Accord.Math.Optimization.BoundedBroydenFletcherGoldfarbShanno.mainlb C# (CSharp) Method

mainlb() private static method

private static mainlb ( int n, int m, double x, int _x_offset, double l, int _l_offset, double u, int _u_offset, int nbd, int _nbd_offset, double &f, double g, int _g_offset, double factr, double pgtol, double ws, int _ws_offset, double wy, int _wy_offset, double sy, int _sy_offset, double ss, int _ss_offset, double wt, int _wt_offset, double wn, int _wn_offset, double snd, int _snd_offset, double z, int _z_offset, double r, int _r_offset, double d, int _d_offset, double t, int _t_offset, double xp, int _xp_offset, double wa, int _wa_offset, int index, int _index_offset, int iwhere, int _iwhere_offset, int indx2, int _indx2_offset, string &task, int iprint, string &csave, bool lsave, int _lsave_offset, int isave, int _isave_offset, double dsave, int _dsave_offset ) : void
n int
m int
x double
_x_offset int
l double
_l_offset int
u double
_u_offset int
nbd int
_nbd_offset int
f double
g double
_g_offset int
factr double
pgtol double
ws double
_ws_offset int
wy double
_wy_offset int
sy double
_sy_offset int
ss double
_ss_offset int
wt double
_wt_offset int
wn double
_wn_offset int
snd double
_snd_offset int
z double
_z_offset int
r double
_r_offset int
d double
_d_offset int
t double
_t_offset int
xp double
_xp_offset int
wa double
_wa_offset int
index int
_index_offset int
iwhere int
_iwhere_offset int
indx2 int
_indx2_offset int
task string
iprint int
csave string
lsave bool
_lsave_offset int
isave int
_isave_offset int
dsave double
_dsave_offset int
return void
        private static void mainlb(int n,
            int m,
            double[] x, int _x_offset,
            double[] l, int _l_offset,
            double[] u, int _u_offset,
            int[] nbd, int _nbd_offset,
            ref double f,
            double[] g, int _g_offset,
            double factr,
            double pgtol,
            double[] ws, int _ws_offset,
            double[] wy, int _wy_offset,
            double[] sy, int _sy_offset,
            double[] ss, int _ss_offset,
            double[] wt, int _wt_offset,
            double[] wn, int _wn_offset,
            double[] snd, int _snd_offset,
            double[] z, int _z_offset,
            double[] r, int _r_offset,
            double[] d, int _d_offset,
            double[] t, int _t_offset,
            double[] xp, int _xp_offset,
            double[] wa, int _wa_offset,
            int[] index, int _index_offset,
            int[] iwhere, int _iwhere_offset,
            int[] indx2, int _indx2_offset,
            ref string task,
            int iprint,
            ref string csave,
            bool[] lsave, int _lsave_offset,
            int[] isave, int _isave_offset,
            double[] dsave, int _dsave_offset)

            bool prjctd = false;
            bool cnstnd = false;
            bool boxed = false;
            bool updatd = false;
            bool wrk = false;
            int i = 0;
            int k = 0;
            int nintol = 0;
            int itfile = 0;
            int iback = 0;
            int nskip = 0;
            int head = 0;
            int col = 0;
            int iter = 0;
            int itail = 0;
            int iupdat = 0;
            int nseg = 0;
            int nfgv = 0;
            int info = 0;
            int ifun = 0;
            int iword = 0;
            int nfree = 0;
            int nact = 0;
            int ileave = 0;
            int nenter = 0;
            double theta = 0.0d;
            double fold = 0.0d;
            double dr = 0.0d;
            double rr = 0.0d;
            double tol = 0.0d;
            double xstep = 0.0d;
            double sbgnrm = 0.0d;
            double ddum = 0.0d;
            double dnorm = 0.0d;
            double dtd = 0.0d;
            double epsmch = 0.0d;
            double cpu1 = 0.0d;
            double cpu2 = 0.0d;
            double cachyt = 0.0d;
            double sbtime = 0.0d;
            double lnscht = 0.0d;
            double time1 = 0.0d;
            // double time2 = 0.0d;
            double gd = 0.0d;
            double gdold = 0.0d;
            double stp = 0.0d;
            double stpmx = 0.0d;
            // double time = 0.0d;
            // float epsilon = 0.0f;

            if ((task.StartsWith("START", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // epsmch = (double)(Epsilon.epsilon(1.0));
                epsmch = Constants.DoubleEpsilon;

