Baconit.PanelManager.Navigate C# (CSharp) Method

Navigate() public method

Navigates to a panel. If a panel already exist with the same panelId instead or creating a new panel the old panel will be shown and passed the new arguments.
public Navigate ( Type panelType, string panelId, object>.Dictionary arguments = null ) : bool
panelType System.Type The type of panel to be created
panelId string A unique identifier for the panel, the id should be able to differeincae between two panels of the same type
arguments object>.Dictionary Arguments to be sent to the panel
return bool
        public bool Navigate(Type panelType, string panelId, Dictionary<string, object> arguments = null)
            if (panelType == null)
                throw new Exception("Panel type can't be null!");

            // Make sure we send args along.
            if (arguments == null)
                arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            // Clear this value
            m_finalNavigateHasShownMenu = false;

            bool isExitingPanel = false;
            StackItem navigateFromPanel = null;
            StackItem panelToReduceMemory = null;
            lock (m_panelStack)
                // For now we can only do one animation at a time. So if we are doing something we
                // must ignore this
                if (m_state != State.Idle)
                    return false;

                // The panel we will navigate to
                StackItem navigateToPanel = null;

                // First, check to see if we already have the panel
                foreach (StackItem item in m_panelStack)
                    if(item.Panel.GetType() == panelType && item.Id == panelId)
                        // We found it.
                        isExitingPanel = true;
                        navigateToPanel = item;

                // If we didn't find it make a new panel.
                if(navigateToPanel == null)
                    navigateToPanel = new StackItem();
                    navigateToPanel.Panel = (IPanel)Activator.CreateInstance(panelType);
                    navigateToPanel.Id = panelId;

                // Check the type
                PanelType newPanelType = GetPanelType(navigateToPanel.Panel);

                // Second, Figure out what panel will be leaving.
                if (m_screenMode == ScreenMode.Single)
                    // If we are in single mode it will be the panel from the top of the stack
                    if (m_panelStack.Count > 0)
                        navigateFromPanel = m_panelStack.Last();
                    // If we are in split mode it will be the panel we will replace.
                    // So go through the list backwards and find it.
                    foreach (StackItem item in m_panelStack.Reverse<StackItem>())
                        // If the are both subreddit panels or both not, we found the panel.
                        if (GetPanelType(item.Panel) == newPanelType)
                            navigateFromPanel = item;

                // We need to type of the leaving panel. If the panel is null this
                // is the first navigation of a type, so we will just call it the content panel.
                PanelType navigateFromPanelType = PanelType.ContentPanel;
                if (navigateFromPanel != null)
                    navigateFromPanelType = GetPanelType(navigateFromPanel.Panel);

                // Third, Setup the panel. If it already exits call activate instead of setup.
                if (isExitingPanel)
                    navigateToPanel.Panel.PanelSetup(this, arguments);

                // Special case! If the UI is already shown then we should just return here.
                if(navigateFromPanel != null && navigateFromPanel.Panel.GetType() == navigateToPanel.Panel.GetType() && navigateFromPanel.Id == navigateToPanel.Id)
                    return true;

                // Last, add the panel to the bottom of the list.
                // Note if this existing the panel will be in the list twice!

                // Report the view

                // Check if there is someone we should ask to reduce memory
                if(m_panelStack.Count > (c_numberOfHistoryPagesBeforeMemoryReduce + 1))
                    panelToReduceMemory = m_panelStack[m_panelStack.Count - (c_numberOfHistoryPagesBeforeMemoryReduce +1)];

                    // This can only happen in split mode.
                    if(m_screenMode == ScreenMode.Split)
                        // We need to make sure this panel isn't visible
                        PanelType reducePanelType = GetPanelType(panelToReduceMemory.Panel);
                        for (int count = m_panelStack.Count - 1; count >= 0; count--)
                            // Find the first panel of this type and make sure it isn't this panel
                            StackItem item = m_panelStack[count];
                            if (GetPanelType(item.Panel) == reducePanelType)
                                if (item.Id.Equals(panelToReduceMemory.Id) && item.Panel.GetType() == panelToReduceMemory.Panel.GetType())
                                    // This is the panel thus it is visible. Just null out the var
                                    // and leave it alone.
                                    // #todo! There is a bug here, any panel that is cleared here will never be
                                    // asked to reduce its memory. This isn't a huge deal, but something we might
                                    // want to fix later. This isn't a huge problem because on mobile this will never happen
                                    // and the memory manager will start killing pages if memory gets too high.
                                    panelToReduceMemory = null;

                                // If the first panel we found wasn't it then this panel
                                // isn't visible.

                // Animate the current panel out
                PlayFadeAnimation(newPanelType, navigateFromPanelType, State.FadingOut);

            // If we have a panel tell it we are leaving no under lock.
            if (navigateFromPanel != null)

            // If we have a panel to reduce memory, ask it to.
            if (panelToReduceMemory != null)

            return true;

Usage Example

Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Fired when the main page is loaded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set the current information to the UI.

            // Request an update if needed

            // Get the default subreddit.
            string defaultDisplayName = App.BaconMan.UiSettingsMan.SubredditList_DefaultSubredditDisplayName;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(defaultDisplayName))
                defaultDisplayName = "frontpage";

            // Make sure we don't have an overwrite (launched from a secondary tile)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_subredditFirstNavOverwrite))
                defaultDisplayName = m_subredditFirstNavOverwrite;

            // Navigate to the start
            Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            args.Add(PanelManager.NAV_ARGS_SUBREDDIT_NAME, defaultDisplayName);
            m_panelManager.Navigate(typeof(SubredditPanel), defaultDisplayName + SortTypes.Hot + SortTimeTypes.Week, args);
            m_panelManager.Navigate(typeof(WelcomePanel), "WelcomePanel");

            // Update the trending subreddits

            // Show review if we should
All Usage Examples Of Baconit.PanelManager::Navigate