System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.FindMatchingElement C# (CSharp) 메소드

FindMatchingElement() 개인적인 메소드

Verifies that the current element has its corresponding element in the sequence and order is the same. If the order is not the same, it changes the particle from Sequence to Sequence with Choice. If there is more elements of the same kind in the sequence, sets maxOccurs to unbounded
private FindMatchingElement ( bool bCreatingNewType, XmlReader xtr, XmlSchemaComplexType ct, int &lastUsedSeqItem, bool &bParticleChanged, XmlSchema parentSchema, bool setMaxoccurs ) : XmlSchemaElement
bCreatingNewType bool True if this is a new type. This is important for setting minOccurs=0 for elements that did not exist in a particle.
xtr XmlReader text reader positioned to the current element
ct XmlSchemaComplexType complex type with Sequence or Choice Particle
lastUsedSeqItem int ordinal number in the sequence to indicate current sequence position
bParticleChanged bool This indicates to the caller if Sequence was changed to Choice
parentSchema XmlSchema
setMaxoccurs bool
리턴 XmlSchemaElement
            internal XmlSchemaElement FindMatchingElement(bool bCreatingNewType, XmlReader xtr,XmlSchemaComplexType ct, ref int lastUsedSeqItem, ref bool bParticleChanged, XmlSchema parentSchema, bool setMaxoccurs)
                if (xtr.NamespaceURI == XmlSchema.Namespace)
                    throw new XmlSchemaInferenceException(Res.SchInf_schema, 0, 0);

                bool bItemNotUsedYet = ((lastUsedSeqItem == -1)? true: false);
                XmlSchemaObjectCollection minOccursCandidates = new XmlSchemaObjectCollection(); //elements that are skipped in the sequence and need minOccurs modified.
                if (ct.Particle.GetType() == typeof (XmlSchemaSequence))
                    string childURI = xtr.NamespaceURI;
                    if (childURI.Length == 0) 
                        childURI = null;
                    XmlSchemaSequence xss = (XmlSchemaSequence) ct.Particle;
                    if (xss.Items.Count < 1 && !bCreatingNewType) 
                        lastUsedSeqItem = 0;
                        XmlSchemaElement e = AddElement(xtr.LocalName, xtr.Prefix, xtr.NamespaceURI, parentSchema, xss.Items,-1);
                        e.MinOccurs = 0;
                        return e;
                    if (xss.Items[0].GetType() == typeof (XmlSchemaChoice))
                    {   // <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"><choice><element>...</choice></sequence>
                        XmlSchemaChoice xsch = (XmlSchemaChoice) xss.Items[0];
                        foreach(XmlSchemaParticle particle in xsch.Items)
                            XmlSchemaElement el = particle as XmlSchemaElement;
                            if (el == null) 
                                throw new XmlSchemaInferenceException(Res.SchInf_UnknownParticle, 0, 0);
                            if ((el.Name == xtr.LocalName) &&( parentSchema.TargetNamespace == childURI))
                            {   // element is in the same namespace
                                InferElement(el, false, parentSchema);
                                SetMinMaxOccurs(el, setMaxoccurs);
                                return el;
                            else if ((el.RefName.Name == xtr.LocalName) && (el.RefName.Namespace == xtr.NamespaceURI))
                                XmlSchemaElement referencedElement = FindGlobalElement(childURI, xtr.LocalName, out parentSchema);
                                InferElement(referencedElement, false, parentSchema);
                                SetMinMaxOccurs(el, setMaxoccurs);
                                return referencedElement;
                        XmlSchemaElement subElement = AddElement(xtr.LocalName, xtr.Prefix, xtr.NamespaceURI, parentSchema, xsch.Items,-1);
                        return subElement;
                    {   //this should be sequence of elements
                        int iSeqItem = 0;   //iterator through schema sequence items
                        if (lastUsedSeqItem >= 0)
                            iSeqItem = lastUsedSeqItem;
                        XmlSchemaParticle particle = xss.Items[iSeqItem] as XmlSchemaParticle;
                        XmlSchemaElement el = particle as XmlSchemaElement;
                        if (el == null)
                            throw new XmlSchemaInferenceException(Res.SchInf_UnknownParticle, 0, 0);
                        if (el.Name == xtr.LocalName && parentSchema.TargetNamespace == childURI)
                            if (!bItemNotUsedYet)   //read: if item was already used one or more times
                                el.MaxOccurs = decimal.MaxValue;    //set it to unbounded
                            lastUsedSeqItem = iSeqItem;
                            InferElement(el, false, parentSchema);
                            SetMinMaxOccurs(el, false);
                            return el;
                        else if (el.RefName.Name == xtr.LocalName && el.RefName.Namespace == xtr.NamespaceURI)
                            if (!bItemNotUsedYet)   //read: if item was already used one or more times
                                el.MaxOccurs = decimal.MaxValue;    //set it to unbounded
                            lastUsedSeqItem = iSeqItem;
                            XmlSchemaElement referencedElement = FindGlobalElement(childURI, xtr.LocalName, out parentSchema);
                            InferElement(referencedElement, false, parentSchema);
                            SetMinMaxOccurs(el, false);
                            return el;
                        if (bItemNotUsedYet && el.MinOccurs!=decimal.Zero)
                        while (iSeqItem < xss.Items.Count)
                            particle = xss.Items[iSeqItem] as XmlSchemaParticle;
                            el = particle as XmlSchemaElement;
                            if (el == null)
                                throw new XmlSchemaInferenceException(Res.SchInf_UnknownParticle, 0, 0);
                            if (el.Name == xtr.LocalName && parentSchema.TargetNamespace == childURI)
                                lastUsedSeqItem = iSeqItem;
                                foreach (XmlSchemaElement minOccursElement in minOccursCandidates)
                                    minOccursElement.MinOccurs = decimal.Zero;
                                InferElement(el, false, parentSchema);
                                SetMinMaxOccurs(el, setMaxoccurs);
                                return el;
                            else if (el.RefName.Name == xtr.LocalName && el.RefName.Namespace == xtr.NamespaceURI)
                                lastUsedSeqItem = iSeqItem;
                                foreach (XmlSchemaElement minOccursElement in minOccursCandidates)
                                    minOccursElement.MinOccurs = decimal.Zero;
                                XmlSchemaElement referencedElement = FindGlobalElement(childURI, xtr.LocalName, out parentSchema);
                                InferElement(referencedElement, false, parentSchema);
                                SetMinMaxOccurs(el, setMaxoccurs);
                                return referencedElement;