                // c        Initialize counters and scalars when task='START'.
                // c           for the limited memory BFGS matrices:
                col = 0;
                head = 1;
                theta = 1.0;
                iupdat = 0;
                updatd = false;
                iback = 0;
                itail = 0;
                iword = 0;
                nact = 0;
                ileave = 0;
                nenter = 0;
                fold = 0.0;
                dnorm = 0.0;
                cpu1 = 0.0;
                gd = 0.0;
                stpmx = 0.0;
                sbgnrm = 0.0;
                stp = 0.0;
                gdold = 0.0;
                dtd = 0.0;
                // c           for operation counts:
                iter = 0;
                nfgv = 0;
                nseg = 0;
                nintol = 0;
                nskip = 0;
                nfree = n;
                ifun = 0;
                // c           for stopping tolerance:
                tol = (factr * epsmch);
                // c           for measuring running time:
                cachyt = (double)(0);
                sbtime = (double)(0);
                lnscht = (double)(0);

                // c           'info' records the termination information.
                info = 0;
                itfile = 8;
                if ((iprint >= 1))
                    // c                                open a summary file 'iterate.dat'
                    ; // WARNING: Unimplemented statement in Fortran source.
                // c        Check the input arguments for errors.
                errclb(n, m, factr, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset,
                    nbd, _nbd_offset, ref task, ref info, ref k);

                if ((task.StartsWith("ERROR", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    Prn3lb.prn3lb(n, x, _x_offset, f, task, iprint,
                        info, itfile, iter, nfgv, nintol, nskip, nact, sbgnrm, 0.0, nseg, word,
                        iback, stp, xstep, k, cachyt, sbtime, lnscht);

                // Prn1lb.prn1lb(n, m, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset, x, _x_offset, iprint, itfile, epsmch);

                // c        Initialize iwhere & project x onto the feasible set.
                active(n, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset, nbd, _nbd_offset, x,
                    _x_offset, iwhere, _iwhere_offset, iprint, ref prjctd, ref cnstnd, ref boxed);
                // c        The end of the initialization.
                // c          restore local variables.
                prjctd = lsave[(1 - (1)) + _lsave_offset];
                cnstnd = lsave[(2 - (1)) + _lsave_offset];
                boxed = lsave[(3 - (1)) + _lsave_offset];
                updatd = lsave[(4 - (1)) + _lsave_offset];
                nintol = isave[(1 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                itfile = isave[(3 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                iback = isave[(4 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                nskip = isave[(5 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                head = isave[(6 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                col = isave[(7 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                itail = isave[(8 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                iter = isave[(9 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                iupdat = isave[(10 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                nseg = isave[(12 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                nfgv = isave[(13 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                info = isave[(14 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                ifun = isave[(15 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                iword = isave[(16 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                nfree = isave[(17 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                nact = isave[(18 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                ileave = isave[(19 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                nenter = isave[(20 - (1)) + _isave_offset];
                theta = dsave[(1 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                fold = dsave[(2 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                tol = dsave[(3 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                dnorm = dsave[(4 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                epsmch = dsave[(5 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                cpu1 = dsave[(6 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                cachyt = dsave[(7 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                sbtime = dsave[(8 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                lnscht = dsave[(9 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                time1 = dsave[(10 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                gd = dsave[(11 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                stpmx = dsave[(12 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                sbgnrm = dsave[(13 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                stp = dsave[(14 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                gdold = dsave[(15 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                dtd = dsave[(16 - (1)) + _dsave_offset];
                // c        After returning from the driver go to the point where execution
                // c        is to resume.
                if ((task.Substring((1) - 1, 5).StartsWith("FG_LN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    goto L666;

                if ((task.Substring((1) - 1, 5).StartsWith("NEW_X", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    goto L777;

                if ((task.Substring((1) - 1, 5).StartsWith("FG_ST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    goto L111;

                if ((task.Substring((1) - 1, 4).StartsWith("STOP", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    if ((task.Substring((7) - 1, 9).StartsWith("CPU", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                        // c                                          restore the previous iterate.
                        dcopy(n, t, _t_offset, 1, x, _x_offset, 1);
                        dcopy(n, r, _r_offset, 1, g, _g_offset, 1);
                        f = fold;
                    goto L999;

