ARCed.Scintilla.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.Configure C# (CSharp) Method

Configure() private method

private Configure ( List configList ) : void
configList List
return void
        internal void Configure(List<Configuration> configList)
            //	So here is the general pattern: We go through each of
            //	the configurations in the list (which has been ordered
            //	by terrain). If the configuration has a value we're
            //	looking for it overwrites whatever was before it.
            //	In the _end if the value isn't null, we set the
            //	corresponding Scintilla Value to this.
            bool? b = null;
            int? i = null;
            Color co = Color.Empty;
            char? ch = null;
            string s = null;

            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_AutoHide.HasValue)
                    b = c.AutoComplete_AutoHide;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.AutoHide = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_AutomaticLengthEntered.HasValue)
                    b = c.AutoComplete_AutomaticLengthEntered;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.AutomaticLengthEntered = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_CancelAtStart.HasValue)
                    b = c.AutoComplete_CancelAtStart;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.CancelAtStart = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_DropRestOfWord.HasValue)
                    b = c.AutoComplete_DropRestOfWord;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.DropRestOfWord = b.Value;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_FillUpCharacters != null)
                    s = c.AutoComplete_FillUpCharacters;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.FillUpCharacters = s;

            ch = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_ImageSeperator != null)
                    ch = c.AutoComplete_ImageSeperator;
            if (ch != null)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.ImageSeparator = ch.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_IsCaseSensitive.HasValue)
                    b = c.AutoComplete_IsCaseSensitive;

            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.IsCaseSensitive = b.Value;

            ch = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_ListSeperator.HasValue)
                    ch = c.AutoComplete_ListSeperator;

            if (ch.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.ListSeparator = ch.Value;

            string seperator = Scintilla.AutoComplete.ListSeparator.ToString();
            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                //	Lists tend to have an extra config property of "inherits".
                //	It this flag set to false, the list is cleared before setting
                //	the current config's list. Otherwise the current config adds
                //	to the previous configs'.
                if (c.AutoComplete_List != null)
                    if (!(c.AutoComplete_ListInherits.HasValue && !c.AutoComplete_ListInherits.Value) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                        s = c.AutoComplete_List;
                        s += seperator + c.AutoComplete_List;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.ListString = s;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_MaxHeight.HasValue)
                    i = c.AutoComplete_MaxHeight;

            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.MaxHeight = i.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_MaxWidth.HasValue)
                    i = c.AutoComplete_MaxWidth;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.MaxWidth = i.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_SingleLineAccept.HasValue)
                    b = c.AutoComplete_SingleLineAccept;

            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.SingleLineAccept = b.Value;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.AutoComplete_StopCharacters != null)
                    s = c.AutoComplete_StopCharacters;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.AutoComplete.StopCharacters = s;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.CallTip_BackColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.CallTip_BackColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.CallTip.BackColor = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.CallTip_ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.CallTip_ForeColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.CallTip.ForeColor = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.CallTip_HighlightTextColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.CallTip_HighlightTextColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.CallTip.HighlightTextColor = co;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_BlinkRate.HasValue)
                    i = c.Caret_BlinkRate;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Caret.BlinkRate = i.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_Color != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Caret_Color;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Caret.Color = co;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_CurrentLineBackgroundAlpha.HasValue)
                    i = c.Caret_CurrentLineBackgroundAlpha;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Caret.CurrentLineBackgroundAlpha = i.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_CurrentLineBackgroundColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Caret_CurrentLineBackgroundColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Caret.CurrentLineBackgroundColor = co;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_HighlightCurrentLine.HasValue)
                    b = c.Caret_HighlightCurrentLine;

            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Caret.HighlightCurrentLine = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_IsSticky.HasValue)
                    b = c.Caret_IsSticky;

            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Caret.IsSticky = b.Value;

