Axiom.Samples.DynamicTexture.DynamicTexture.SetupContent C# (CSharp) Method

SetupContent() protected method

protected SetupContent ( ) : void
return void
		protected override void SetupContent()
			SceneManager.SetSkyBox( true, "Examples/StormySkyBox", 5000 );  // add a skybox

			// setup some basic lighting for our scene
			SceneManager.AmbientLight = new ColorEx( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f );
			SceneManager.CreateLight( "DynTexLight1" ).Position = new Vector3( 20, 80, 50 );

			// set initial camera position
			CameraManager.setStyle( CameraStyle.Manual );
			Camera.Position = new Vector3( 0, 0, 200 );


			// create our dynamic texture with 8-bit luminance texels
			Texture tex = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual( "thaw", ResourceGroupManager.DefaultResourceGroupName, TextureType.TwoD, TEXTURE_SIZE, TEXTURE_SIZE, 0, PixelFormat.L8, TextureUsage.DynamicWriteOnly );

			mTexBuf = tex.GetBuffer();  // save off the texture buffer

			// initialise the texture to have full luminance
			mTexBuf.Lock( BufferLocking.Discard );
			Memory.Set( mTexBuf.CurrentLock.Data, 0xff, mTexBuf.Size );

			// create a penguin and attach him to our penguin node
			Entity penguin = SceneManager.CreateEntity( "Penguin", "penguin.mesh" );
			mPenguinNode = SceneManager.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
			mPenguinNode.AttachObject( penguin );

			// get and enable the penguin idle animation
			mPenguinAnimState = penguin.GetAnimationState( "amuse" );
			mPenguinAnimState.IsEnabled = true;

			// create a snowstorm over the scene, and fast forward it a little
			ParticleSystem ps = ParticleSystemManager.Instance.CreateSystem( "Snow", "Examples/Snow" );
			SceneManager.RootSceneNode.AttachObject( ps );
			ps.FastForward( 30 );

			// create a frosted screen in front of the camera, using our dynamic texture to "thaw" certain areas
			Entity ent = SceneManager.CreateEntity( "Plane", PrefabEntity.Plane );
			ent.MaterialName = "Examples/Frost";
			SceneNode node = SceneManager.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
			node.Position = new Vector3( 0, 0, 50 );
			node.AttachObject( ent );

			mPlaneSize = ent.BoundingBox.Size.x;   // remember the size of the plane

			mCursorQuery = SceneManager.CreateRayQuery( new Ray() );  // create a ray scene query for the cursor

			mTimeSinceLastFreeze = 0;
			mWiping = false;