System.Text.Encoding.GetByteCount C# (CSharp) 메소드

GetByteCount() 공개 메소드

public GetByteCount ( char chars ) : int
chars char
리턴 int
        public virtual int GetByteCount(char[] chars)
            if (chars == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("chars",

            return GetByteCount(chars, 0, chars.Length);

Same methods

Encoding::GetByteCount ( String s ) : int
Encoding::GetByteCount ( char chars, int count ) : int
Encoding::GetByteCount ( char chars, int count, EncoderNLS encoder ) : int
Encoding::GetByteCount ( char chars, int index, int count ) : int

Usage Example

예제 #1
        public void WriteToStream(Stream outputStream, Encoding encoding)

            // message length =
            // Int32 self
            // name of prepared statement + 1 null string terminator +
            // query string + 1 null string terminator
            // + Int16
            // + Int32 * number of parameters.
            Int32 messageLength = 4 + encoding.GetByteCount(_prepareName) + 1 + encoding.GetByteCount(_queryString) + 1 + 2 + (_parameterIDs.Length * 4);
            //Int32 messageLength = 4 + _prepareName.Length + 1 + _queryString.Length + 1 + 2 + (_parameterIDs.Length * 4);

            PGUtil.WriteInt32(outputStream, messageLength);
            PGUtil.WriteString(_prepareName, outputStream, encoding);
            PGUtil.WriteString(_queryString, outputStream, encoding);
            PGUtil.WriteInt16(outputStream, (Int16)_parameterIDs.Length);

            for(Int32 i = 0; i < _parameterIDs.Length; i++)
                PGUtil.WriteInt32(outputStream, _parameterIDs[i]);

All Usage Examples Of System.Text.Encoding::GetByteCount