            CaretStyle? caretStyle = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_Style.HasValue)
                    caretStyle = c.Caret_Style;
            if (caretStyle.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Caret.Style = caretStyle.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Caret_Width.HasValue)
                    i = c.Caret_Width;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Caret.Width = i.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Clipboard_ConvertLineBreaksOnPaste.HasValue)
                    b = c.Clipboard_ConvertLineBreaksOnPaste;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Clipboard.ConvertLineBreaksOnPaste = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Commands_KeyBindingList.AllowDuplicateBindings.HasValue)
                    b = c.Commands_KeyBindingList.AllowDuplicateBindings;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Commands.AllowDuplicateBindings = b.Value;

            if (this._clearKeyBindings)

            var cbcl = new CommandBindingConfigList();
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Commands_KeyBindingList.Inherit.HasValue && !c.Commands_KeyBindingList.Inherit.Value)

                foreach (CommandBindingConfig cbc in c.Commands_KeyBindingList)

            foreach (CommandBindingConfig cbc in cbcl)
                //	This indicates that we should clear out any
                //	existing commands bound to this key combination
                if (cbc.ReplaceCurrent.HasValue && cbc.ReplaceCurrent.Value)
                    Scintilla.Commands.RemoveBinding(cbc.KeyBinding.KeyCode, cbc.KeyBinding.Modifiers);

                Scintilla.Commands.AddBinding(cbc.KeyBinding.KeyCode, cbc.KeyBinding.Modifiers, cbc.BindableCommand);

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.DropMarkers_SharedStackName != null)
                    s = c.DropMarkers_SharedStackName;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.DropMarkers.SharedStackName = s;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.EndOfLine_IsVisisble.HasValue)
                    b = c.EndOfLine_IsVisisble;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.EndOfLine.IsVisible = b.Value;

            EndOfLineMode? endOfLineMode = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.EndOfLine_Mode.HasValue)
                    endOfLineMode = c.EndOfLine_Mode;
            if (endOfLineMode.HasValue)
                Scintilla.EndOfLine.Mode = endOfLineMode.Value;

            FoldFlag? ff = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Folding_Flags.HasValue)
                    ff = c.Folding_Flags;
            if (ff.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Folding.Flags = ff.Value;

            // FoldMarkerScheme moved to Markers section
            // becuase Markers need to come first as the
            // FoldMarkerScheme really just manipulates
            // Markers.

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Folding_IsEnabled.HasValue)
                    b = c.Folding_IsEnabled;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Folding.IsEnabled = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Folding_UseCompactFolding.HasValue)
                    b = c.Folding_UseCompactFolding;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Folding.UseCompactFolding = b.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Hotspot_ActiveBackColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Hotspot_ActiveBackColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.HotspotStyle.ActiveBackColor = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Hotspot_ActiveForeColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Hotspot_ActiveForeColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.HotspotStyle.ActiveForeColor = co;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Hotspot_ActiveUnderline.HasValue)
                    b = c.Hotspot_ActiveUnderline;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.HotspotStyle.ActiveUnderline = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Hotspot_SingleLine.HasValue)
                    b = c.Hotspot_SingleLine;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.HotspotStyle.SingleLine = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Hotspot_UseActiveBackColor.HasValue)
                    b = c.Hotspot_UseActiveBackColor;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.HotspotStyle.UseActiveBackColor = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Hotspot_UseActiveForeColor.HasValue)
                    b = c.Hotspot_UseActiveForeColor;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.HotspotStyle.UseActiveForeColor = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_BackspaceUnindents.HasValue)
                    b = c.Indentation_BackspaceUnindents;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.BackspaceUnindents = b.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_IndentWidth.HasValue)
                    i = c.Indentation_IndentWidth;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.IndentWidth = i.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_ShowGuides.HasValue)
                    b = c.Indentation_ShowGuides;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.ShowGuides = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_TabIndents.HasValue)
                    b = c.Indentation_TabIndents;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.TabIndents = b.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_TabWidth.HasValue)
                    i = c.Indentation_TabWidth;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.TabWidth = i.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_UseTabs.HasValue)
                    b = c.Indentation_UseTabs;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.UseTabs = b.Value;