                        //element not found in the sequence order, if it is found out of order change Sequence of elements to Sequence of Choices otherwise insert into sequence as optional
                        XmlSchemaElement subElement = null;
                        XmlSchemaElement actualElement = null;
                        if (parentSchema.TargetNamespace == childURI) 
                            subElement = FindElement(xss.Items, xtr.LocalName);
                            actualElement = subElement;
                            subElement = FindElementRef(xss.Items, xtr.LocalName, xtr.NamespaceURI);
                            if (subElement != null) 
                                actualElement = FindGlobalElement(childURI, xtr.LocalName, out parentSchema);
                        if (null != subElement) 
                            XmlSchemaChoice xsc = new XmlSchemaChoice();
                            xsc.MaxOccurs = decimal.MaxValue;
                            SetMinMaxOccurs(subElement, setMaxoccurs);
                            InferElement(actualElement, false, parentSchema);
                            foreach(XmlSchemaElement copyElement in xss.Items)
                            return subElement;
                            subElement = AddElement(xtr.LocalName, xtr.Prefix, xtr.NamespaceURI, parentSchema, xss.Items, ++lastUsedSeqItem);
                            if (!bCreatingNewType)
                                subElement.MinOccurs = decimal.Zero;
                            return subElement;
                    throw new XmlSchemaInferenceException(Res.SchInf_noseq, 0, 0);
            internal void ProcessAttributes(ref XmlSchemaElement xse, XmlSchemaType effectiveSchemaType, bool bCreatingNewType, XmlSchema parentSchema)