            // c     Compute f0 and g0.
            task = "FG_START";

            // c          return to the driver to calculate f and g; reenter at 111.
            goto L1000;


            nfgv = 1;

            // c     Compute the infinity norm of the (-) projected gradient.
            projgr(n, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset, nbd, _nbd_offset,
                x, _x_offset, g, _g_offset, ref sbgnrm);

            if ((iprint >= 1))
                // DISPLAY: iter, f, sbgnrm
                //          'At iterate',i5,4x,'f= ',1p,d12.5,4X,'|proj g|= ',1P,D12.5"

                // DISPLAY: iter, nfgv, sbgnrm, f
                //         "2(1x,i4),5x,'-',5x,'-',3x,'-',5x,'-',5x,'-',8x,'-',3x,1p,2(1x,d10.3)"

            if ((sbgnrm <= pgtol))
                // terminate the algorithm.
                goto L999;
        // c ----------------- the beginning of the loop --------------------------
            if ((iprint >= 99))
                // DISPLAY: (iter + 1))); ITERATION ',i5"

            iword = -1;

            if (((!cnstnd) && (col > 0)))
                // skip the search for GCP.
                dcopy(n, x, _x_offset, 1, z, _z_offset, 1);
                wrk = updatd;
                nseg = 0;
                goto L333;

            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            // c
            // c     Compute the Generalized Cauchy Point (GCP).
            // c
            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc

            cauchy(n, x, _x_offset, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset, nbd, _nbd_offset,
                g, _g_offset, indx2, _indx2_offset, iwhere, _iwhere_offset, t, _t_offset,
                d, _d_offset, z, _z_offset, m, wy, _wy_offset, ws, _ws_offset, sy, _sy_offset,
                wt, _wt_offset, theta, col, head, wa, (1 - (1)) + _wa_offset, wa,
                (((2 * m) + 1) - (1)) + _wa_offset, wa, (((4 * m) + 1) - (1)) + _wa_offset, wa,
                (((6 * m) + 1) - (1)) + _wa_offset, ref nseg, iprint, sbgnrm, ref info, epsmch);

            if ((info != 0))
                // c         singular triangular system detected; refresh the lbfgs memory.

                if ((iprint >= 1))
                    // DISPLAY: Singular triangular system detected;',/,
                    //          refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.'"

                info = 0;
                col = 0;
                head = 1;
                theta = 1.0;
                iupdat = 0;
                updatd = false;
                cachyt = ((cachyt + cpu2) - cpu1);
                goto L222;

            cachyt = ((cachyt + cpu2) - cpu1);
            nintol = (nintol + nseg);

            // Count the entering and leaving variables for iter > 0; 
            // find the index set of free and active variables at the GCP.
            freev(n, ref nfree, index, _index_offset, ref nenter, ref ileave, indx2, _indx2_offset,
                iwhere, _iwhere_offset, ref wrk, updatd, cnstnd, iprint, iter);

            nact = (n - nfree);

            // If there are no free variables or B=theta*I, 
            // then skip the subspace minimization.
            if (((nfree == 0) || (col == 0)))
                goto L555;

            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            // c
            // c     Subspace minimization.
            // c
            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            // c     Form  the LEL^T factorization of the indefinite
            // c       matrix    K = [-D -Y'ZZ'Y/theta     L_a'-R_z'  ]
            // c                     [L_a -R_z           theta*S'AA'S ]
            // c       where     E = [-I  0]
            // c                     [ 0  I]
            if (wrk)
                formk(n, nfree, index, _index_offset, nenter,
                    ileave, indx2, _indx2_offset, iupdat, updatd, wn, _wn_offset,
                    snd, _snd_offset, m, ws, _ws_offset, wy, _wy_offset, sy, _sy_offset,
                    theta, col, head, ref info);

            if ((info != 0))
                // nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization;
                // refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.
                if ((iprint >= 1))
                    // DISPLAY: ' Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formk;'
                    //          ' refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.'"

                info = 0;
                col = 0;
                head = 1;
                theta = 1.0;
                iupdat = 0;
                updatd = false;
                sbtime = ((sbtime + cpu2) - cpu1);
                goto L222;

