UnityEngine.GUILayoutUtility.GetRect C# (CSharp) 메소드

GetRect() 공개 정적인 메소드

Reserve layout space for a rectangle with a fixed content area.

public static GetRect ( float width, float height, GUIStyle style ) : Rect
width float The width of the area you want.
height float The height of the area you want.
style GUIStyle An optional GUIStyle to layout for. If specified, the style's padding value will be added to your sizes & its margin value will be used for spacing.
리턴 Rect
        public static Rect GetRect(float width, float height, GUIStyle style)
            return DoGetRect(width, width, height, height, style, null);

Same methods

GUILayoutUtility::GetRect ( GUIContent content, GUIStyle style ) : Rect
GUILayoutUtility::GetRect ( float width, float height ) : Rect
GUILayoutUtility::GetRect ( float minWidth, float maxWidth, float minHeight, float maxHeight ) : Rect
GUILayoutUtility::GetRect ( float minWidth, float maxWidth, float minHeight, float maxHeight, GUIStyle style ) : Rect