            SmartIndent? si = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indentation_SmartIndentType.HasValue)
                    si = c.Indentation_SmartIndentType;
            if (si.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Indentation.SmartIndentType = si.Value;

            if (this._clearIndicators)

            var resolvedIndicators = new IndicatorConfigList();
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Indicator_List.Inherit.HasValue && !c.Indicator_List.Inherit.Value)

                foreach (IndicatorConfig ic in c.Indicator_List)
                    if (!resolvedIndicators.Contains(ic.Number) || !(ic.Inherit.HasValue && ic.Inherit.Value))
                        IndicatorConfig rc = resolvedIndicators[ic.Number];
                        if (ic.Color != Color.Empty)
                            rc.Color = ic.Color;

                        if (ic.Style.HasValue)
                            rc.Style = ic.Style;

                        if (ic.IsDrawnUnder.HasValue)
                            rc.IsDrawnUnder = ic.IsDrawnUnder;

            foreach (IndicatorConfig ic in resolvedIndicators)
                Indicator ind = Scintilla.Indicators[ic.Number];
                if (ic.Color != Color.Empty)
                    ind.Color = ic.Color;

                if (ic.IsDrawnUnder.HasValue)
                    ind.IsDrawnUnder = ic.IsDrawnUnder.Value;

                if (ic.Style.HasValue)
                    ind.Style = ic.Style.Value;

            //	Hrm... unfortunately there's no way to clear
            //	Scintilla's Lexing Properties. Guess we'll just
            //	have to live with adding to the existing list
            //	and/or just overriding with new values. This
            //	means that the "Inherit" attribute is really
            //	meaningless. Nevertheless I'm leaving it in
            //	just in case it ever becomes useful.
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in c.Lexing_Properties)
                    Scintilla.Lexing.SetProperty(item.Key, item.Value);

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Lexing_WhitespaceChars != null)
                    s = c.Lexing_WhitespaceChars;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.Lexing.WhitespaceChars = s;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Lexing_WordChars != null)
                    s = c.Lexing_WordChars;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.Lexing.WordChars = s;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Lexing_LineCommentPrefix != null)
                    s = c.Lexing_LineCommentPrefix;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.Lexing.LineCommentPrefix = s;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Lexing_StreamCommentPrefix != null)
                    s = c.Lexing_StreamCommentPrefix;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.Lexing.StreamCommentPrefix = s;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Lexing_StreamCommentSuffix != null)
                    s = c.Lexing_StreamCommentSuffix;
            if (s != null)
                Scintilla.Lexing.StreamCommentSufix = s;

            s = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Lexing_Language != null)
                    s = c.Lexing_Language;

            if (s == null)
                //	None of the configs specified a lexer. First let's see if
                //	we have a Language-Lexer map defined:
                if (Scintilla.Lexing.LexerLanguageMap.ContainsKey(this._language))
                    s = Scintilla.Lexing.LexerLanguageMap[this._language];
                        Enum.Parse(typeof(Lexer), this._language, true);

                        //	If we made it here, the language matches one of
                        //	the lexer names, just use that.
                        s = this._language;
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        //	No match, oh well. Don't set the lexer.
            Scintilla.Lexing.LexerName = s;

            // Issue 32402: After some experimentation I found that keywords
            // must be set AFTER the lexer is set.
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                foreach (KeyWordConfig kwc in c.Lexing_Keywords)
                    if (kwc.Inherit.HasValue && kwc.Inherit.Value)
                        Scintilla.Lexing.Keywords[kwc.List] += kwc.Value;
                        Scintilla.Lexing.Keywords[kwc.List] = kwc.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LineWrapping_IndentSize.HasValue)
                    i = c.LineWrapping_IndentSize;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LineWrapping.IndentSize = i.Value;

            LineWrappingIndentMode? lwim = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LineWrapping_IndentMode.HasValue)
                    lwim = c.LineWrapping_IndentMode;
            if (lwim.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LineWrapping.IndentMode = lwim.Value;

            LineWrappingMode? lwm = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LineWrapping_Mode.HasValue)
                    lwm = c.LineWrapping_Mode;
            if (lwm.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LineWrapping.Mode = lwm.Value;

