Aspose.Words.Examples.CSharp.Programming_Documents.Working_with_Charts.WorkWithChartDataLabel.Run C# (CSharp) Method

Run() public static method

public static Run ( ) : void
return void
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:WorkWithChartDataLabel
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithCharts();
            Document doc = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            Shape shape = builder.InsertChart(ChartType.Bar, 432, 252);
            Chart chart = shape.Chart;

            // Get first series.
            ChartSeries series0 = shape.Chart.Series[0];
            ChartDataLabelCollection dataLabelCollection = series0.DataLabels;

            // Add data label to the first and second point of the first series.
            ChartDataLabel chartDataLabel00 = dataLabelCollection.Add(0);
            ChartDataLabel chartDataLabel01 = dataLabelCollection.Add(1);

            // Set properties.
            chartDataLabel00.ShowLegendKey = true;

            // By default, when you add data labels to the data points in a pie chart, leader lines are displayed for data labels that are
            // Positioned far outside the end of data points. Leader lines create a visual connection between a data label and its 
            // Corresponding data point.
            chartDataLabel00.ShowLeaderLines = true;

            chartDataLabel00.ShowCategoryName = false;
            chartDataLabel00.ShowPercentage = false;
            chartDataLabel00.ShowSeriesName = true;
            chartDataLabel00.ShowValue = true;
            chartDataLabel00.Separator = "/";
            chartDataLabel01.ShowValue = true;
            dataDir = dataDir + @"SimpleBarChart_out.docx";
            // ExEnd:WorkWithChartDataLabel
            Console.WriteLine("\nSimple bar chart created successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);