            // compute r=-Z'B(xcp-xk)-Z'g   (using wa(2m+1)=W'(xcp-x) from 'cauchy')
            cmprlb(n, m, x, _x_offset, g, _g_offset, ws, _ws_offset, wy, _wy_offset,
                sy, _sy_offset, wt, _wt_offset, z, _z_offset, r, _r_offset, wa, _wa_offset,
                index, _index_offset, theta, col, head, nfree, cnstnd, ref info);

            if ((info != 0))
                goto L444;

            // c-jlm-jn   call the direct method. 
            subsm(n, m, nfree, index, _index_offset, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset,
                nbd, _nbd_offset, z, _z_offset, r, _r_offset, xp, _xp_offset, ws, _ws_offset,
                wy, _wy_offset, theta, x, _x_offset, g, _g_offset, col, head,
                ref iword, wa, _wa_offset, wn, _wn_offset, iprint, ref info);


            if ((info != 0))
                // singular triangular system detected;
                // refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.
                if ((iprint >= 1))
                    // DISPLAY: ' Singular triangular system detected;',
                    //            refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.'"

                info = 0;
                col = 0;
                head = 1;
                theta = 1.0;
                iupdat = 0;
                updatd = false;

                goto L222;

            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            // c
            // c     Line search and optimality tests.
            // c
            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            // c     Generate the search direction d:=z-x.
                for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    d[(i - (1)) + _d_offset] = (z[(i - (1)) + _z_offset] - x[(i - (1)) + _x_offset]);

            lnsrlb(n, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset, nbd, _nbd_offset, x, _x_offset,
                f, ref fold, ref gd, ref gdold, g, _g_offset, d, _d_offset, r, _r_offset, t, _t_offset,
                z, _z_offset, ref stp, ref dnorm, ref dtd, ref xstep, ref stpmx, iter, ref ifun,
                ref iback, ref nfgv, ref info, ref task, boxed, cnstnd, ref csave, isave,
                (22 - (1)) + _isave_offset, dsave, (17 - (1)) + _dsave_offset);

            if (((info != 0) || (iback >= 20)))
                // restore the previous iterate.
                dcopy(n, t, _t_offset, 1, x, _x_offset, 1);
                dcopy(n, r, _r_offset, 1, g, _g_offset, 1);

                f = fold;

                if ((col == 0))
                    // abnormal termination.
                    if ((info == 0))
                        info = -9;

                        // restore the actual number of f and g evaluations etc.
                        nfgv = (nfgv - 1);
                        ifun = (ifun - 1);
                        iback = (iback - 1);
                    task = "ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH";
                    iter = (iter + 1);

                    goto L999;
                    // refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.
                     if ((iprint >= 1))
                         // DISPLAY: Bad direction in the line search;'
                         //          refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.

                    if ((info == 0))
                        nfgv = (nfgv - 1);

                    info = 0;
                    col = 0;
                    head = 1;
                    theta = 1.0;
                    iupdat = 0;
                    updatd = false;
                    task = "RESTART_FROM_LNSRCH";
                    goto L222;
            else if ((task.StartsWith("FG_LN", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                // return to the driver for calculating f and g; reenter at 666.
                goto L1000;
                // calculate and print out the quantities related to the new X.

                iter = (iter + 1);

                // Compute the infinity norm of the projected (-)gradient.
                projgr(n, l, _l_offset, u, _u_offset, nbd, _nbd_offset,
                    x, _x_offset, g, _g_offset, ref sbgnrm);

                // Print iteration information.
                /* Prn2lb.prn2lb(n, x, _x_offset, f, g, _g_offset, iprint, itfile,
                    iter, nfgv, nact, sbgnrm, nseg, ref word,
                    iword, iback, stp, xstep); */

                goto L1000;


            // c     Test for termination.
            if ((sbgnrm <= pgtol))
                // terminate the algorithm.
                goto L999;

            ddum = Accord.Math.Tools.Max(System.Math.Abs(fold), System.Math.Abs(f), 1.0);

            if ((((fold - f)) <= (tol * ddum)))
                // terminate the algorithm.

                if ((iback >= 10))
                    info = -5;

                // i.e., to issue a warning if iback>10 in the line search.
                goto L999;

