Aura.Channel.World.Position.InCone C# (CSharp) Method

InCone() public method

Returns true if this position is in a cone, based on the parameters.
public InCone ( Position tip, double direction, int radius, double angle ) : bool
tip Position Tip of the cone.
direction double Cone's direction as radian.
radius int Cone's radius.
angle double Cone's angle as radian.
return bool
		public bool InCone(Position tip, double direction, int radius, double angle)
			// Cap angle at +180°, to prevent possibly unexpected inverting
			// behavior. (The cone would go into the opposite direction.)
			angle = Math.Min(Math.PI, Math.Abs(angle));

			var halfAngle = angle / 2;

			var tx1 = tip.X + (Math.Cos(-halfAngle + direction) * radius);
			var ty1 = tip.Y + (Math.Sin(-halfAngle + direction) * radius);
			var tx2 = tip.X + (Math.Cos(halfAngle + direction) * radius);
			var ty2 = tip.Y + (Math.Sin(halfAngle + direction) * radius);
			var tx3 = tip.X;
			var ty3 = tip.Y;
			var px = X;
			var py = Y;

			// Check if position is inside the triangle part of the cone.
			var A = 1.0 / 2.0 * (-ty2 * tx3 + ty1 * (-tx2 + tx3) + tx1 * (ty2 - ty3) + tx2 * ty3);
			var sign = (A < 0 ? -1 : 1);
			var s = (ty1 * tx3 - tx1 * ty3 + (ty3 - ty1) * px + (tx1 - tx3) * py) * sign;
			var t = (tx1 * ty2 - ty1 * tx2 + (ty1 - ty2) * px + (tx2 - tx1) * py) * sign;

			var isInTriangle = (s > 0 && t > 0 && (s + t) < 2 * A * sign);
			if (isInTriangle)
				return true;

			// Check if position is on the triangle part's side of the cone.
			// If it is, we can stop, since we already checked for the
			// triangle. The only way the position could now be in the cone
			// is if it was on the circle's side.
			var isOnTriangleSide = (((tx2 - tx1) * (py - ty1) - (ty2 - ty1) * (px - tx1)) > 0);
			if (isOnTriangleSide)
				return false;

			// Check if position is inside the circle.
			var tx4 = (int)((tx1 + tx2) / 2);
			var ty4 = (int)((ty1 + ty2) / 2);
			var circleRadius = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tx2 - tx1, 2) + Math.Pow(ty2 - ty1, 2)) / 2;
			var targetDistance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(tx4 - px, 2) + Math.Pow(ty4 - py, 2));
			var isInCircle = (targetDistance < circleRadius);

			return isInCircle;

Usage Example

Example #1
		public void InCone()
			var centerPos = new Position(0, 0);
			var topPos = new Position(0, 500);
			var bottomPos = new Position(0, -500);
			var leftPos = new Position(-500, 0);
			var rightPos = new Position(500, 0);

			var up = MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(90);
			var down = MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(270);
			var left = MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(180);
			var right = MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(0);

			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 600, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(10)));
			Assert.Equal(true, bottomPos.InCone(centerPos, down, 600, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(10)));
			Assert.Equal(true, leftPos.InCone(centerPos, left, 600, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(10)));
			Assert.Equal(true, rightPos.InCone(centerPos, right, 600, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(10)));

			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 500, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(10)));
			Assert.Equal(false, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 500, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(180)));
			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 600, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(180)));
			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 1000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(180)));

			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 1000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(190)));
			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 1000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(-190)));
			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 1000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(9999)));
			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, up, 1000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(-9999)));

			Assert.Equal(false, topPos.InCone(centerPos, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(45), 2000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(45)));
			Assert.Equal(true, topPos.InCone(centerPos, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(68), 2000, MabiMath.DegreeToRadian(45)));