            LineWrappingVisualFlags? lwvf = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LineWrapping_VisualFlags.HasValue)
                    lwvf = c.LineWrapping_VisualFlags;
            if (lwvf.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LineWrapping.VisualFlags = lwvf.Value;

            LineWrappingVisualFlagsLocations? lwvfl = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LineWrapping_VisualFlagsLocations.HasValue)
                    lwvfl = c.LineWrapping_VisualFlagsLocations;
            if (lwvfl.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LineWrapping.VisualFlagsLocations = lwvfl.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LongLines_EdgeColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.LongLines_EdgeColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.LongLines.EdgeColor = co;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LongLines_EdgeColumn.HasValue)
                    i = c.LongLines_EdgeColumn;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LongLines.EdgeColumn = i.Value;

            EdgeMode? em = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.LongLines_EdgeMode.HasValue)
                    em = c.LongLines_EdgeMode;

            if (em.HasValue)
                Scintilla.LongLines.EdgeMode = em.Value;

            if (this._clearMargins)

            var margins = new Dictionary<int, MarginConfig>();
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Margin_List.Inherit.HasValue && !c.Margin_List.Inherit.Value)

                foreach (MarginConfig mc in c.Margin_List)

                    if (!margins.ContainsKey(mc.Number) || (mc.Inherit.HasValue && !mc.Inherit.Value))
                        margins.Add(mc.Number, mc);
                        MarginConfig m = margins[mc.Number];

                        if (mc.AutoToggleMarkerNumber.HasValue)
                            m.AutoToggleMarkerNumber = mc.AutoToggleMarkerNumber.Value;

                        if (mc.IsClickable.HasValue)
                            m.IsClickable = mc.IsClickable.Value;

                        if (mc.IsFoldMargin.HasValue)
                            m.IsFoldMargin = mc.IsFoldMargin.Value;

                        if (mc.IsMarkerMargin.HasValue)
                            m.IsMarkerMargin = mc.IsMarkerMargin.Value;

                        if (mc.Type.HasValue)
                            m.Type = mc.Type.Value;

                        if (mc.Width.HasValue)
                            m.Width = mc.Width.Value;

            foreach (MarginConfig mc in margins.Values)
                Margin m = Scintilla.Margins[mc.Number];

                if (mc.AutoToggleMarkerNumber.HasValue)
                    m.AutoToggleMarkerNumber = mc.AutoToggleMarkerNumber.Value;

                if (mc.IsClickable.HasValue)
                    m.IsClickable = mc.IsClickable.Value;

                if (mc.IsFoldMargin.HasValue)
                    m.IsFoldMargin = mc.IsFoldMargin.Value;

                if (mc.IsMarkerMargin.HasValue)
                    m.IsMarkerMargin = mc.IsMarkerMargin.Value;

                if (mc.Type.HasValue)
                    m.Type = mc.Type.Value;

                if (mc.Width.HasValue)
                    m.Width = mc.Width.Value;

            if (this._clearMarkers)

            var resolvedMarkers = new MarkersConfigList();
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Markers_List.Inherit.HasValue && !c.Markers_List.Inherit.Value)

                foreach (MarkersConfig mc in c.Markers_List)
                    if (!resolvedMarkers.Contains(mc.Number.Value) || (mc.Inherit.HasValue && !mc.Inherit.Value))
                        if (!mc.Number.HasValue)
                            mc.Number = (int)(MarkerOutline)Enum.Parse(typeof(MarkerOutline), mc.Name, true);

                        MarkersConfig m = resolvedMarkers[mc.Number.Value];
                        if (mc.Alpha.HasValue)
                            m.Alpha = mc.Alpha;

                        if (mc.BackColor != Color.Empty)
                            m.BackColor = mc.BackColor;

                        if (mc.ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                            m.ForeColor = mc.ForeColor;

                        if (mc.Symbol.HasValue)
                            m.Symbol = mc.Symbol;

            foreach (MarkersConfig mc in resolvedMarkers)
                Marker m = Scintilla.Markers[mc.Number.Value];

                if (mc.Alpha.HasValue)
                    m.Alpha = mc.Alpha.Value;

                if (mc.BackColor != Color.Empty)
                    m.BackColor = mc.BackColor;

                if (mc.ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                    m.ForeColor = mc.ForeColor;

                if (mc.Symbol.HasValue)
                    m.Symbol = mc.Symbol.Value;

