryException error)
                //Enhance: it would be great if we could bring up that problem dialog ourselves, and offer this picture as an attachment
                throw new ApplicationException("Bloom ran out of memory while trying to import the picture. We suggest that you quit Bloom, run it again, and then try importing this picture again. If that fails, please go to the Help menu and choose 'Report a Problem'", error);
            catch (Exception error)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageInfo.FileName) && RobustFile.Exists(imageInfo.OriginalFilePath))
                    var megs = new System.IO.FileInfo(imageInfo.OriginalFilePath).Length/(1024*1000);
                    if (megs > 2)
                        var msg =
                                "Bloom was not able to prepare that picture for including in the book. \r\nThis is a rather large image to be adding to a book --{0} Megs--.",
                        if (isEncodedAsJpeg)
                            msg +=
                                "\r\nNote, this file is a jpeg, which is normally used for photographs, and complex color artwork. Bloom can handle smallish jpegs, large ones are difficult to handle, especialy if memory is limited.";
                        throw new ApplicationException(msg, error);

                throw new ApplicationException(
                    "Bloom was not able to prepare that picture for including in the book. We'd like to investigate, so if possible, would you please email it to [email protected]?" +
                    System.Environment.NewLine + imageInfo.FileName, error);