            // Compute d=newx-oldx, r=newg-oldg, rr=y'y and dr=y's.
                for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                    r[(i - (1)) + _r_offset] = (g[(i - (1)) + _g_offset] - r[(i - (1)) + _r_offset]);

            rr = ddot(n, r, _r_offset, 1, r, _r_offset, 1);

            if ((stp == 1.0))
                dr = (gd - gdold);
                ddum = (-(gdold));
                dr = (((gd - gdold)) * stp);
                dscal(n, stp, d, _d_offset, 1);
                ddum = (-((gdold * stp)));

            if ((dr <= (epsmch * ddum)))
                // skip the L-BFGS update.
                nskip = (nskip + 1);
                updatd = false;

                if ((iprint >= 1))
                    // DISPLAY: dr, ddum
                    // DISPLAY: '  ys=',1p,e10.3,'  -gs=',1P,E10.3,' BFGS update SKIPPED'"

                goto L888;

            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            // c
            // c     Update the L-BFGS matrix.
            // c
            // cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
            updatd = true;
            iupdat = (iupdat + 1);

            // c     Update matrices WS and WY and form the middle matrix in B.
            matupd(n, m, ws, _ws_offset, wy, _wy_offset, sy, _sy_offset,
                ss, _ss_offset, d, _d_offset, r, _r_offset, ref itail, iupdat, ref col,
                ref head, ref theta, rr, dr, stp, dtd);

            // c     Form the upper half of the pds T = theta*SS + L*D^(-1)*L';
            // c        Store T in the upper triangular of the array wt;
            // c        Cholesky factorize T to J*J' with
            // c           J' stored in the upper triangular of wt.
            formt(m, wt, _wt_offset, sy, _sy_offset, ss,
                _ss_offset, col, theta, ref info);

            if ((info != 0))
                // c          nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization;
                // c          refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.

                if ((iprint >= 1))
                    // DISPLAY:"Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formt
                    //          refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.'"

                info = 0;
                col = 0;
                head = 1;
                theta = 1.0;
                iupdat = 0;
                updatd = false;
                goto L222;

        //   Now the inverse of the middle matrix in B is
        //   [  D^(1/2)      O ] [ -D^(1/2)  D^(-1/2)*L' ]
        //   [ -L*D^(-1/2)   J ] [  0        J'          ]
            // c -------------------- the end of the loop -----------------------------
            goto L222;

        //time = (time2 - time1);

            /*Prn3lb.prn3lb(n, x, _x_offset, f, task, iprint, info, itfile,
                iter, nfgv, nintol, nskip, nact, sbgnrm, time, nseg, word,
                iback, stp, xstep, k, cachyt, sbtime, lnscht);*/

            //   Save local variables.
            lsave[(1 - (1)) + _lsave_offset] = prjctd;
            lsave[(2 - (1)) + _lsave_offset] = cnstnd;
            lsave[(3 - (1)) + _lsave_offset] = boxed;
            lsave[(4 - (1)) + _lsave_offset] = updatd;
            isave[(1 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nintol;
            isave[(3 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = itfile;
            isave[(4 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = iback;
            isave[(5 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nskip;
            isave[(6 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = head;
            isave[(7 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = col;
            isave[(8 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = itail;
            isave[(9 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = iter;
            isave[(10 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = iupdat;
            isave[(12 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nseg;
            isave[(13 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nfgv;
            isave[(14 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = info;
            isave[(15 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = ifun;
            isave[(16 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = iword;
            isave[(17 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nfree;
            isave[(18 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nact;
            isave[(19 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = ileave;
            isave[(20 - (1)) + _isave_offset] = nenter;
            dsave[(1 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = theta;
            dsave[(2 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = fold;
            dsave[(3 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = tol;
            dsave[(4 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = dnorm;
            dsave[(5 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = epsmch;
            dsave[(6 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = cpu1;
            dsave[(7 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = cachyt;
            dsave[(8 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = sbtime;
            dsave[(9 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = lnscht;
            dsave[(10 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = time1;
            dsave[(11 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = gd;
            dsave[(12 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = stpmx;
            dsave[(13 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = sbgnrm;
            dsave[(14 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = stp;
            dsave[(15 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = gdold;
            dsave[(16 - (1)) + _dsave_offset] = dtd;
