Polynomial.Main C# (CSharp) Method

Main() public static method

public static Main ( string args ) : void
args string
return void
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        /* Size of the array of elements to compute the polynomial on */
        const int arraySize = 1024*1024*8;

        /* Allocate arrays of inputs and outputs */
        double[] x = new double[arraySize];
        double[] pYeppp = new double[arraySize];
        double[] pNaive = new double[arraySize];

        /* Populate the array of inputs with random data */
        Random rng = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++) {
            x[i] = rng.NextDouble();

        /* Zero-initialize the output arrays */
        Array.Clear(pYeppp, 0, pYeppp.Length);
        Array.Clear(pNaive, 0, pYeppp.Length);

        /* Retrieve the number of timer ticks per second */
        ulong frequency = Yeppp.Library.GetTimerFrequency();

        /* Retrieve the number of timer ticks before calling the C version of polynomial evaluation */
        ulong startTimeNaive = Yeppp.Library.GetTimerTicks();

        /* Evaluate polynomial using C# implementation */
        EvaluatePolynomialNaive(x, pNaive);

        /* Retrieve the number of timer ticks after calling the C version of polynomial evaluation */
        ulong endTimeNaive = Yeppp.Library.GetTimerTicks();

        /* Retrieve the number of timer ticks before calling Yeppp! polynomial evaluation */
        ulong startTimeYeppp = Yeppp.Library.GetTimerTicks();

        /* Evaluate polynomial using Yeppp! */
        Yeppp.Math.EvaluatePolynomial_V64fV64f_V64f(coefs, 0, x, 0, pYeppp, 0, coefs.Length, x.Length);

        /* Retrieve the number of timer ticks after calling Yeppp! polynomial evaluation */
        ulong endTimeYeppp = Yeppp.Library.GetTimerTicks();

        /* Compute time in seconds and performance in FLOPS */
        double secsNaive = ((double)(endTimeNaive - startTimeNaive)) / ((double)(frequency));
        double secsYeppp = ((double)(endTimeYeppp - startTimeYeppp)) / ((double)(frequency));
        double flopsNaive = (double)(arraySize * (coefs.Length - 1) * 2) / secsNaive;
        double flopsYeppp = (double)(arraySize * (coefs.Length - 1) * 2) / secsYeppp;

        /* Report the timing and performance results */
        Console.WriteLine("Naive implementation:");
        Console.WriteLine("\tTime = {0:F2} secs", secsNaive);
        Console.WriteLine("\tPerformance = {0:F2} GFLOPS", flopsNaive * 1.0e-9);
        Console.WriteLine("Yeppp! implementation:");
        Console.WriteLine("\tTime = {0:F2} secs", secsYeppp);
        Console.WriteLine("\tPerformance = {0:F2} GFLOPS", flopsYeppp * 1.0e-9);

        /* Make sure the result is correct. */
        Console.WriteLine("Max difference: {0:F3}%", ComputeMaxDifference(pNaive, pYeppp) * 100.0f);