            FoldMarkerScheme? fms = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Folding_MarkerScheme.HasValue)
                    fms = c.Folding_MarkerScheme;
            if (fms.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Folding.MarkerScheme = fms.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Scrolling_EndAtLastLine.HasValue)
                    b = c.Scrolling_EndAtLastLine;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Scrolling.EndAtLastLine = b.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Scrolling_HorizontalWidth.HasValue)
                    i = c.Scrolling_HorizontalWidth;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Scrolling.HorizontalWidth = i.Value;

            ScrollBars? sb = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Scrolling_ScrollBars.HasValue)
                    sb = c.Scrolling_ScrollBars;
            if (sb.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Scrolling.ScrollBars = sb.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Scrolling_XOffset.HasValue)
                    i = c.Scrolling_XOffset;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Scrolling.XOffset = i.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_BackColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Selection_BackColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Selection.BackColor = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_BackColorUnfocused != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Selection_BackColorUnfocused;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Selection.BackColorUnfocused = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Selection_ForeColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Selection.ForeColor = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_ForeColorUnfocused != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Selection_ForeColorUnfocused;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Selection.ForeColorUnfocused = co;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_Hidden.HasValue)
                    b = c.Selection_Hidden;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Selection.Hidden = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_HideSelection.HasValue)
                    b = c.Selection_HideSelection;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Selection.HideSelection = b.Value;

            SelectionMode? selectionMode = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Selection_Mode.HasValue)
                    selectionMode = c.Selection_Mode;
            if (selectionMode.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Selection.Mode = selectionMode.Value;

            if (this._clearSnippets)

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.IsEnabled.HasValue)
                    b = c.SnippetsConfigList.IsEnabled;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.IsEnabled = b.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.IsOneKeySelectionEmbedEnabled.HasValue)
                    b = c.SnippetsConfigList.IsOneKeySelectionEmbedEnabled;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.IsOneKeySelectionEmbedEnabled = b.Value;

            char? defaultDelimeter = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.DefaultDelimeter.HasValue)
                    defaultDelimeter = c.SnippetsConfigList.DefaultDelimeter;

            if (!ch.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.DefaultDelimeter = '$';

            var snips = new SnippetList(null);
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.Inherit.HasValue && !c.SnippetsConfigList.Inherit.Value)

                foreach (SnippetsConfig sc in c.SnippetsConfigList)
                    if (snips.Contains(sc.Shortcut))

                    Snippet snip;
                    if (sc.Delimeter.HasValue)
                        snip = snips.Add(sc.Shortcut, sc.Code, sc.Delimeter.Value);
                        snip = snips.Add(sc.Shortcut, sc.Code, Scintilla.Snippets.DefaultDelimeter);

                    if (sc.IsSurroundsWith.HasValue)
                        snip.IsSurroundsWith = sc.IsSurroundsWith.Value;

            SnippetList sl = Scintilla.Snippets.List;
            foreach (Snippet sc in snips)
                if (sl.Contains(sc.Shortcut))

                sl.Add(sc.Shortcut, sc.Code, Scintilla.Snippets.DefaultDelimeter, sc.IsSurroundsWith);


            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetColor;
            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Snippets.ActiveSnippetColor = co;

            IndicatorStyle? indicatorStyle = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetIndicatorStyle.HasValue)
                    indicatorStyle = c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetIndicatorStyle;
            if (indicatorStyle.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.ActiveSnippetIndicatorStyle = indicatorStyle.Value;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetIndicator.HasValue)
                    i = c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetIndicator;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.ActiveSnippetIndicator = i.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.InactiveSnippetColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.SnippetsConfigList.InactiveSnippetColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Snippets.InactiveSnippetColor = co;

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.InactiveSnippetIndicator.HasValue)
                    i = c.SnippetsConfigList.InactiveSnippetIndicator;
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.InactiveSnippetIndicator = i.Value;

