SupportClass.Tokenizer.HasMoreTokens C# (CSharp) Method

HasMoreTokens() public method

Determines if there are more tokens to return from the source string
public HasMoreTokens ( ) : bool
return bool
        public bool HasMoreTokens()
            return (this.elements.Count > 0);

Usage Example

        /// <summary> Reads given "property file" and sets system properties accordingly.  In the property file,
        /// there should be one property per line.  A line should consist of 1) the fully qualified property name,
        /// 2) one or more tabs, and 3) the value (everything after the first group of tabs and before any subsequent
        /// groups will be considered "the value").
        /// Lines in the file are consdidered comments if they begin with "%".
        /// </summary>
        public static void  loadProperties(System.String propertyFileName)
            //open stream from given property file
            System.IO.StreamReader in_Renamed = null;
            in_Renamed = new System.IO.StreamReader(new System.IO.StreamReader(propertyFileName, System.Text.Encoding.Default).BaseStream, new System.IO.StreamReader(propertyFileName, System.Text.Encoding.Default).CurrentEncoding);

            System.String          line, key, value_Renamed, delim = "\t";
            SupportClass.Tokenizer tok;
            while ((line = in_Renamed.ReadLine()) != null)
                //ignore comments
                if (!line.StartsWith("%"))
                    key = null; value_Renamed = null;

                    //get property key and value
                    tok = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(line, delim, false);
                    if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
                        key = tok.NextToken();
                    if (tok.HasMoreTokens())
                        value_Renamed = tok.NextToken();
All Usage Examples Of SupportClass.Tokenizer::HasMoreTokens