System.IO.FileStream.WriteInternalCoreAsync C# (CSharp) 메소드

WriteInternalCoreAsync() 개인적인 메소드

private WriteInternalCoreAsync ( byte bytes, int offset, int numBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken ) : Task
bytes byte
offset int
numBytes int
cancellationToken CancellationToken
리턴 Task
        private unsafe Task WriteInternalCoreAsync(byte[] bytes, int offset, int numBytes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Debug.Assert(!_fileHandle.IsClosed, "!_handle.IsClosed");
            Debug.Assert(CanWrite, "_parent.CanWrite");
            Debug.Assert(bytes != null, "bytes != null");
            Debug.Assert(_readPos == _readLength, "_readPos == _readLen");
            Debug.Assert(_useAsyncIO, "WriteInternalCoreAsync doesn't work on synchronous file streams!");
            Debug.Assert(offset >= 0, "offset is negative");
            Debug.Assert(numBytes >= 0, "numBytes is negative");

            // Create and store async stream class library specific data in the async result
            FileStreamCompletionSource completionSource = new FileStreamCompletionSource(this, 0, bytes, cancellationToken);
            NativeOverlapped* intOverlapped = completionSource.Overlapped;

            if (CanSeek)
                // Make sure we set the length of the file appropriately.
                long len = Length;
                //Console.WriteLine("WriteInternalCoreAsync - Calculating end pos.  pos: "+pos+"  len: "+len+"  numBytes: "+numBytes);

                // Make sure we are writing to the position that we think we are

                if (_filePosition + numBytes > len)
                    //Console.WriteLine("WriteInternalCoreAsync - Setting length to: "+(pos + numBytes));
                    SetLengthCore(_filePosition + numBytes);

                // Now set the position to read from in the NativeOverlapped struct
                // For pipes, we should leave the offset fields set to 0.
                intOverlapped->OffsetLow = (int)_filePosition;
                intOverlapped->OffsetHigh = (int)(_filePosition >> 32);

                // When using overlapped IO, the OS is not supposed to 
                // touch the file pointer location at all.  We will adjust it 
                // ourselves.  This isn't threadsafe.
                SeekCore(numBytes, SeekOrigin.Current);

            //Console.WriteLine("WriteInternalCoreAsync finishing.  pos: "+pos+"  numBytes: "+numBytes+"  _pos: "+_pos+"  Position: "+Position);

            int errorCode = 0;
            // queue an async WriteFile operation and pass in a packed overlapped
            int r = WriteFileNative(_fileHandle, bytes, offset, numBytes, intOverlapped, out errorCode);

            // WriteFile, the OS version, will return 0 on failure.  But
            // my WriteFileNative wrapper returns -1.  My wrapper will return
            // the following:
            // On error, r==-1.
            // On async requests that are still pending, r==-1 w/ errorCode==ERROR_IO_PENDING
            // On async requests that completed sequentially, r==0
            // You will NEVER RELIABLY be able to get the number of bytes
            // written back from this call when using overlapped IO!  You must
            // not pass in a non-null lpNumBytesWritten to WriteFile when using 
            // overlapped structures!  This is ByDesign NT behavior.
            if (r == -1 && numBytes != -1)
                //Console.WriteLine("WriteFile returned 0;  Write will complete asynchronously (if errorCode==3e5)  errorCode: 0x{0:x}", errorCode);

                // For pipes, when they are closed on the other side, they will come here.
                if (errorCode == ERROR_NO_DATA)
                    // Not an error, but EOF. AsyncFSCallback will NOT be called.
                    // Completing TCS and return cached task allowing the GC to collect TCS.
                    return Task.CompletedTask;
                else if (errorCode != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
                    if (!_fileHandle.IsClosed && CanSeek)  // Update Position - It could be anywhere.
                        SeekCore(0, SeekOrigin.Current);


                    if (errorCode == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
                        throw Error.GetEndOfFile();
                        throw Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode);
                else // ERROR_IO_PENDING
                    // Only once the IO is pending do we register for cancellation
                // Due to a workaround for a race condition in NT's ReadFile & 
                // WriteFile routines, we will always be returning 0 from WriteFileNative
                // when we do async IO instead of the number of bytes written, 
                // irregardless of whether the operation completed 
                // synchronously or asynchronously.  We absolutely must not
                // set asyncResult._numBytes here, since will never have correct
                // results.  
                //Console.WriteLine("WriteFile returned: "+r+" (0x"+Int32.Format(r, "x")+")  The IO completed synchronously, but the user callback was called on another thread.");

            return completionSource.Task;