            IndicatorStyle? ics = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetIndicatorStyle.HasValue)
                    ics = c.SnippetsConfigList.ActiveSnippetIndicatorStyle;
            if (ics.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.ActiveSnippetIndicatorStyle = ics.Value;

            indicatorStyle = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.SnippetsConfigList.InactiveSnippetIndicatorStyle.HasValue)
                    indicatorStyle = c.SnippetsConfigList.InactiveSnippetIndicatorStyle;
            if (indicatorStyle.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Snippets.InactiveSnippetIndicatorStyle = indicatorStyle.Value;

            b = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.UndoRedoIsUndoEnabled.HasValue)
                    b = c.UndoRedoIsUndoEnabled;
            if (b.HasValue)
                Scintilla.UndoRedo.IsUndoEnabled = b.Value;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Whitespace_BackColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Whitespace_BackColor;

            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Whitespace.BackColor = co;

            co = Color.Empty;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Whitespace_ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                    co = c.Whitespace_ForeColor;
            if (co != Color.Empty)
                Scintilla.Whitespace.ForeColor = co;

            WhitespaceMode? wsm = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Whitespace_Mode.HasValue)
                    wsm = c.Whitespace_Mode;
            if (wsm.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Whitespace.Mode = wsm.Value;

            //	OK so we saved the best for last instead of going in
            //	strict lexical order. Styles! This is really the section
            //	that people care about most in the config, and is also
            //	the most complex.
            if (this._clearStyles)

            i = null;
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Styles.Bits.HasValue)
                    i = c.Styles.Bits;

            #pragma warning disable 618
            if (i.HasValue)
                Scintilla.Styles.Bits = i.Value;
            #pragma warning restore 618

            Dictionary<string, int> styleNameMap = Scintilla.Lexing.StyleNameMap;
            var resolvedStyles = new ResolvedStyleList();

            int _unmappedStyleNumber = -1;
            var _unmappedStyleMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach (Configuration c in configList)
                if (c.Styles.Inherit.HasValue && !c.Styles.Inherit.Value)

                foreach (StyleConfig sc in c.Styles)
                    i = sc.Number;

                    if (!i.HasValue)
                        if (!styleNameMap.ContainsKey(sc.Name))
                            if (_unmappedStyleMap.ContainsKey(sc.Name))
                                i = _unmappedStyleMap[sc.Name];
                                sc.Number = i;
                                i = _unmappedStyleNumber--;
                                sc.Number = i;

                                _unmappedStyleMap[sc.Name] = sc.Number.Value;
                            i = styleNameMap[sc.Name];
                            sc.Number = i;

                    StyleConfig baseStyleConfig = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sc.Name) && sc.Name.Contains("."))
                        baseStyleConfig = resolvedStyles.FindByName(sc.Name.Substring(sc.Name.IndexOf(".") + 1));

                    if (!resolvedStyles.ContainsKey(i.Value) || (sc.Inherit.HasValue && !sc.Inherit.Value))
                        resolvedStyles.Add(i.Value, sc);

                    StyleConfig rs = resolvedStyles[i.Value];

                    if (sc.BackColor != Color.Empty)
                        rs.BackColor = sc.BackColor;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.BackColor != Color.Empty)
                        rs.BackColor = baseStyleConfig.BackColor;

                    if (sc.Bold.HasValue)
                        rs.Bold = sc.Bold.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.Bold.HasValue)
                        rs.Bold = baseStyleConfig.Bold.Value;

                    if (sc.Case.HasValue)
                        rs.Case = sc.Case.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.Case.HasValue)
                        rs.Case = baseStyleConfig.Case.Value;

                    if (sc.CharacterSet.HasValue)
                        rs.CharacterSet = sc.CharacterSet.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.CharacterSet.HasValue)
                        rs.CharacterSet = baseStyleConfig.CharacterSet.Value;

                    if (sc.FontName != null)
                        rs.FontName = sc.FontName;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.FontName != null)
                        rs.FontName = baseStyleConfig.FontName;

                    if (sc.ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                        rs.ForeColor = sc.ForeColor;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                        rs.ForeColor = baseStyleConfig.ForeColor;

                    if (sc.IsChangeable.HasValue)
                        rs.IsChangeable = sc.IsChangeable.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.IsChangeable.HasValue)
                        rs.IsChangeable = baseStyleConfig.IsChangeable.Value;

                    if (sc.IsHotspot.HasValue)
                        rs.IsHotspot = sc.IsHotspot.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.IsHotspot.HasValue)
                        rs.IsHotspot = baseStyleConfig.IsHotspot.Value;

                    if (sc.IsSelectionEolFilled.HasValue)
                        rs.IsSelectionEolFilled = sc.IsSelectionEolFilled.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.IsSelectionEolFilled.HasValue)
                        rs.IsSelectionEolFilled = baseStyleConfig.IsSelectionEolFilled.Value;

                    if (sc.IsVisible.HasValue)
                        rs.IsVisible = sc.IsVisible.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.IsVisible.HasValue)
                        rs.IsVisible = baseStyleConfig.IsVisible.Value;

                    if (sc.Italic.HasValue)
                        rs.Italic = sc.Italic.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.Italic.HasValue)
                        rs.Italic = baseStyleConfig.Italic.Value;

                    if (sc.Size.HasValue)
                        rs.Size = sc.Size.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.Size.HasValue)
                        rs.Size = baseStyleConfig.Size.Value;

                    if (sc.Underline.HasValue)
                        rs.Underline = sc.Underline.Value;
                    else if (baseStyleConfig != null && baseStyleConfig.Underline.HasValue)
                        rs.Underline = baseStyleConfig.Underline.Value;

            //	If a Default styles exist we want them at the top of the list because
            //	it needs to be applied first, then StyleClearAll() called so that all
            //	other styles will "inherit" this style. Then the other styles will
            //	override the default with any defined properties.
            var arr = new StyleConfig[resolvedStyles.Count];
            resolvedStyles.Values.CopyTo(arr, 0);
            Array.Sort(arr, delegate(StyleConfig sc1, StyleConfig sc2)
                int v1 = sc1.Number.Value == Constants.STYLE_DEFAULT ? -1 : sc1.Number.Value;
                int v2 = sc2.Number.Value == Constants.STYLE_DEFAULT ? -1 : sc2.Number.Value;

                if (v1 < v2)
                    return -1;
                else if (v2 < v1)
                    return 1;

                return 0;

            foreach (StyleConfig sc in arr)
                if (sc.Number < 0)

                Style style = Scintilla.Styles[sc.Number.Value];

                if (sc.BackColor != Color.Empty)
                    style.BackColor = sc.BackColor;

                if (sc.Bold.HasValue)
                    style.Bold = sc.Bold.Value;

                if (sc.Case.HasValue)
                    style.Case = sc.Case.Value;

                if (sc.CharacterSet.HasValue)
                    style.CharacterSet = sc.CharacterSet.Value;

                if (sc.FontName != null)
                    style.FontName = sc.FontName;

                if (sc.ForeColor != Color.Empty)
                    style.ForeColor = sc.ForeColor;

                if (sc.IsChangeable.HasValue)
                    style.IsChangeable = sc.IsChangeable.Value;

                if (sc.IsHotspot.HasValue)
                    style.IsHotspot = sc.IsHotspot.Value;

                if (sc.IsSelectionEolFilled.HasValue)
                    style.IsSelectionEolFilled = sc.IsSelectionEolFilled.Value;

                if (sc.IsVisible.HasValue)
                    style.IsVisible = sc.IsVisible.Value;

                if (sc.Italic.HasValue)
                    style.Italic = sc.Italic.Value;

                if (sc.Size.HasValue)
                    style.Size = sc.Size.Value;

                if (sc.Underline.HasValue)
                    style.Underline = sc.Underline.Value;

                if (sc.Number == Constants.STYLE_DEFAULT)

Same methods

ConfigurationManager::Configure ( ) : void
ConfigurationManager::Configure ( Configuration config ) : void